
  • 网络Your money
  1. 收起你的钱,我们不需要施舍。

    Stuff your money . We don 't want a handout .

  2. 我讨厌你的钱,也受够了你居高临下的态度。

    I 'm fed up with your money and your whole condescending attitude

  3. 这是我答应给你的钱。

    Here 's the money I promised you .

  4. “那是你的钱。快去要!”她生气地大喊。

    ' It 's your money . Ask for it ! ' she thundered

  5. 继续把你的钱给我们,傻瓜!

    Keep giving us your money , sucker !

  6. 仅短短5年时间后,你的钱就会增多94,000美元。

    Only five short years later , your money will have grown by $ 94,000 .

  7. 先生,这是找你的钱。

    Here is the change , sir .

  8. 你的钱存在我这里绝对安全。

    Your money will be quite safe with me .

  9. 别信她&她只是图你的钱。

    Don 't trust her & she 's only out for your money .

  10. 你的钱存在哪家银行?

    Where do you bank ?

  11. 把你的钱投到我们公司,你会变得更富有。

    Put your money in my business , and you could find yourself ( to be ) richer .

  12. 这意味着你的钱没有花给大型国际公司,而是流到了当地人的腰包里。

    This means that your money will go to local people , rather than to a large international company .

  13. 72岁的人,花了你的钱吧。

    Dear 72-year-old , spend all your money .

  14. 可以节省你的钱,可以节省你的时间!

    Can save you money , you can save your time !

  15. 对,除了,当然,那都是你的钱。

    Yeah , except of course , it 's your money .

  16. 但是上校你的钱换来了一个有趣的讯息。

    But your currency has yielded some interesting information , captain .

  17. 你的钱被偷了,真是倒楣。

    It 's a real bummer that your money was stolen .

  18. 窃贼窃取你的钱之后,他的购买力也会提高。

    After he takes your money he has more purchasing power .

  19. 把你的钱是尽量远离这些人。

    Keep your money as far from these people as possible .

  20. 那你的钱呢,也放在那吗?

    What about your money , where 'd you keep that ?

  21. 假设你的钱用完了呢?

    Eg. what if you were to run out of money ?

  22. 因为我舍得我的钱,舍不得你的钱。

    Because I would like to splurge mine but not yours .

  23. 我得知道你的钱在哪里。

    I do need to know where the money is .

  24. 我借给你的钱你已经还了。

    You have paid back the money I lent you .

  25. 你的钱就分给还活着的人。

    Your check gets divvied up by those still amongst the living .

  26. 省下你的钱去做对自己和宝宝更重要的事情吧!

    Save your money on important things for you and the baby .

  27. 别让那些贪心的计程车司机多收你的钱。

    Don 't let those grasping taxi drivers overcharge you .

  28. 那么,她的美丽和你的钱有什么区别?

    How 's she beauty any different from you money ?

  29. 对不起,我们会退回你的钱。

    Sorry , we 'll refund you the money .

  30. 我很抱歉,先生,我不想要你的钱。

    I am sorry , sir . I don 't want you money .