
wěi zú
  • pseudopod;pseudopodium
  1. 结果:经IL-2基因修饰后,DC表面的伪足增多、变长;

    Results : After IL-2 gene modification , the morphology of DC was changed , its pseudopod was more and longer .

  2. 与对照组比较,乙醛对照组细胞数目增多,排列密集,细胞间间隙更小,细胞周边伪足更多更长,胞体呈星形或不规则形。

    Compared with the control group , the acetaldehyde treated group appeared more cells , arrayed more intensive , showed a smaller gap between cells , the pseudopod of cells in peripheral appeared more and longer and the cells bodies were stellate or irregular shape .

  3. 许多原生动物利用伪足、纤毛或鞭毛能运动。

    Many protoctistans are motile , using pseudopodia , cilia or flagella .

  4. 扫描电镜发现Pc滋养体丝状伪足和微绒毛稀疏、变短甚至脱落,表膜出现缺损。

    Under SEM , filopodia and microvilli became sparse , short and fell off , a breach appeared in the surface membrane in Pc trophozoites .

  5. 在LPS刺激后,加入PD进行处理,则PMN回复成球形,皱褶与正常相比变化不明显,伪足形成少,细胞聚集较少。

    After PD treatment , PMN 's recover to global shape with less pseudopodium formation and PMN aggregation .

  6. 在LPS刺激后,F一actin在细胞边缘形成一宽厚的骨架层,同时发现该层分布不均匀,提示在一些部位可能会有伪足形成。

    After LPS stimulation , F-actin forms a denser skeleton layer at the edge of cell and an uneven distribution .

  7. 24h后心肌细胞贴壁生长,细胞伸出伪足呈梭形、多角形;

    24 hours later , the cells of fusiform and polygon began to adhere and stretch out the parapodium ;

  8. 结果:H2O2损伤组心肌细胞部分皱缩,细胞核暗淡,伪足消失;

    Results Most of cells in H2O2 group were crenulated , the nucleus were dim and the pseudopodia were disappeared .

  9. 贴壁Kupffer细胞的形态多样,可见不规则,多边形,多角伪足,典型的星形及多角形。

    The shape of kupffer cell is of multiplicity , irregularity , polygon and multiangular .

  10. 定量描述肝癌细胞(HCC)在层粘连蛋白LN(Laminin,LN)趋化作用下伪足的形成、生长的动态过程。

    To quantitatively describe the formation & dynamical growth of hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) cells to laminin ( LN ) chemotaxis .

  11. 扫描电镜观察显示,FN、LN使细胞表面的伪足数量明显增加,而抗整合素β1抗体使细胞伪足数量明显减少,甚至消失。

    FN and LN increased the number of pseudopodia on cell surface , whereas anti - β 1 integrin antibodies reversed this function .

  12. 结果两种尘螨过敏原浸液风团及伪足的直径有显著性差异(p<0.05),Alutard-SQ皮肤试验结果与特异性IgE水平相关性好,国内过敏原浸液皮肤试验与特异性IgE水平相关性差。

    There was also statistical significance difference between the correlation of the serum specific IgE levels and size of SPT wheal by both allergens .

  13. 用细胞电泳技术,对两株溶组织内阿米巴在pH梯度中的细胞电泳及伪足形成情况进行观察。

    In this paper , cell electrophoretic mobility ( EPM ) and the appearance of pseudopodia in two Entamoeba histolytica strains under gradient pH is reported . Using cell electrophoretic techniques , in two strains of E.

  14. 当LN趋化液浓度趋化剂LN浓度≤200μg/ml,HCC细胞伪足峰值的生长长度随浓度的增加而增大加;

    Along the increment of concentration within LN of 200 μ g / ml , the length of chemotactic pseudopod protrusion of a HCC cell would increase .

  15. 结果表明,SAC治疗后巨噬细胞明显活化,其体积可达对照组的2&3倍,表面皱褶增多、增厚,有许多粗大的伪足;

    Our results demonstrated that the macrophages were apparently activated after injecting SAC : they became 2 & 3 times in size as large as those of the control group ;

  16. 受LPS刺激的PMN细胞增大、变形,细胞膜皱褶减少,有板状伪足伸出,多个细胞粘附聚集成团。

    After being stipulated by LPS , PMN cell became larger , the folds of cell membrane reduced , multiple cells gathered into mass and board-like pseudopodium slicked out .

  17. 结果在三维的水平面上,vinculin与Factin的免疫反应活性在P领域和C领域的部分区域重合,在P领域伸展方向前端和丝状伪足内免疫反应活性最强。

    Results In the horizontal direction , the immunoactivity of vinculin and F-actin partly overlapped in the C-domain and P-domain . The strongest immunologic reactions of them occurred in the head of P-domain stretching area and filopodia .

