
  • 网络meeting system;Congress System
  1. 在改革会议制度上,从完善会期制度和建立辩论制度上着手;

    On reforming congress system , our work should start from the improvement of institution of time fixed for the conference of NPC and the establishment of debate system ;

  2. 建立特殊教育工作联席会议制度。

    The federation will set up joint meeting system of special education work .

  3. 村民自治下的村民代表会议制度

    On the System of Villagers ′ Autonomous Representative Conference

  4. 试论债权人会议制度的若干法律问题

    On Several Legal Issues of Creditors ' Meeting System

  5. 破产程序中的债权人会议制度研究

    A Study of Creditor Meeting Law during Bankruptcy

  6. 一是构建联席会议制度。

    First , to construct joint meeting system .

  7. 试论村治新廉政监督机制:户代表会议制度

    On the New Supervision Mechanism on Honest and Clean Government : the Household Delegates Institution

  8. 关于高校院(系)党政联席会议制度的思考

    Thoughts on Joint Conference System Between the Party and the Government in Institutes of Higher Learning

  9. 美国审前会议制度研究

    Study on Pretrial Conference of America

  10. 股东大会会议制度若干问题研究

    Research on System of Shareholders Conference

  11. 目前我国高校院(系)普遍实行的是党政班子共同负责的党政联席会议制度。

    Currently , in our colleges and universities , the party-government meeting system is a widespread practice .

  12. 村级治理中的村民代表&关于村民代表会议制度效能的讨论

    Villagers ' representatives in village governance : a discussion on efficiency of the system of villagers ' representative meeting

  13. 修改《村民委员会组织法》,完善村民会议制度和村民代表会议制度;

    Modification village people committee organic law , perfect system and village people of the village people meeting represent meeting system ;

  14. 就形式而言,它是一种国际会议制度。

    As a matter of fact , in the terms of form , it is a kind of international conference system .

  15. 那时实行的氏族制度、平民会议制度对村民自治制度有启迪意义。

    Implemented at that time the clan system , the common people conference system has the inspiration significance to the villager self-administration system .

  16. 李石曾是学术会议制度的主要领导和设计者,有许多独到的理解和创新。

    The main leader and advocate of the NAP Academic Council system was Li Shizeng , who introduced many unique concepts and innovations .

  17. 在当前,建议先行成立流域管理联席会议制度,具体协调各行政区域的生态补偿等。

    At moment , the river basin administrative meeting should be set up at first to supervise different districts to carry out ecological compensation .

  18. 全国有半数以上村委会建立了村民代表会议制度,做到了村中重大事情由村民代表讨论决定。

    A system of village meetings , where important things are decided by the villagers , has been set up in half the village committees .

  19. 借鉴国外有关立法经验,建立可转换公司债债权人会议制度是一种较为可行和必要的尝试。

    It is feasible and necessary to set up a mechanism of convertible corporate bondholder meeting through learning from relative legislative experience at home and abroad .

  20. 由于种种原因,他创立的会议制度虽然归于失败,但这种在处理国际事务时的协商精神为处理近代国际关系提出了可供探索的新思路。

    Although the conference system established by him ends in failure , the compromising spirit in dealing with international affairs provides a new idea in modern international relations .

  21. 第三部分,从股东表决权集体行使机制&股东会会议制度入手,分析股东传统表决方式的不足,提出引进网络投票的必要性并且对网络投票进行模式设计。

    In part III , the dissertation begins from the conference system , analyses the deficiencies of traditional voting mode and proposes a new voting mode " network voting " .

  22. 为了对利用外资工作进行监督、检查、协调、仲裁,建立上海市利用外资联合办公会议制度。

    A system of joint administrative meetings to discuss the utilisation of foreign investment in Shanghai Municipality will beset up to carry out supervision , examination , co-ordination and arbitration .

  23. 第三部分从组织结构、计划管理、制度规范、会议制度四个方面详细论述了中国西部科学院的组织管理。

    The third part from the four aspects of organization structure , project management , system specification , meeting system discussed in detail the Science Institute of West China organization management system .

  24. 建筑物区分所有权理论是其法理基础,基本内容包括设立制度、会议制度、职权职责制度。

    The theory of condominium ownership of buildings is the legal basis . The content includes the establishment of the basic system , the meeting system , the terms and responsibility system .

  25. 这三级代表大会一律每年开会一次,因此,原有的党的各级代表会议制度就不需要了。

    Congresses at all three levels are to be called into session once a year ; therefore , the original system of Party conferences at the various levels will no longer be necessary .

  26. 本文通过对股东大会会议制度的几个基本问题的研究,探寻公司法建立股东大会会议制度的核心。

    Through the research on several basic problems about the systems of shareholders conference , this dissertation wants to explore the kernel of regulations which Company Law use to regulate shareholders ' conference .

  27. 为处理和应对前款所述大事、要事及突发事件,外经贸部和知识产权局建立不同层次的定期联席会议制度。

    In order to deal with the major , important and unexpected occurrences mentioned in the preceding paragraph , the MOFTEC and the SIPO shall establish a system of joint meetings at different levels .

  28. 主要对我国当前股东大会会议制度的缺失情况进行了分析,并提出通过公司立法建立完善的股东大会会议法律制度,是整个股东大会会议制度建设中最为重要的一环。

    It analyses the absence of current Chinese system of shareholders conference , and regards legal system of shareholders conference which established by Company Law as the most important part of the systems of shareholders conference .

  29. 近年来,我国政府对于假币的防范工作相当重视,并成立了国务院反假货币工作联席会议制度作为专门的假币防范组织和协调机制。

    Recent years , our government has made much of the precaution , and has founded a joint conference system of being against counterfeit note as a specific organization and coordination system for preventing counterfeit currency .

  30. 20世纪90年代后期民事审判方式改革的重点转移到审前程序的构建上,到了21世纪对审前程序中的审前会议制度的摸索越来越受到重视。

    In the 20th century 90 ages , the importance of civil justice reformation turn into conceiving Pretrial . In the 21st century , the exploration of pretrial conference is to be more and more attached importance .