
  • 网络russian history;Russia history;History of Russia
  1. 可以说,科特金对斯大林的了解不输给任何历史学家:他已经写过一本探究斯大林主义来龙去脉的重要著作,并且多年来一直在普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)教授俄罗斯历史。

    Arguably , Kotkin knows as much about Stalin as any historian : he has already written an important work on Stalinism viewed from the ground up and has taught Russian history at Princeton University for many years .

  2. 如此局势的发展让你联想到早期俄罗斯历史上的什麽状况?

    How might this seem reminiscent of earlier developments in Russian history ?

  3. 曾经的工程师叶利钦成为了俄罗斯历史上首位总统。

    The former engineer was the first Russian president elected by the people .

  4. 应对艰难和谋求生存是俄罗斯历史和俄罗斯民族认同的一部分。

    Coping and survival are part of Russian history and the Russian national identity .

  5. 忍耐和努力:俄罗斯历史1812-1992

    Endurance & Endeavour : Russian History 1812-1992

  6. 俄罗斯历史源自中世纪时期的基辅公国,现代乌克兰分裂成了两部分:亲欧洲的中西部和亲俄罗斯的东部。

    Modern Ukraine is split between a pro-European west and centre , and a more pro-Russian east .

  7. 在这个学期的中世纪俄罗斯历史课之后,你们或许不会对此发展感到惊奇。

    After this semester in medieval Russian history , this development may not be surprising to you .

  8. 因为在俄罗斯历史上,每个人都写日记,所以每个人都需要一张书桌。

    And that 's because in Russian history everybody writes their diary , so everybody needs a desk .

  9. 世界女子职业网球协会从1975年开始用电脑计算选手排位,莎拉波娃是世界上第15位、也是俄罗斯历史上第一位登上女单头号宝座的选手。

    Sharapova is the15th player and the first Russian to be No.1 since the tour began its computer rankings in1975 .

  10. 恐怖、萧条、流放、希望和觉醒构成了20世纪俄罗斯历史的主旋律。

    TERROR , stagnation , exile , hope and disillusion are the fabric of Russian history in the last century .

  11. 叶卡捷琳娜一世成为彼得一世的继任者,虽然她并没有什么政治抱负,但却成为俄罗斯历史上第一位女皇。

    Catherine was his successor and , despite not really having any political ambition , became the first female emperor of Russia .

  12. 在全面关注俄罗斯历史的今天,教会史也许是一个更广阔地了解俄罗斯的新角度。

    Today , when we observe the history of Russia , the history of the Orthodox Church might be a new and broader angle to understand Russia .

  13. 但科特金以近年来西方眼中的俄罗斯历史为基础,强调斯大林时期一些偶然性事件的作用,认为人是其中最重要的因素。

    But Kotkin , building on the recent western historiography of Russia , emphasises the role of accident in Stalin 's times and the primacy of human actors .

  14. 战期间,作家伊万?宁曾指出,俄罗斯历史的“极度反复性”注定了俄罗斯总是在走回头路。

    During the civil war Ivan Bunin , a writer , noted the " extreme repetitiveness " of Russian history ," its fatal peculiarity of always moving forward in circles " .

  15. 通过对俄罗斯历史、文化和宗教这三个维度的深入研究,具体展开分析基于东正教文明的俄罗斯式管理方面。

    On the basis of deep research into history , culture and religion of Russia , analyze the character of Russian Management based on civilization of Orthodox Eastern Church in detail . 3 .

  16. 这家俄罗斯历史最为悠久的动物园于12月18日晚间突然宣布临时关闭,目前园方已经正式拒绝就此举做出解释,而卫生部门的官员则认为这与那两只死鹅有关。

    The zoo , one of Russia 's oldest , officially refused to explain its unscheduled closure on Monday night , but health officials linked it to the discovery of the two dead birds .

  17. 内部性矛盾(国家与社会)和外部性矛盾(国家与世界)的特殊结构是俄罗斯历史形成的政治文明形态及其所处的地缘政治形态的产物。

    The one is internal contradiction ( the state vs the society ), and the other is external contradiction ( the nation vs the world ), which are the outcomes of Russian history and geopolitics .

  18. 因为这个原因,读者仍然希望作者能够提出更多证据,证明斯大林确实是特例,是一种历史的恶意,而不是环境作用下的产物,而这种环境或许已经开始塑造俄罗斯历史的下一章。

    This reader , for one , still hopes for more evidence that Stalin was indeed singular , a historical malignancy , and not a product of circumstances of the kind that might already be shaping the next chapter of Russian history .

  19. 俄罗斯历史似乎也很吸引这位《荒野猎人》的主演,他说道:“俄罗斯历史上很多故事都不比莎士比亚笔下的作品逊色,我觉得非常值得拍成电影。这对演员来说太有吸引力了。”

    It seems that the Russian history surely fascinates The Revenant actor as he said , " I think there should be more films about Russian history because it has many stories worthy of Shakespeare . That is fascinating for an actor . "

  20. 据俄罗斯历史研究所的米哈伊尔·萨福诺夫所说,“甲壳虫狂热冲垮了苏联社会的基础。甲壳虫给我们带来了民主思想。”受到这四人流行风格的启发,青少年用军靴和旧外衣模仿甲壳虫没有衣领的典型装束。

    According to Mikhail Safonov of the Institute of Russian History , " Beatlemania washed away the foundations of Soviet society . The Beatles brought us the idea of democracy . " Inspired by the Fab Four 's fashion sense , teens used army boots and hand-me-down coats to copy the Beatles ' signature collarless look .

  21. 布希抵达俄罗斯展开历史性高峰会议。

    Bush arrives in Russia for historic summit .

  22. 中国和俄罗斯的历史让新生的富裕人士有很好的理由去害怕“混乱”。

    Chinese and Russian history give the newly affluent good reason to fear " chaos " .

  23. 在5月9日的红场纪念活动中,俄罗斯把历史当做宣传武器方面的行径也不太可能有所克制。

    The May 9 commemoration in Red Square is unlikely to show restraint in using history as a propaganda weapon .

  24. 亚细亚生产方式理论,是马克思、恩格斯探索东方社会(古代中国、印度和俄罗斯)历史发展规律而提出的一种假说。

    Asia Production Style ″ is initiated by Marx and Engels following a kind of hypothesis investigating oriental society , mainly , ancient China , India and Russia .

  25. 俄罗斯哥萨克是历史上一个独特的现象。

    Russian Cossack is a unique phenomenon in the history .

  26. 胜利日是俄罗斯联邦辉煌历史的一个顶点。

    Victory Day is an apex of glory to the history of Russian Federation .

  27. 这一特点与俄罗斯法律在历史上渊源于罗马法不无关系。

    This feature is in some way or other related to the historical origin of Russian law in the Roman law .

  28. 20世纪的很长一段时间里,俄罗斯一直是历史上影响最深远的意识形态试验之一的实验场。

    For much of the 20th century , Russia was the laboratory for one of the most far-reaching ideological experiments in history .

  29. 通观俄罗斯园林的历史,地域文化中的宗教性、民族性和文化性十分突出;

    Throughout the history of the Russian landscape , the religious , national and cultural characters in the local culture are quite obvious .

  30. 俄罗斯远东发展历史研究对俄中政策、地理、历史、经济、文化交流有大的帮助,而且对国内外地名学成果的研究和借鉴。

    Study of Russian Far East has a big help to the history of the development of Russia-China policy , geography , history , economy , cultural exchange between countries .