
shǐ yònɡ lǜ
  • Usage rate;rate of utilization
  1. 论AB类医疗设备使用率考核方法

    The assessment of the rate of utilization for AB kinds of medical equipments

  2. 通过在真实环境中,从CPU占用率,内存使用率,系统的吞吐量,丢包率等测评参数对我们系统做完整的测试,再对测评的数据进行分析统计。

    According to the true environment , from CPU occupancy , memory rate of utilization , systematic throughput , packet-drop , test and assess parameter make intact test to our system , and then analyze and count the data tested and assessed .

  3. 汽车的使用率预计会增长。

    Car usage is predicted to increase .

  4. “谢谢”这个词十分重要,使用率也很高。

    The words " thank you " are very important and used very often .

  5. 他们采用了不同浓度的微尘(直径大于等于10微米的颗粒物,简称PM10)和柴油颗粒提取物(从车辆使用率高的地区天然提取)来模拟污染空气。

    They used various concentrations of PM10-like fine dust and diesel5 particulate extract ( found naturally in areas with high use of vehicles ) .

  6. 仅仅监视中央处理器(CentralProcessingUnit,CPU)和内存使用率并不够。

    Simply monitoring central processing unit ( CPU ) and memory utilization is insufficient .

  7. 图形指示器和运行top命令的xtermBoth都指示CPU使用率的问题。

    Both the graphical indicator and the xterm running the top command show a CPU utilization problem .

  8. CPU使用率是通过Domino平台统计数据报告的。

    The CPU utilization numbers are as reported by Domino platform statistics .

  9. 随着Internet及其相关技术的快速发展,在开放的、异构的分布式环境下,出现了大量的分布式应用之间的互操作,通过互操作分布式应用可以共享资源和服务,有效的提高了数据的使用率。

    The rapid development of Internet and related technologies has created tremendous possibilities for the interoperability between applications in open and heterogeneous distributed environment .

  10. 在调查性能问题时,从监视CPU使用率的统计数据入手。

    When investigating a performance problem , start by monitoring the statistics of CPU utilization .

  11. 用处理器与收集间隔的比值表示的CPU使用率的分布情况,该信息有助于识别单线程的进程

    Distribution of CPU utilization by processor over the collection interval & useful in identifying single-threaded processes

  12. 通过分析系统使用率数据和解读Ethernet活动,监控设备利用情况和容量。

    Monitor device utilization and capacity through analysis of system usage data and interpretation of Ethernet activity .

  13. 对于操作系统,这些指标通常是CPU、内存、硬盘和网络使用率。

    For operating systems this is usually CPU , memory , hard disk , and network usage .

  14. 这些在东北地区的打折必将减少成本障碍,增加消费者LED灯具的使用率。

    Rebates from these Northeast Utilities will certainly reduce the cost barriers and increase the adoption rate of LED luminaires by the consumer .

  15. 观察不同场景下的设备指标(CPU、内存和系统使用率)非常有用。

    It is so beneficial to watch the device metrics ( CPU , Memory and System Usage ) under different situations .

  16. CHF合并AF患者阿司匹林使用率为51.6%(227/440),华法林使用率为8.6%(38/440)。

    The usage rate of aspirin was 51.6 % , and warfarin was 8.6 % .

  17. 套接字池引入的目的是为了解决问题的InternetInformationServer(IIS)4.0其中资源使用率很高与多个Web站点使用单独的IP地址。

    Socket pooling was introduced to address problems in Internet Information Server ( IIS ) 4.0 where resource usage was high with many Web sites using individual IP addresses .

  18. 随着智能电话使用率的增长,越来越多的基于Web的应用程序开始提供从移动客户端访问的能力,无论该客户端是浏览器还是原生应用程序。

    With the growth of smart phone use , more and more web-based applications are starting to offer access from a mobile client , whether it is a browser or a native application .

  19. 消息流统计:显示消息吞吐率、CPU使用率和在代理上运行的消息流的实耗时间。

    Message flow statistics : Show message throughput rates , CPU use , and elapsed times of message flows running in the broker .

  20. LTE具有频谱使用率高,技术实现简单等优点,因此也被确认为下一代移动通信技术的主流演进技术。

    Therefore LTE is confirmed as the main evolution technology of next generation mobile communication technology .

  21. 上图是通过简单地把CPU和磁盘使用率指定为线并把每个应用程序的二进制焦点数据指定为点生成的。

    The graph above is generated by specifying the CPU and disk usage as lines and the binary focus data per application as dots only .

  22. 这一问题的典型症状是机器的CPU使用率一直很低,而内存使用率却很高。

    A typical symptom of such a problem is that the CPU usage of the machine remains very low while the memory usage is high .

  23. 例如,假定某个进程的CPU使用率突然达到100%,然后又同样快地落回原位。

    For example , suppose that the CPU use for a particular process suddenly spikes to100 % and then , just as quickly , goes back down .

  24. 结果患者对ORS的知识水平中等水平;ORS的使用率较低;

    Result with moderate knowledge about ORS , the use rate is relatively low .

  25. 算法利用了SKIP模式在视频序列中的使用率信息和时空域相邻宏块与当前宏块编码模式之间的高度相关性。

    The proposed algorithm utilized the adoption information of SKIP mode in sequences and high correlation of coding modes between spatio-temporal adjacent macroblocks and current macroblock .

  26. 当然,压缩应该会增加Web服务器上的CPU资源消耗;但是实验室测试表明,这个影响很小,差不多只增加2%~3%的CPU使用率。

    It was expected that compression should consume more CPU resources on the Web server , but the lab tests indicated the impact to be minimal with a2 to3 percent increase in CPU usage .

  27. 据ChangeWaveResearch公司的调查结果显示,过去几个月内谷歌Android操作系统在消费者使用率和吸引消费者兴趣度方面均出现了增长。

    According to new data from ChangeWave Research , both usage and consumer sentiment towards Google 's mobile operating system Android has increased over the past several months .

  28. 注意:与CPU使用率相比,系统使用率要更加重要、更加准确,因为CPU使用率展示的是瞬间的高峰使用情况,而系统使用率考虑了持续时间。

    Note : System Usage is more important and more accurate when compared with CPU usage , since CPU usage can show momentarily spikes while System Usage takes duration into account .

  29. 一些测试类型需要较少的CPU和磁盘空间,而另一些测试类型需要较高的CPU使用率、I/O操作和磁盘使用率。

    Some of the test types require less CPU and disk space , whereas some of the test types requires high CPU usage , I / O operations , and disk usage .

  30. 当许多用户同时访问应用程序或产品时,这些测试类型的CPU使用率、网络或磁盘I/O操作以及磁盘空间需求都比较大。

    As many users access the application or product concurrently , the CPU usage , network or disk I / O operations , and disk space requirements are greater for these type of tests .