
  • 网络Can live;We Life
  1. 我知道他们在这里会生活得更好。

    I know they would have a better life here

  2. 汤姆·潘恩在18世纪90年代教育平民激进分子时论述到,如果不是为了实现王公、外交官和士兵借发起战争而使自己富有的潜在利益,人类本会生活在和谐之中。

    In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes , diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves .

  3. 他俩奇怪地问:“我们不懂你说的意思!我们各人有一门手艺,怎么会生活不了呢?别胡说了!”

    The couple asked in surprise : " We don 't understand what you mean . Each of us has superb craftsmanship3 . How is it possible that we couldn 't make a living ? Don 't talk nonsense ! "

  4. 你的儿子会生活在一个没有脚铐的世界里的。

    And your son will live in a world without chains .

  5. 国际定向越野赛跑联合会生活不是百米冲刺,而是越野长跑。

    Life is not a 100-yard dash , but more a cross-country run .

  6. 会生活的广州人

    People in Guangzhou Lead a Good Life

  7. 要生活得美,生活得真。要爱生活,做一个会生活的人。

    Love my life , To be a good people who knows how to live .

  8. 不过有小斌的照顾,这只蜗牛肯定会生活富足,快乐有余!

    But a park care , this snail will be prosperous life , more than happy !

  9. 所有人都必须投保,但会生活水平较低者将被给予补助。

    All would be required to buy insurance , but the less well-off will get subsidies .

  10. 我们各人有一门手艺。怎么会生活不了呢?别胡说了!

    How is it possible that we couldn 't make a living ? Don 't talk nonsense !

  11. 悉尼奥运会生活垃圾管理对北京奥运会的启示

    Enlightenment of Management Experience of the Domestic Waste During the Olympic Games of Sydney to Beijing Olympic Games

  12. 三是开发“意境”生活,让学生在艺术生活中学会生活。

    Returning to the life world to develop experience-oriented moral learning is a mission of education at school .

  13. 因为他们在一起做错了事,上帝说他们余下的日子会生活在悲哀之中。

    Because they did wrong together , God said they would live in sorrow for the rest of their lives .

  14. 然后临走补充说,哪天你再找找我,我给你点一点,你一定会生活的非常幸福。

    And they leave , adding that day you find me , I 'll give you points , you will be very happy life .

  15. 常以为别人在注意你,或希望别人注意你的人,会生活的比较烦恼。

    Others think that the attention you , or do you want others to pay attention to those who will live in relatively trouble .

  16. 记得有句名言:“懂得享受生活的人,才是热爱生活和会生活的人。”

    I remember a famous saying : " those who know how to enjoy life is the love of life and will live the people . "

  17. 描写现代都会生活和物质文明的城市诗,是20世纪新诗发展中现代性趋向的一个重要方面。

    Urban poetry which depicts modern urban life and material civilization is an important aspect of the modern tendency of the 20th-century new poetry 's development .

  18. 他们尽己所能去解决问题,如果他们无法解决遇到的困难,他们将会寻求朋友和亲人的帮助,所以他们会生活的更自信更快乐。

    They try their best to solve their problems and if they don 't feel well , they 'll talk to their friends or family members , so that they can be happier and more confident .

  19. 教育如何成就学生的幸福&兼论为了幸福的教育何以可能如果她坚持执教她会生活得很幸福;比他的同班生活得更幸福。

    Constructing the Student s Happiness by Education & A Co-discussion on the Feasibility of Happiness Education ; she would have been better off if she had stuck with teaching ; is better off than his classmate .

  20. 各种情绪都会在生活中的某个时刻流露出来。

    The emotions will surface at some point in life

  21. 它应该会让生活的方方面面都变得更加方便。

    It ought to make life much easier all round

  22. 我想我们会永远生活在一起。

    I think that we will live together forever

  23. 大家庭在很多方面会使生活更加丰富多彩。

    An extended family enriches life in many ways

  24. 随着眼界不断开阔,这些新观念会为生活赋予全新的意义。

    As your horizons expand , these new ideas can give a whole new meaning to life

  25. 也许到那时,我们最终会开始生活,而不是仅仅关心生存。

    Perhaps then we would finally begin to live , rather than being concerned with bare survival .

  26. 他们意识到自己的生活中少了些什么,但找回它们又会让生活脱离正轨。

    They recognize there 's something missing in their lives , but it 's hard to step off the track .

  27. 有时候跑步会让生活变得不那么愉快。

    Sometimes running makes life less enjoyable .

  28. 你可能会在生活中遇到很多绝境,但最终会找到摆脱它们的办法。

    You may find many dead ends in your life , but you will find your way out of them .

  29. 浪漫的爱会减轻生活的艰辛。

    Romantic love will buffer you against life 's hardships .

  30. 有人问我和我老婆婚姻长久的秘诀:我们俩口子很会享受生活,每周两次去餐厅吃饭。

    Some people ask the secret of our long marriage . We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week .