
wèi ɡé
  • case
  1. 我们可以说:上帝是三个位格,同时是一个位格。

    We can say God is three persons and one person .

  2. 二是解决位格生成问题。

    Secondly , we solve the question of the Person creating .

  3. 上帝同时是一个位格,也是三个位格。

    God is both one person , and three persons .

  4. 圣子是一个位格:有上帝的所有的属性。

    The Son is a person – with ( God 's ) attributes .

  5. 第一章,分析了中古蒙古语与位格附加成分的使用范围。

    Chapter one analyses the using confine of Mediaeval Mongolian Language Dative Case .

  6. 上帝的临现包括:自然的和谐和位格的神圣。

    The appearance include : the harmonious of nature and the holy of person .

  7. 上帝是既有位格的,也是无限的。

    God is both personal and infinite .

  8. 在新语境下,精英与草根的位格关系和互动结构,都发生了颠覆式的变化。

    In the new context , the relation and interaction between elites and grassroots overturns .

  9. 圣子是一个位格:有祂的思想、感情、意志、计划、关系。

    The Son is a person – with his mind , will , emotions , plan , relationship .

  10. 第二章,从向位格间接宾语、凭借格间接宾语、从比格间接宾语等三个方面解析了复合名词做作间接宾语的条件。

    The second chapter , from three aspects , analyses and lists the conditions of indirect object of compound nouns .

  11. 在某种意义上,可以说朋霍费尔的伦理学是以位格为中心的具体的塑造。

    In a sense , we could say that his ethics is a concrete ethics as conformation centered on Person .

  12. 我们相信独一的真神,以圣父、子、灵三个神圣位格永恒共存。

    We believe that there is one God , eternally existent in three Persons : Father , Son , and Holy Spirit .

  13. 位格伦理视角下人类基因的法律地位&基于主体客体化的背景

    On the legal status of human gene from the prospective of person ethical theory under the backgrounds of the objectification of the subject

  14. 介绍了她对现代世界之病症的诊断,也分析了她与传统基督教思想尤其是位格主义的关系。

    It also introduces her diagnosis of modern world , and analyses the relation between her thought and Christian tradition , especially the Personalism .

  15. 来到这几节经文,保罗将重点由基督的位格转移到基督的工作,特别是祂使神人复和的工作。

    In these verses , Paul turns from the person of Christ to the work of Christ , in particular his work of reconciliation .

  16. 普罗提诺的神学是对柏拉图的理念与神的关系的进一步推进,又是对奥古斯丁上帝的位格的回避。

    Plotinus ' theology further promotes the relationship of Plato ' ideas and gods , meanwhile , it evades the Person of God mentioned by Augustine .

  17. 从而提出通过促进教师对教育根本问题的理解,以及位格典范的触动,促进师爱品质的提升。

    So we can improve the quality of teacher love by understanding the meaning of education and spirit model , building up the belief of education .

  18. 环境正义讨论的是人对环境行为的正义问题,其核心在于环境的位格化。

    Environmental justice is involved in the action of human oriented toward environment , the core of the subsistence of which lies in the personalization of the environment .

  19. 我们相信圣灵有神圣的位格。世人的悔改、重生和信徒的成圣、蒙保守都是圣灵的工作。

    We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person and works in the conviction of men and in the regeneration , sanctification and preservation of the believers .

  20. 假如上帝的三个位格,是本性相同且在权能和荣耀上同等,三位格间有哪些不同?

    If the three persons in the Godhead are " the same in substance , equal in power and glory " then what are the differences between the three persons ?

  21. 位格也是精神活动(包括情感的和意志的行为)的中心,是生命(冲动)与精神的交汇点,人的永生和不朽只有通过精神性的位格才能实现。

    Person also is the center of spiritual action ( including emotional and willing behavior ) and is the junction of life ( drang [ German ] ) and spirit .

  22. 神:我们相信唯一永活真神,以三位格:圣父,圣子,圣灵永远存在。

    We believe in the Holy Trinity . There is one God , who exists eternally in three persons : the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit .

  23. 简单的说,一部经典常背负著历史的痕迹,传述不同时代的氛围,并确立读者自己的位格;

    Simply put , a classic text often bears the test of time ; it transcribes an aura of an entirely different epoch , and allows readers to a certain placement .

  24. 神的位格问题是宗教理论的核心问题,因为宗教其他理论诸如拯救论、神人关系论等都是它的展开和补充。

    The theory of religion focuses on the question of the position of God , which is supplemented and developed by other theories of religion such as the theory of rescue and the relations between God and Man .

  25. 她有一位朋友,格维斯夫人,是舍尔伯尼公学一位教师的妻子。

    She had a friend called Mrs Gervis , the wife of a science master at Sherborne School , a public school in Dorset .

  26. 只有一位上帝,以三个位格存在。

    There is only one God ( Godhead ), Three Persons .

  27. 只有一位神,神只有一位,但它有三个位格,就是三位一体的真神。

    Only one god , but he is three persons . a Triune god , a holy trinity ! And this the apostles taught to future believers .