- 网络Russia;the Russian Empire

Georgia was absorbed into the Russian Empire in the19th century .
Johnson purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire in 1867 .
Collect Russia Imperial and French decorative arts .
Restore the Glory of Imperial Russia !
She had a tough childhood in her native Poland , then under oppressive Russian rule .
In the19th century , the Russian Empire began to expand , and spread into Central Asia .
Although Nicholas II described himself as a man of peace , he favoured an expanded Russian Empire .
A romantic throwback to earlier generations of Cossacks who settled and secured the borders of the Russian empire .
Vladimir Putin has been making all the right moves towards becoming the new Tsar of the new Russian Empire .
Crimean self-defense forces are said to be increasingly aggressive towards Ukrainians that they see as traitors to an expanded Russian empire .
To the south , there are fellow Slavs and Orthodox Christians in the Balkans to be incorporated into a Greater Russian empire .
Tsar Peter the Great ( 1682-1725 ) grafted Western methods of French formal gardens into the Russian " soil " on a huge imperial scale .
Born during the last flowering of Imperial Russia but ending his days as a celebrity in Beverley Hills , Rachmaninov was the greatest pianist of his age and a composer of genius .
I would have wished more attention to the role of culture and religion in the fall of the Russian empire and the rise of Soviet power , given their central places in Russian identity and sense of messianic destiny .
There are instances where I too would like Mr Obama to be more decisive : insisting that the Israeli government live up to its international obligations ; or drawing a sharper line against Moscow 's efforts to reclaim the Russian empire .
In 1853 the Russian Empire fought the allied armies of the Ottoman Empire , France and Great Britain in the short , but brutal Crimean War that claimed the lives of three quarters of a million soldiers and for the first time photographers were able to give people a glimpse of what war was like .
The winery was founded during the days of the Russian empire in order to produce top-quality sparkling wine to compete with popular French Champagnes . Ukraine was the largest supplier of wines to the Soviet Union , but its wine production was hit by Soviet government efforts to reduce alcoholism , which included destruction of many vineyards .
Let 's begin with a small history lesson : Europe has been carved by centuries of blood , famine , plagues , dictatorships , and wars . It 's been conquered and rebuilt repeatedly by the Romans , the Byzantines , the Barbarians , the Saracens , the Ottomans , the Russian empire , and the list continues .
The one-time Russian Imperial capital is one of the world 's most beautiful cities .
The great empire of Russia is even now , in many respects , the scarcely modified image of feudal Europe .
Condemnation of Russian neo-imperialism , though sometimes justified , should always be tempered by awareness that such behaviour is hardly unique among former empires .
At the end of the World War I , which brought the disintegration of the empires of Russia and Austria-Hungary , Bessarabia ( eastern part of today Moldova ) and Transylvania united with the Romanian kingdom in 1918 .
The ruble or rouble ( currency code RUB ) is the currency of the Russian Federation and Belarus ( and formerly , of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire ) .