
  • 网络Repository;Library;resource;data bank
  1. ContentList小部件显示资源库搜索的结果。

    Content List widgets show the results of repository searches .

  2. Web提供了一个极其丰富而有价值的信息资源库。

    Web offers an abundant and valuable information repository .

  3. 基于语义Web的网络学习资源库本体实现

    Implementation of Ontology in E-learning Resource Repository Based on Semantic Web

  4. 基于WEBService的教学资源库架构设计

    Design of Education Resources System based on Web Service

  5. 采用所提出的WEB信息集成方法,对网上多个教育资源库进行了集成。

    Used the given method of the web information integration , many kinds of web education resource library was integrated .

  6. 作为全球最大的信息资源库,Web资源日益成为我们文化遗产的重要组成部分。

    And Web resources , the largest information resource-library , increasingly turn into an indispensable part of our cultural heritage .

  7. 随着Internet的飞速发展,Web已经成为一个海量的、动态的、异构的信息资源库。

    With the fast development of internet , web has become a great , dynamic and isomerous information and resource base .

  8. 通过XML接口,可以轻松对资源库进行扩充。

    With the interface of XML , it is easy to improve the test - problem library .

  9. 作为大规模的语义知识资源库,Ontology在信息处理中具有重要的作用。

    As a large semantic knowledge resource , Ontology plays an important role in information processing .

  10. 基于资源库&规约PO查询的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Repository-Specification Based Query Method of Persistent Objects

  11. 将语义Web技术引入网络学习系统,构造了一个基于语义Web架构的网络学习资源库本体,实现对网络学习系统中学习资源的管理。

    The semantic Web technology is introduced in the E-learning to construct a learning resource ontology based on semantic Web architecture and realizes further management of the learning resources in E-learning system .

  12. 方法:采用OLAP的前端展示工具,构建医疗质量信息统计资源库。

    Method The front-end display tool of OLAP is applied to the setup of the database .

  13. 在第一期专栏中,我们构建了一个软件资源库,允许您使用HTTP从资源库查看和检索软件包。

    In the first column , we built a software repository that displayed and retrieved software packages using HTTP from a repository .

  14. 同时,我向CVS资源库提交了该新代码。

    In the meantime , I have committed the new code to the CVS repository .

  15. 使本地更改与CVS资源库同步

    Synchronizing local changes with the CVS repository

  16. 建立RP遗传资源库,包括纸质档案管理系统和电子档案管理系统。

    Establishing RP genetic resources system including paper-based records management system and electronic records management system . 2 .

  17. 讨论了LDAP协议,并描述了采用LDAP实现的一个多媒体教学资源库系统。

    LDAP is discussed , and implementation of a multimedia teaching resource database system with the LDAP technique is described .

  18. 但是,如果该资源库暂时不可用,您也许应该去找zip文件。

    However , should the repository be temporarily unavailable , you may want to go for the zip file .

  19. 这将从资源库中取出pong软件描述文档。

    This will fetch the pong software description document from the repository .

  20. 基于swf格式的积件资源库的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Integrable Ware Resource Library Based on swf Format

  21. 可以使用现有的LDAP目录(以及操作系统资源库和WebSphere用户注册表)访问员工信息。

    You can use existing LDAP directories ( as well as operating system repositories and the WebSphere user registry ) to access staff information .

  22. 本文正是将Office自动化编程技术和我们的数学资源库系统结合,将资源转换成Word文档提供给用户,具有良好的应用效果。

    This paper is precisely the Office automation programming technology and our mathematics resource base system union , converts the resource the Word documents to provide to the user , has the application effect .

  23. 举例来说,我们的《Atlassian设计指南》(AtlassianDesignGuidelines)就是一个提供设计组件和设计原则的在线资源库。

    Take , for instance , our atlassian design guidelines , which is an online resource with design components and principles .

  24. Replace–资源库中与安全文件中的多维数据集关联的所有安全元数据将被删除,文件中的所有安全元数据将添加进来。

    Replace – Any security metadata in the repository associated with the cubes in the security file will be removed , and all security metadata in the file will be added .

  25. 这是个临时措施,如果可以使用CVS资源库,我鼓励您访问它。

    This is a temporary measure , and I encourage you to access the CVS repository if it is available .

  26. 您可能需要设置MAVENREPO构建变量以指向本地Maven资源库。

    You might need to set up your MAVEN_REPO build variable to point to your local Maven repository .

  27. 确定tcsh在已启用YUM资源库的计算机上是否可用

    Determine whether tcsh is available within an enabled YUM repository on your computer

  28. 就如何选择开发软件、如何进行多媒体课件设计、加快学校CAI资源库的建设几个方面提出了探讨性看法。

    It puts forward some views on how to choose the development software , how to carry on multimedia courseware design and quicken the construction of CAI resource repository .

  29. 另一个选项是通过从选定的CVS资源库分支导入代码来创建新的工作台项目。

    Another option is to create a new workbench project by importing code from the selected branch of the CVS repository .

  30. 例如,可以基于WS-Inspection文档执行“Web爬虫程序”所得出的结果向UDDI资源库传递数据。

    For example , a UDDI repository could be populated based upon the results found when performing a " Web crawl " for WS-Inspection documents .