  18. 结果RAN-TES、MIP-1α可诱导人肝癌细胞内F-actin的聚合,并刺激细胞突起和伪足形成。

    Results Both RANTES and MIP-1 α could prominently promote polymerization of F-actin and formation of cell process and pseudopodia of HCC .

  19. 水琼脂和W2A琼脂载片培养,可形成大量变形体;并可见其伸出伪足摄食其它微生物颗粒的习性。

    When cultivated with water agar and W_2A agar on the slides , the invoculum of UBO formed a large number of myxamoeba which can extend the pseudopods that eat up other microbiological granules .

  20. 结果1.心肌细胞形态学改变倒置显微镜下观察,正常心肌细胞培养72h后,细胞成簇生长并伸出伪足,折光性强,且搏动明显。

    Morphological changes Observed under inverted microscope , normal cardiomyocyte after 72h culture , cell clusters and extend pseudopodia growth , high refractive index , and pulsatility significantly .

  21. 所得结果如下:(1)心肌细胞H/R培养后皱缩、变圆,伪足减少,ADO组心肌细胞的形态变化小于对照组;

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) after H / R injury , cardiomyocytes contracted , tending to get round in shape and its pseudopods decreased , while marked morphological changes were not observed in ADO group ;

  22. 在接受外部刺激后,丝裂霉素活化蛋白激酶(mitogenactivatedproteinkinases,MAPKs)和PI3K/Akt信号通路将作用于胞内信号分子进而影响细胞骨架相关蛋白,调节细胞伪足的形成及迁移。

    In response to external stimuli , activation of these mitogen-activated protein kinases ( MAPKs ) and PI3K / Akt cascade , in turn , activates intracellular signaling molecules and / or induces crucial alterations in several cytoskeleton-related proteins that are essential for cell migration .

  23. 结果:壳聚糖纤维支架上的Schwann细胞为橄榄形或椭圆形,细胞在纤维上分裂、迁移,形成链状结构,细胞突起的末端呈扁平状膨大,伸出爪形伪足贴附于纤维。

    Results : Schwann cells cultured on the chitosan fiber were spindle or oval-shaped , proliferated and migrated along fiber and formed chain structure . The end of Schwann cell processes were flat and expanded , adhered on the fiber as claw-shaped pseudopodium .

  24. 一定浓度的HBIG(0.0001IU/ml)HBIG干预乙型肝炎病毒感染的JAR细胞,细胞变为圆形;细胞核与细胞质分界不清,细胞核不饱满;细胞膜凹陷,细胞膜周围伪足消失。

    JAR cells with HBV infection treated with HBIG ( 0.0001IU / ml ) were round ; boundaries between nucleus and cytoplasm was unclear , nucleus was not full ; membrane depression , pseudopodia around the cell membrane disappeared . Conclusions : 1 .

  25. 结果:培养24小时的生长端丝状伪足不断运动改变生长端的形态,pp60cSrc(+)的免疫反应活性分布在神经细胞的核周体、神经突起、生长端部分领域和丝状伪足;

    Results : Filopodia in the growth cones , which had been cultured for 24 h , moved unceasingly , and the morphological characteristics of growth cones changed . Immunoactivity of pp 60c-src ( + ) distributed around perikaryon , nerve processes , parts of growth cones and filopodia .

  26. 效靶细胞共育后,光镜和扫描电镜下见TDLN细胞包围瘤细胞,以伪足与瘤细胞紧密接触、粘附,二者形成花环状;

    Under the microscope and scanning electron microscope , it was observed that TDLN cells were in close contact with and adhered to target cells through their microvilli and formed a special flower-ring structure .

  27. IEL(直径4-9μm)位于肠道黏膜上皮细胞之间,并在它们之间伸出伪足,显示出IEL具有迁移趋势。肠腔内可见完整的游离淋巴细胞。

    IELs ( 4-9 μ m in diameter ) located in the whole intestinal epithelium , some of them had protruded pseudopodium between the enterocytes , showing the migration tendency , and others were found in the lumen of the intestine .

  28. 结果:①细胞的生长及形态特征:原代细胞种植40h后,可见有少部分成骨细胞贴壁并伸出伪足,80h后,可见较多的细胞贴壁,以梭形或多角形多见。

    RESULTS : ① Growth and morphologic character of cells : After the primary osteoblasts were planted for 40 hours , a few osteoblasts were observed to adhere the bottle wall and stretch out the spurius . After 80 hours , there were more adherence cells of fusiform or polygon .

  29. 细胞核呈圆形,胞浆内有嗜酸性颗粒,细胞接触玻片后,伸出伪足。

    Contacting with slide , the cells became flattened with extending pseudopodia .

  30. 细胞可产生出特征性的“伪足”,有助于它们在环境中“航行”。

    Cells typically produce localized protrusions which help them navigate their environment .