
  • 网络manchukuo;puppet manchukuo
  1. 殖民文化与伪满洲国的娱民电影

    Colonization Culture and " Films Entertaining People " in the Puppet Manchukuo

  2. 1932年,黑龙江成为日本傀儡政权&伪满洲国的一部分。

    In1932 , present-day Heilongjiang became part of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo .

  3. 试析伪满洲国师范教育的特点及其影响

    An Analysis of the Characteristics and Impact of the Manchurian Normal Education

  4. 伪满洲国时期《青年文化》杂志考述

    Investigation of the Periodical Youth Culture in Puppet Manchuria State

  5. 1937年4月驻扎伪满洲国三江县。

    He was stationed in Sanjiang County of the Manchukuo in April 1937 .

  6. 伪满洲国赋税制度述评

    Commentary about the Tax System of Puppet Manchuria Regime

  7. 伪满洲国社会教育述评

    Concise evaluation of social education in pseudo-Manchukuo

  8. 伪满洲国殖民教育特点及历史反思

    Analysis of the characteristics of the colonial education in puppet Manchurian regime and historical reflection

  9. 战前日本的羊毛需求与伪满洲国绵羊改良关系析论

    About before the War Japanese Wool Demand and the Sheep Improvement Activity of the Manchurian Country

  10. 伪满洲国中国人报纸的命运&以《国际协报》的发展及消失为例

    The Fate of Chinese Newspapers in Puppet Manchuria : An Example of the Newspaper International Association

  11. 日本妇女组织在伪满洲国的建立与活动

    Missionary work of Shinto during pseudo-Manchukuo period The Establishment of Japanese Women Organizations and Their Activities

  12. 从总务制到次长制&论伪满洲国政治体制的傀儡性

    From General Services System to Undersecretary System & On the Political System of Puppet Regime in Manchuria

  13. 为了确保殖民统治,在伪满洲国建立后,向东北移民成为日本侵略活动的重要手段。

    In order to ensure the colonial rule , Japan established pseudo-Manchukuo and immigrated to Northeast China .

  14. 伪满洲国皇陈列馆位于长春市东北角。

    The puppet Manchukuo imperial museum is located in the northeast corner of the city of Changchun .

  15. 伪满洲国是日本帝国主义对我国东北公然进行侵略的产物,也是日本的殖民地。

    The Japanese imperialists undisguisedly invaded the northeast China , which created the False Manchurian State , a Japanese colony .

  16. 迄今为止,无论在中国国内还是国外,对伪满洲国问题的研究成果已经很多。

    For the last few decades , Manchukuo studies have been done not only in China but all over the world .

  17. 1932年日本在中国东北炮制了伪满洲国。伪满洲国的惟神之道

    IN 1932 Japan invaded Northeast China and made it the so-called Puppet Manchu State . Missionary work of Shinto during pseudo-Manchukuo period

  18. 九·一八事变后,日本帝国主义侵略中国东北,建立“伪满洲国”,大肆掠夺中国东北资源,欺压、奴役中国人民。

    Afer September18th Incident , Japanese troops invaded Northeast China , established Manchukuo , plundered Chinese resources feverishly , enslaved Chinese people .

  19. 实话·秘话·谜话的传播&以伪满洲国时期的《麒麟》杂志为中心

    Spread of True Stories , Secret Stories , and Mysterious Stories & The Case of the Kylin Magazine in the Puppet Manchu State

  20. “贤妻良母主义”是战时体制下日本军国主义推行的日本“妇德”存伪满洲国的移植。

    This philosophy was a transplant of Japanese promotion of " women 's virtue " under the domination of militarism during the WWII .

  21. 随着伪满洲国的建立,很多日本作家在国家的派遣下或者自发来到满洲旅行或采访,一些文人还长期生活在满洲,并自办刊物。

    With the establishment of " Manchukuo ", many Japanese writers come to Manchuria spontaneous for travel or interviews , some authors lived in Manchuria long-term .

  22. 这种文学样式的出现,有政治上妥协于伪满洲国文艺政策的原因,也有商业上迎合市民趣味的原因。

    There were two causes for this literary form : " literary policy " of the puppet regime and commercial catering to the taste of the masses .

  23. 这些研究涉及对伪满洲国文学整体的把握,对具体作家具体创作的分析,以及原始文献的系统搜集和整理。

    These studies deal with a comprehensive grasp of the literature during the reign of the arrogated state of Manchuria and the actual analysis of relevant writers .

  24. 之后扶植并利用伪满洲国傀儡政府,开始了对东北地区军事、政治、经济、文化等全方位的殖民。

    Later it propped up and made use of a puppet state of Manchuria , and colonized the northeast in all aspects of military affaires , politics , economics , culture and so on .

  25. 所谓“狄克逊事件”,是指1933年12月,德国新任驻日本大使冯狄克逊拟应日本之邀访问伪满洲国之事件。

    Dickson event , happened in dec.1933 , is that Dickson as a new appointed German ambassador to Japan intended to pay an official visit to " manzhou " state at the invitation of the Japanese government .

  26. 九一八事变以后,日本把东北完全变成了自己的殖民地和支援战争的前沿阵地,并于1932年炮制了伪满洲国。

    After the Sept.18 Incident , northeast in China became the colony of Japan and the position in the war . It work out puppet Manchukuo in 1932.It caused the economy in Northeast be controlled by Japan .

  27. 尤其是伪满洲国时期,在日本移民政策的强制下,朝鲜移民与以前迁来的自由移民一起,开发水田、种植水稻,为日本的侵略战争服务。

    Especially during the Period of the Puppet Manchurian Regime , under the compulsion of the Japanese immigration policy , Korean immigrants and the free immigrants developed paddy field and planted rice , Served for Japanese aggressive war .

  28. 1932年到中国东北参加侵华战争,曾任海伦宪兵分遣队长、伪满洲国抚顺市警察局局长等职。

    In 1932 , he went to northeast China to join the War of Aggression against China and served successively as detachment captain of Hailun Military Police and director-general of Police Department in Fushun City of the " Manchukuo " .

  29. 从1931年9月18日开始,沦陷区在此后的十四年间成为了东北黑土地的另一种称谓,伪满洲国的殖民统治也使东北现代文学进入了一个断裂的异态时空。

    From September 18th 1931 , Japanese-occupied Area became another name of northeast China during the following fourteen years . The Colonial controls of Manchukuo make the modern literature come into an broken time and space in the northeast of China .

  30. 1933年3月-1935年2月,德国商人海耶在纳粹党领导人的支持下,以开拓远东贸易名义,演出了一场企图承认伪满洲国的闹剧。

    From Mar. 1933 to Feb. 1935 , backed up by the Nazi leaders , Heye , a German merchant , staged a farce of trying to acknowledge the puppet Manchuria government under the pretence of developing trade in the Far East .