
  • 网络Acts;the Acts of the Apostles
  1. 使徒行传里的募捐哪里去了,我们不知道。

    What happened to the collection in Acts ? We don 't know .

  2. 使徒行传的作者没有透露。

    The writer of Acts tells us nothing .

  3. 并不是使徒行传作者的观点。

    That 's not the view of the author of Acts .

  4. “使徒行传”叙述基督教最早的历史。

    The Acts of the Apostles relates the earliest history of Christianity .

  5. 使徒行传还谈论到作见证、作管家和祷告的大能。

    This book speaks about witnessing , about stewardship and about prayer .

  6. 当然我们也已读过《路加福音》和《使徒行传》

    Of course we 've already read Luke and Acts , too .

  7. 因此使徒行传的作者本身是不反对圣殿的。

    So the author of Acts is not himself anti-temple .

  8. 路加写的书有路加福音和使徒行传。

    Luke wrote both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts .

  9. 这是使徒行传中保罗最后的演说的结尾。

    This is at the end of Paul 's last speech in Acts .

  10. 圣路加写作了第三部福音书以及〈使徒行传〉。

    Luke , writer of the third gospel and the Book of Acts .

  11. 使徒行传真正的主角是圣灵。

    The real actor in the book of Luke is the Holy Spirit .

  12. 所有人都拿到路加福音和使徒行传的梗概了吗?

    Did everyone get a handout of the outline of Luke and Acts ?

  13. 这才是耶稣之死在路加福音与使徒行传中的意义。

    That 's the meaning of the death of Jesus in Luke and Acts .

  14. 我们今天会着重讲路加福音和使徒行传。

    We 're going to go through a lot of Luke and Acts today .

  15. 路加福音与使徒行传看起来就像个历史文本,这其实是愚弄了人们。

    Luke and Acts looks like a historical document and this is what fools people .

  16. 使徒行传是如何记述的?

    How does Acts portray this ?

  17. 你们读过使徒行传了吗?

    Have you read Acts yet ?

  18. 所以路加福音与使徒行传另一个主题,就是真正的先知不受同胞的欢迎。

    So another theme of Luke and Acts is true prophets get rejected by their own people .

  19. 使徒行传16章31节说:当信主耶稣,你必得救。

    Acts l6 : 3l says Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved .

  20. 在使徒行传里,耶路撒冷的基督徒非常注重彼此的委身,对于团契生活非常地忠心。

    In Acts , the Christians in Jerusalem were very specific in their commitment to each other .

  21. 事实上,圣灵是使徒行传的主角。

    The Holy Spirit , in fact , is the main actor in the book of Acts .

  22. 我们在使徒行传,发现神至少用了五种不同的方式来带领保罗。

    There are at least five ways in the book of Acts by which he led Paul .

  23. 使徒行传16章31节说当信主耶稣,你和你一家都必得救。

    Acts l6 : 3l says Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved .

  24. 这学期开始时,我谈到过,在讲使徒行传时。

    I talked about this early in the semester when we talked about the Acts of the Apostles .

  25. 在《路加福音》和《使徒行传》里,作者笔下的罗马非常奇怪。

    In Luke and Acts that author seems to present Rome in kind of a strange ambiguous way .

  26. 彼得的梦发生在大约公元后四十到四十一年左右,也就是使徒行传开始的七八年后。

    Peter 's Dream happened about AD40-AD41 , or7 to8 years after the start of the book of Acts .

  27. 但保罗向皇帝要求,所以他在使徒行传里被遣到了罗马。

    Yet Paul appeals to the emperor , so he is sent to Rome in the Book of Acts .

  28. 而使徒行传则更像一本历史;,看起来更像历史性的解释。

    The book of Acts just looks more like a history ; it looks more like a historical account .

  29. 为了知道如何成为基督徒,请您阅读圣经新约使徒行传。

    To find out how to become a Christian , read the book of Acts in the New Testament .

  30. 关于他的生平来源于四部〈福音书〉、〈使徒行传〉和史学家约瑟夫斯。

    Sources for his life are the four Gospels , the Acts of the Apostles , and the historian Josephus .