
wèi shù
  • digit;bit;figure;digit capacity;order of units
位数[wèi shù]
  1. 两类有效数字的概念在放大法中的应用,为放大法降低测量误差,增加直接有效数字位数的特点提供了理论依据;

    The application of the two concepts into the amplifying method provides theoretical support to decrease measurement errors by using the amplifying method and increase the order of units of directly effective numbers .

  2. 对m序列与存储器地址线非顺序连接的情形、地址线位数与量化噪声功率、截幅噪声功率及输出信号的自相关函数的关系进行了理论分析。

    And gives an theory analysis of the bonded case between m-seriation and negate sequential connection of memory address line , order of units of address line and noise power of quantization , noise power of sever amplitude and self-correlation function of signal waveform .

  3. 这个数目精确到小数点后三位数。

    The number is correct to three decimal places .

  4. 他的薪水现在是六位数。

    His salary is now in six figures .

  5. 作为首屈一指的律师,他可望拿到六位数的薪资。

    As a top lawyer , he can expect to command a six-figure salary .

  6. 数字57306是个五位数。

    The number 57 306 contains five digits .

  7. 成本达到千位数。

    The cost ran into the thousands .

  8. 通货膨胀率降到一位数了。

    Inflation is down to single figures .

  9. 通货膨胀率达两位数。

    Inflation is in double figures .

  10. 袖珍计算器只能计算到小数点后8位数。

    A pocket calculator only works to eight decimal places .

  11. 罗马昨天气温接近(华氏)三位数。

    The thermometer nudged three figures yesterday in Rome .

  12. 通货膨胀率最早有可能在本月就回落至个位数。

    Inflation could fall back into single figures as early as this month .

  13. 澳大利亚有15年通货膨胀率维持在两位数。

    Australia had 15 years of double-digit inflation .

  14. 克劳利拿到14分,是仅有的另外一个得分达两位数的球员。

    Crawley , with 14 , was the only other player to reach double figures

  15. 通常保持在个位数的通货膨胀率现在已超过了12%。

    Inflation , which has usually been in single figures , is running at more than 12 %

  16. 223344是一个6位数。

    223344 is a number of 6 ciphers .

  17. 把结果精确到小数点后5位数。

    Correct the result to five decimal places .

  18. 到2008年,这个数字下降到了个位数。

    By 2008 , the figure had fallen into the single digits .

  19. 这个休假季中,梅西相对的亮点在于其线上销售渠道,该领域的销售額增长达到了两位数,而实际订单也增长了25%。

    One   relative   bright   spot   for   Macy 's   during   the   holiday   season   was   the   online   channel ,   where   it rang   up   " double-digit "   increases   in   sales   and   a   25 %   increase   in   the   number   of   orders   it   filled .

  20. 背对着照相机的人是位数学家。

    The man with his back to the camera is a mathematician .

  21. 小数点后的头两位数分别表示十分位和百分位

    The first twofigures after the decimal point indicate tenths and hundredthsrespectively .

  22. 是四位数

    The number 1000 contains four digits . 1000

  23. 将每千人口拥有3岁以下婴幼儿托位数由目前的1.8个提高到4.5个。

    The number of pupil places for infants under 3 years old will be increased from the current 1.8 to 4.5 per 1000 population .

  24. 这个说法在20世纪90年代的时候在网络研发人员和方案工程师当中特别流行,他们频繁跳槽,所有奖金和津贴之类加起来,跳槽价值能达到五位数。

    This was common in the 1990s with web developers and solution architects when they were switching jobs frequently to have jump values of five figures when all bonuses and incentives were calculated .

  25. 最新一期《消费者研究杂志》发表的一份研究显示,一种被市场推广人员称为“左位数效应”的现象很大程度上影响人们购物时的决定。

    A new study , published in the latest issue of the Journal of Consumer Research , shows that an occurrence known by marketers as the ? " left-digit effect " drastically influences the choices that people make while buying various items .

  26. 到去年年末全国总体养老床位,包括机构和社区日间照料中心,已经达到了669万张,实现了“十二五”规划预定目标,每1000名老年人拥有的床位数30.2张。

    The number of beds in nursing institutions and community day-care centers nationwide has reached 6.69 million , realizing the target set in the 12th Five-Year Plan ( 2011-2015 ) . The average number of nursing beds for per 1000 seniors is 30.2 .

  27. K原子的配位数为8。

    The potassium atom has eight - fold coordination .

  28. Cu(Ⅱ)脱乙酰壳聚精配位聚合物的配位数

    The Coordination Number of Cu ( II ) - Chitosan Coordination Polymer

  29. 量化位数对GPS转发干扰的影响研究

    Researchs in Bit Influence on GPS Repeater Jamming

  30. ZnWO4晶体中W原子的配位数

    Analysis of the coordination number of the atom w in znwo_4 single crystals