
yǔ xì
  • language family;family of languages
语系 [yǔ xì]
  • [language family] 有共同来源的一些语言的总称

  • 印欧语系

语系[yǔ xì]
  1. 英语是日耳曼语系中的一支。

    English is a branch of the Germanic family of languages .

  2. 分散遍及印度中心的一个语系。

    A family of languages spoken by people scattered throughout central India .

  3. 英语是日耳曼语系中的一种语言。

    English is a member of the Germanic group of languages .

  4. 古巴是拉丁语系国家中天主教化程度最小的国家之一。

    Cuba was one of the least Catholic of the Latin countries

  5. 乌克兰人所说的那种斯拉夫语系的语言类似于俄语。

    The Ukrainians speak a Slavonic language similar to Russian .

  6. 英语主要源于日耳曼语系

    English derives in the main from the common Germanic stock .

  7. 这个原始印欧语系词在这里,传达的含义是与身体的分离。

    The Proto-Indo-European base skie conveys the idea of separation , in this case , from the body . Piss

  8. 在《每日一词》一期关于recruit的文章里,我曾经提到过一个意为成长(togrow)的印欧语系词根ker。

    I mentioned in the podictionary episode on recruit that an Indo-European root ker meant to grow .

  9. 另外,重写标准库帮助使PHP更符合其同一Web语系,例如Java™编程语言。

    In addition , the reworking of the standard libraries helped bring PHP more in line with its cousin Web languages , such as the Java ™ programming language .

  10. 通常没有必要去避免较长的单词,例如association(协会、联合)和nationality(国家、民族),这些词在拉丁语系中很常见,在欧洲和拉丁美洲都能被广泛理解。

    It is often unnecessary to avoid longer words such as association and nationality , which are common to the Romance languages and will be widely understood in Europe and Latin America .

  11. 通常没有必要去避免较长的单词,例如“association”(协会、联合)和“nationality”(国家、民族),这些词在拉丁语系中很常见,在欧洲和拉丁美洲都能被广泛理解。

    It is often unnecessary to avoid longer words such as " association " and " nationality , " which are common to the Romance languages and will be widely understood in Europe and Latin America .

  12. 阿尔泰语系的基本语序是SOV。

    Altaic basic word order is SOV .

  13. 感谢翻译者们的辛勤努力,若使用文字介面模式安装时,debian支援了47种语系。

    Thanks to the huge efforts of translators , Debian can now be installed in47 languages using the text-based installation user interface .

  14. 例如,说日尔曼语系的人会很自然的用以下的话表达明天下雨:“Morgenregnetes”

    For example , most other Germanic language speakers feel completely comfortable talking about rain tomorrow by saying , " Morgen regnet es , "

  15. 尽管与其相关的日语和阿尔泰语(Altaic)已经得到了承认,但朝鲜语仍不是广泛应用语系家族中的一员。

    The Korean language is not a member of a wider linguistic family , though links to Japanese and Altaic languages are being considered .

  16. 稍后,由德国兄弟GRIMm和其他人所作的进一步研究显示大部分欧洲语言和一些印度语言有着一个共同的起源,现在被称为印欧语系。

    Further research , carried out by the German brothers Grimm and others , later revealed that most European languages and some Indian ones have a common ancestor , now known as Indo-European .

  17. 本文从分析影响句子加工的几个主要因素入手,讨论以英语为母语者以及其母语与英语为同一语系的ESL学习者处理含挂靠歧义的英语关系从句的认知过程。

    This paper discusses the processing of English RC ( relative clause ) attachment ambiguity by native speakers and ESL learners whose native languages are of the same language family with English from a cognitive perspective based on an analysis of the main factors related to sentence processing .

  18. Funai的初步观察表明,新发现的部落可能属于帕诺语系(Pano),该语系群体分布在巴西亚马逊地区,秘鲁以及波利维亚丛林。

    According to Funai , preliminary observation indicates the population likely belongs to the pano language group , which extends from the Brazilian Amazon into the Peruvian and Bolivian jungle .

  19. 日汉两种语言本质上来说分属于两种语系。

    Japanese and Chinese belong to different language family in essence .

  20. 探索了阿拉伯民族与被征服民族的历史渊源、阿拉伯语与闪含语系及其他语言的亲属关系及其对传播阿拉伯语的影响。

    It explores historical origins of Arabic nations and conquered nations .

  21. 该语系有数种子语,包括英语和德语。

    It has several daughter languages , including English and german .

  22. 此应用程式呈现繁体中文或其他语系的内容。

    This application displays part of Traditional Chinese or other language .

  23. 可能为该检视语系语言中,无资料。

    There is no information of the query in such language .

  24. 马雅民族所说的属于美洲印第安语系的语言。

    A family of American Indian languages spoken by Mayan peoples .

  25. 居住在中部加拿大的阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。

    A member of an Algonquian people living in central Canada .

  26. 英语主要源于日尔曼语系。

    Tnelish derives in the main from the common Germanic stock .

  27. 什么是语系?什么是谱系树?

    What is a language family ? What is a family tree ?

  28. 有些动作出现在不同的语系里便有完全相反的意义。

    Sometimes gestures used in different languages have contrary meanings .

  29. 分布在华盛顿到英属哥伦比亚的美洲印第安语系的一个分支。

    A family of Amerindian languages spoken in Washington and British Columbia .

  30. 浅析朝鲜语数词与阿尔泰语系的关系

    An Analysis on Relationship between Korean Numeral and Altaic Family