
guǎ tóu
  • oligarch
寡头 [guǎ tóu]
  • [oligarch] 掌握政治、经济大权的少数头目

  • 金融寡头

寡头[guǎ tóu]
  1. N寡头竞争的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of N Oligarch Competition

  2. 最后,本文运用Swarm平台对寡头垄断厂商定价决策系统进行了实证研究。

    At last , we have studied the price-making decision system of the oligarch monopolize firm with the help of the Swarm .

  3. 雅典当时饱受寡头集团的统治,他们对人民的福祉毫不关心。

    Athens was suffering under the rule of an oligarchy that had no concern for the people 's welfare .

  4. 寡头政体的唯一可靠基础是集体主义。

    The only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism .

  5. 这个寡头国家的巨额财富来自石油和金属

    The oligarchic fortunes are in oil and metals .

  6. 但是好几代以来土地寡头的统治阻碍了这个国家民主的发展。

    But the landed oligarchy had stunted the country 's democratic development for generations .

  7. 寡头集团主导了投资流动,它们的投资比私人所有者的投资高出30%

    Oligarchic groups dominate investment flows , investing 30 per cent more than other private owners .

  8. 同时对n寡头产量合作竞争进行求解,将合作竞争博弈均衡与竞争博弈均衡及合作博弈均衡做了比较。

    The coopetition game model on production of n-oligarchs is been solved and the result is compared with the equilibriums of competition game and cooperation game .

  9. Bertrand双寡头对上游供应商行为的演化博弈分析

    Evolutionary Game Analysis of Bertrand Duopoly 's Behavior to Their Upstream Suppliers

  10. 异质产品Cournot寡头市场企业最优技术许可策略分析

    Analysis of Optimal Licensing Strategies in a Differentiated Cournot Oligopoly

  11. Bertrand双寡头多维博弈模型及均衡

    A Multidimensional Game Model and Its Equilibrium in Bertrand Duopoly OLIGARCH 'S GAME

  12. 2003年,bp与tnk组建合资企业时,寡头们似乎是bp在俄罗斯成就大业所挑选的合作伙伴。

    When BP formed its joint venture with TNK in 2003 , oligarchs seemed the partners of choice for getting things done in Russia .

  13. 网球明星玛丽亚•莎拉波娃(MariaSharapova)从她在美国佛罗里达州的住所前来助阵,寡头罗曼•阿布拉莫维奇(RomanAbramovich)从英国赶来出席开幕式。

    Maria Sharapova , the tennis star , came from her residence in Florida and oligarch Roman Abramovich from the UK .

  14. 按照产业组织理论的市场结构(S)市场行为(C)市场绩效(P)分析框架,本文以多个指标计算了中国银行卡产业的市场集中度,认为中国银行卡市场属于寡头垄断型市场。

    This article applies the market structure - market conduct - market performance paradigm to the analysis of Chinese bank card industry . With the concentration data of bank card industry , it is concluded that the bank card market consists an oligopoly .

  15. 然后对PTA行业的营销策略进行研究,并重点分析处于寡头市场结构中PTA行业的定价策略。

    In latter chapter , it introduces the marketing strategy of PTA industry and the pricing strategy of PTA industry under the oligopoly market structure is emphasized .

  16. 目前,中国移动和中国联通形成中国移动通信市场的双寡头竞争的格局,3G时代,四家甚至更多的全业务运营商在吉林省地域内展开自由竞争,竞争激烈程度加剧。

    The relative monopoly to free competition & At present , CMCC and CUCC has made a structure of double oligarch competition . In 3G times , four or more full-business operators will intense free competition in JiLin province .

  17. 本文在成本不对称的假设下,利用Bertrand双寡头模型研究了追求利润最大化的企业遭受出口反倾销时在出口与对外直接投资之间的战略选择。

    Assuming cost asymmetry , this paper employed Bertrand duopoly model and analyzed the strategic choice of the profit-maximizing firm between exports and outward FDI in the face of exports anti-dumping .

  18. 蓝山首席运营官塞缪尔科尔(samuelcole)指责银行的行为就像“寡头”,他表示,他们没有与客户真诚合作,寻找各种清算选择。

    Samuel Cole , chief operating officer , accused the banks of acting like an " oligopoly " and said that they were not working in good faith with their customers to develop choice in clearing .

