
huò gēn
  • bane;curse;the cause of ruin;the root of the trouble;ruin
祸根 [huò gēn]
  • [the root of the trouble;bane] 祸事的根源,也指引起祸事的人或事物

  • 铲除祸根

祸根[huò gēn]
  1. 贪婪是损毁幸福的祸根。

    Avarice is the bane to happiness .

  2. 饮酒是毁了他一生的祸根。

    Drink was the bane of his existence ( life ) .

  3. 他的问题的祸根在于他童年的经历。

    His problems are deeply rooted in his childhood experiences .

  4. 噪音是现代城市生活的一大祸根。

    Noise is a curse of modern city life .

  5. 这项歧视性政策确实成了美国的一大祸根。

    This discriminatory policy has really been a blight on America

  6. 冷漠是英国地方民主制度长期以来难以推广的祸根。

    Apathy is the long-standing curse of British local democracy

  7. “这项税收将为日后埋下祸根,”一位愤怒的保守党后座议员说道。

    ' This tax is a disaster waiting to happen , ' said an angry Tory backbencher .

  8. “好了好了,我是一直在读这个。那又怎么样?”——“不怎么样,只是好奇心,惹祸根。”

    ' All right , I 've been reading it . So what ? ' — ' Curiosity killed the cat , that 's what . '

  9. 他的财富成了祸根。

    His wealth proved a curse to him .

  10. 你若能为我僧院除了这条祸根,正是三生有幸了!

    If you can rid our monastery of this scourge , that would be a great happiness for us !

  11. 祸根不除,大家不得安枕。

    We can 't rest in peace until this evil is eradicated .

  12. 这项不公平的和约为另一场战争埋下了祸根。

    The unjust peace agreement set the scene for another war .

  13. 其祸根是遭受非法处置的PCB工业废油污染的动物饲料。

    The cause was traced to animal feed contaminated with illegally disposed PCB-based waste industrial oil .

  14. 在统计上将这一现象叫作维数祸根(curseofdimensionality)。

    In statistics this is called curse of dimensionality .

  15. 另一个成语表示截然相反极度混乱的意思,wilddisorder(祸源,祸根),它源于远古神话。

    Another old expression describes the opposite condition - wild disorder . That expression is apple of . It comes from ancient mythology .

  16. 由于维数祸根问题,在q>1时,这个模型在处理实际问题时不太可行。

    But it has no practicable meaning when q > 1 . To solve this problem , statistician gave out-many practicable models .

  17. 与此同时,印度工商部长卡迈勒纳特(kamalnath)也被描述成了“祸根”。

    Kamal Nath , the Indian commerce minister , was , meanwhile , portrayed as the villain of the piece .

  18. 本文就是要研究总体风险厌恶与多个经济变量的关系,由于出现了维数祸根问题,所以我们提出了适应性函数系数ARCH-M模型并用来度量风险厌恶。

    In the present thesis , we will study relationship between the aggregate risk aversion and economical variables . Due to the problem of " curse of dimensionality ", we propose an adaptive Function-Coefficient ARCH-M model to measure the risk aversion .

  19. 这些谎言为他日后的遭遇埋下祸根。

    These primordial lies set the stage for his later unravelling .

  20. 祸根海姆的事一定让你回想起什么。

    What happened at Hockenheim must have rung bells with you .

  21. 论黄土高原生态环境遭到彻底破坏的祸根

    Why the ecological environment of the loess plateau is destroyed thoroughly

  22. 校对必须是所有作家的祸根。

    Proof reading has got to be the bane of all authors .

  23. 然而在这种繁荣的背后却隐藏着经济危机的祸根。

    But inherent in this boom were the seeds of economic disaster .

  24. 我要把这该死的祸根扔进那该死的池塘里。

    I 'm gonna toss this damn curse into that damn pond .

  25. 不问世事的。钱财是祸首,贪婪是祸根。

    Money is thought to be the root cause of all evils .

  26. 他的行为给目前的冲突埋下了祸根。

    His actions sowed the seeds of the present conflict .

  27. 依我看,他是个大祸根。

    To me he seems to constitute a great danger .

  28. 他们都说我是个祸根。

    Everyone said I was an apple of discord .

  29. 恐怖主义是整个国家的祸根。

    Terrorism is a threat to the whole country .

  30. 巴西人知道石油可以是祸根,也可以是恩赐。

    Brazilians know oil can be a curse as well as a blessing .
