
  1. 在你的酒店里,总是有人在监视着。

    In your hotel , there 's always someone watching .

  2. 让我们乘火车到你的酒店吧。

    Let 's take the train to get to your hotel now .

  3. 你的酒店要为选举之夜举办大型活动

    Look , your hotel has that big thing for election night and --

  4. 难道你的酒店不能贷款给你们么?

    Can 't your hotel give you a loan ?

  5. 我们在你的酒店房间里发现一把来复枪

    We found a rifle in your motel room .

  6. 在你的酒店房间里找一个柔软的小枕头,爱米莉会演示如何做。

    Get a cushy little pillow in your hotel room , Em is gonna show you how to do it .

  7. 有什么东西是必须在你的酒店房间里配备的,或者你从家里带来的总是带在身边的奢侈品?

    Is there anything you have to have provided in your hotel room or any luxuries you always bring with you from home ?

  8. 必须要走到客人中去,因为他们将在你的酒店里度过好几天。我希望能够成为客人和酒店之间的桥梁,我会尽我所能去结识每一位客人。

    I would like to serve as a bridge between guests and my hotel , and try to know as many of them as I can .

  9. 农场每天都开放一日游,但最好让你的酒店为这次乡村之旅安排一位导游:农场电话53-48-79-74-70。

    The farm offers daily tours , but it is best to have your hotel arrange a guide for this all-day trip into a rural area : 53-48-79-74-70 .

  10. 嗯,从你住的酒店开始出发,沿着摄政街一直走,街道左侧会有一家ScorchWale店。

    Well , there 's a Scorch Wale shop here on the left side as you go down Regent Street from the hotel you are staying .

  11. 回你住的酒店去等电话。

    Go back to your hotel and wait for a call .

  12. A:谁帮你订的酒店?

    A : Who booked the hotel for you ?

  13. 你的格兰特酒店黑白舞会的邀请函。

    It 's your invitation to the black & white ball at the grand .

  14. 明天早上九点钟怎么样?我会去你住的酒店。

    What about tomorrow morning at9:00 ? I 'll come over to your hotel .

  15. 我不能告诉你具体的酒店名字,因为我不知道。

    Again , I can 't give you the specific name of the hotel because I don 't know .

  16. 你最喜欢的酒店可以说明你的风格。

    Use your favorite hotel to tell you about your style .

  17. 虽然朗廷新天地的精致的餐厅,酒吧和咖啡馆供选择你宠以外的酒店,精品店和娱乐的一个选项数组等待。

    While The Langham Xintiandi 's exquisite restaurants , bars and cafes spoil you for choice , outside your hotel , an array of boutiques and entertainment options await .

  18. 这是一家让你终身难忘的酒店。该酒店地处距北极圈200千米的小镇,这个房间全部由冰雪建造而成!

    This is one hotel stay you wouldn 't forget , as it is set 200km in the Arctic Circle , and the room is made out of ICE !

  19. 菲尔,你可是在西雅图的酒店房间里。

    Phil , you 're in a hotel room in Seattle .

  20. 问:它跟你最初推出的那些酒店有什么不同?

    What 's different with hotels from when you started ?

  21. 我知道你离开了华盛顿的酒店房间

    I know you left the hotel room in Washington

  22. 不管你什么时候订的酒店。

    Regardless of when you made the reservation .

  23. 不是你想象的标准多层酒店。

    Not your standard multi storied hotel .

  24. 你觉得亚洲最好的酒店是?

    Best hotel in Asia ?

  25. 下网址是第七届中国酒店“金枕头”奖评选,请用你的鼠标为我们酒店投上宝贵一票!(马鞍山海外海皇冠假日酒店)

    Please find the website below as7th Golden-Pillow Award of China Hotels for you to vote for our hotel !

  26. 所以你去了他们的酒店,不小心绊倒了,从两段楼梯上摔下来。摔出了窗户。

    So you went over to their hotel , then you , and you fell down two of a window .

  27. 可能与你之前见过的普通酒店不同,该酒店完全是由2.15万吨雪加上900吨冰建设而成。

    This is unlike your run-of-the-mill hotels , as the hotel itself is created from 21500 tons of snow and 900 tons of ice .

  28. 等你到了入住的酒店后,你还能对它们加热或冰镇,就能感到更加放松了。

    Once you 're in your hotel room , you can even heat these up or chill them in the fridge for an even more relaxing time .

  29. 为什么你穿得跟其它的酒店总经理不一样?你认为这个代表什么?这个让你自己的酒店跟他们的有区别吗?

    NF : Why do you dress so differently from other general managers ? What does your style represent ? How does this make your hotel different from theirs ?

  30. 这样一来,如果有人可以接触到你的电脑,例如在你的酒店房间里,那么他要利用USB驱动器启动你的电脑,绕过加密层才行,那样就会更困难

    That makes it more difficult for someone who has access to your computer , for example , in your hotel room , to boot your computer from a USB drive and bypass the encryption .