  19. 在SCP分析范式中,寡头企业的竞争行为取决于市场结构,在芝加哥学派理论中,寡头企业的竞争行为取决于外部竞争压力。

    On the basis of the SCP paradigm , the competitive behavior of oligopoly firms is determined by the market structure , but based on Chicago school theory , the external competitive pressure determines their competitive behavior .

  20. 似乎每周都会有新的危机出现下一个可能在本周末来临,届时基辅应向俄罗斯天然气寡头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)支付4亿美元的账单。

    Every week seems to bring a new crisis – the next could come this weekend , when Kiev is due to pay a $ 400m bill to Gazprom , the Russian gas monopoly .

  21. 真正投入重金的是俄罗斯寡头米哈伊尔•普罗霍罗夫(MikhailProkhorov),他掏出2亿美元注资篮网队,新球场也有他45%的股份。

    The real money comes from Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov , who paid $ 200m for the Nets and has a 45 per cent stake in the new arena .

  22. 将推测变差模型运用到企业并购上,对比推测变差模型理论和多寡头Cournot竞争模型理论之间的异同点,研究了推测变差理论在企业并购效益和激励机制中的应用。

    The application of conjectural variation theory in M A and incentive mechanism are studied by using the model of conjectural variation in M A. The differences between conjectural variation and multi-oligopoly Cournot models are compared .

  23. 这是波音和中国商飞的首次合作。中国商飞正在开发一种单通道窄体客机,可能有助于打破波音及其竞争对手空客(Airbus)长期以来对窄体飞机市场的双寡头垄断。

    It is the first partnership between Boeing and Comac , which is developing a single-aisle passenger aircraft that could help break the longstanding duopoly in the narrow-body market enjoyed by the US manufacturer and Airbus , its European competitor .

  24. 在Hotelling模型的基础上,发展了一个简单双寡头模型来分析配额限制与质量选择的关系,考察了企业既选择数量竞争又选择价格竞争和两类成本类型下配额限制对质量的影响。

    In this paper , we develop a simple duopoly model of endogenous quality location with price and quantity competition based on Hotelling model to explore the relationship between quotas restriction and quality choice .

  25. 本文通过市场结构-行为-绩效(SCP)范式对我国中、高级轿车行业产业组织进行分析,认为现阶段我国的轿车市场属于寡头垄断市场结构。

    By means of the SCP model , the industrial organization of domestic advanced Sedan car industrial market is analysed . On the basis of the analysis , a conclusion is made that the structure of this industry is an oligopoly one .

  26. 中国移动通讯市场是双寡头垄断市场,但它们的表现就像是有10家企业在进行竞争,”电信咨询公司bdachina董事总经理邓肯克拉克(duncanclark)昨日表示,“中国移动仍决意提高其市场份额

    The China mobile market is a duopoly , but they act as if there are 10 competitors fighting it out , " Duncan Clark , managing director of telecommunications consultancy BDA China , said yesterday . " China Mobile is still determined to grow its market share

  27. 在开幕式上,一名与会者呼吁释放前寡头米哈伊尔霍多尔科夫斯基(mikhailkhodorkovsky)霍多尔科夫斯基的被捕,已成为为谋求政治目的而滥用法律的标志。

    At the opening session one participant called for the release of Mikhail Khodorkovsky , a former oligarch , whose imprisonment has become a symbol of the abuse of the law for political purposes .

  28. 针对两寡头Cournot动态博弈模型,数值仿真出不同市场参数下市场的动态行为,其中着重探讨了当市场参数超出Nash均衡点稳定域后,展现出的周期甚至混沌的动态行为。

    Based on the duopoly Cournot game model , the market dynamic behaviors are numerically simulated in different market parameters , in which the periodic or chaotic dynamic behaviors are focused when the market parameters are out of the stability region of Nash equilibrium .

  29. 上个月,历经多年政府打压和寡头折腾之后,英国石油公司宣布出售其俄罗斯合资公司秋明英国石油公司(TNK-BP)股份,换取国有的俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)20%的股份和123亿美元的现金。

    And in Russia last month , after years of strong-arming by the government and corrupt Russian oligarchs , BP agreed to sell its turbulent Russian partnership , TNK-BP , for a 20 % stake in Rosneft , the state-owned Russian oil company , and $ 12.3 billion in cash .

  30. 医院寡头竞争与医疗市场分割

    Price Competition among Oligopoly of Hospitals and Division of Medical Market