
  • 网络PROCEEDINGS PAPER;conference paper;Conference article
  1. 鉴于SCI数据库的发展和文献的收录特点,如在SCI收录的论文中,还有会议论文等提出数据库所收录的文献不可都当作论文对待;

    In view of the special nature of its index methods and the recent development of this database , not all items indexed by SCI could be viewed as scientific research papers . Some may be conference papers .

  2. 会议论文及技术报告(2004)

    Conference Papers and Technical Reports ( 2004 )

  3. 使用Java实现学术会议论文管理系统

    Implementation of Papers Management System of Academic Conference with Java

  4. 规划二进位文本对应的一个可移植演算法〉。《ACL会议论文集,1997年》。(GZ)

    Melamed , Dan . " A Portable Algorithm for Mapping Bitext Correspondence . " Proceedings of ACL , 1997 . ( GZ )

  5. 自动构建用于摘要研究的大规模语库〉。《SIGIR会议论文集,1999年》。(PS)

    Marcu , Daniel . " The automatic construction of large-scale corpora for summarization research . " Proceedings of the SIGIR , 1999 . ( PS )

  6. 介绍了第10届铸造、焊接及先进凝固过程模拟(MCWASP)国际学术会议论文。

    In this paper , the proceedings of the 10 ~ ( th ) International Conference on Modeling of Casting , Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes ( MCWASP ) is introduced .

  7. 第11届欧洲铅蓄电池会议论文介绍

    On the articles presented at the 11th European Lead Battery conference

  8. 《1982年饲料与草地会议论文集》

    《 Proceedings of the 1982 Forage and Grassland Conference 》

  9. 文献类型主要为研究论文,其次是会议论文摘要;

    The primary document type was research article , then meeting abstract .

  10. 第三届全国青年体育科学学术会议论文综述

    Themes analysis : dissertations in the third national youth athletics scientific seminar

  11. 美国数学会会议论文摘要。

    Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical society .

  12. 第七属国际气体放电及其应用会议论文简介

    A brief review of 7th International Conference on gas discharges and their applications

  13. 制革中清洁技术的研究与实施&第四届亚洲国际皮革科学技术会议论文评述Ⅱ

    Research Implementation of Clean Technology in Leather Industry

  14. 第二届国际淬火和变形控制会议论文综述

    Proceedings Overview of 2nd International Conference on the Quenching and the Control of Distortion

  15. 第五届发展中国家海岸和港口工程国际会议论文概貌

    General Review of Papers for 5th International Conference for Coastal Port Engineering in Developing Countries

  16. 非洲地区第四届无损检测会议论文题录

    Index for Proceedings for 4 ~ ( th ) African Regional Conference on Nondestructive Testing

  17. 第12届世界地震工程会议论文综述(1)

    A review of the Proceedings of 12 ~ ( th ) WECC ( 1 )

  18. 稳步发展的压铸技术&第五届中国国际压铸会议论文综述

    The Development of Die Casting Technology & Comment on the 5th China International Die Casting Congress

  19. 手工检索了20种中医杂志,及有关学术会议论文汇编。

    Academic Researches 20 Chinese medical journals and relevant academic conference proceedings have been searched by hand .

  20. 文献类型包括论文、技术报告、会议论文等。

    Documents available on the site include articles , technical reports , working papers , conference papers , and theses .

  21. 2007大学生发展与学生事务专业化国际学术会议论文集很受欢迎。

    The Paper Collection of 2007 International Academic Conference on University Student Development & Specialization of Student Affairs is popular .

  22. 方舟子同时指出,肖传国夸大了他的学术成就,把一些会议论文也算作已发表论文。

    Fang also said Xiao had exaggerated his academic achievements by including presentations listed in conference proceedings among his international publications .

  23. 学期结束时做一个期末项目陈述,并以会议论文的形式写一篇期末报告。

    The semester culminates with a final project presentation and writing of a final report in the form of a conference article .

  24. 从上游和下游两方面阐述了会议论文的主要内容;

    It also presents the main ideas of papers at the conference , involving the two aspects of both upstream and downstream .

  25. 基于以上创新,作者已发表和录用三篇论文,包括两篇会议论文,一篇期刊论文。

    Based on such innovations , three papers have been published and accepted , including two conference papers and one journal paper .

  26. 他刚完成最新研究的论文就得写另一篇会议论文。

    No sooner had he finished a paper on his latest research than he was asked to write another for a conference .

  27. 提交关于您想要多学的东西的会议论文,为您创造完成目标的强大动机。

    Submit conference papers on things you want to learn more about , creating a powerful incentive for you to accomplish your goal .

  28. 组织全国性的试验教学研讨会,进一步改革和完善试验教学的方法与模式,并形成会议论文集。

    Organize national experimental teaching seminars , further reform and improve the methods and models of experimental teaching as well as form conference proceedings .

  29. 试从文学与艺术的韵律探索普通话的韵律规则,《第六届全国现代语音学学术会议论文集》,天津。

    Exploring prosodic rules from literature and art points , Proceedings of the6th National Symposium on Modern Phonetics , Tianjin : Tianjin normal University .

  30. 本论文论述了学术会议论文管理系统的网上投稿和审稿部分的设计和实现过程。

    The on-line paper submission and reviewing system which described in this thesis is a very important part of a conference paper management system .