
  • 网络Meeting venue;Conference Venue
  1. 会议场地是格兰摩根大厦。

    Main conference venue is the Glamorgan Building .

  2. 表演场地、团拜礼堂、剧场及会议场地都会选用“FORUM”系列的扬声器,能加强高质素声效的分配。

    It 's the most demanding sound reinforcement applications in performing arts facilities , worship spaces , theatres and meeting facilities call for the FORUM Series .

  3. 在前方每年计划并预订会议场地时,Mila和Oa看着自己的银行帐户渐减到几乎空空如也。

    Mila and Oa have watched their bank account dwindle down to almost nothing as they plan ahead each year and book their conference space .

  4. 酒店完美的会议场地适合举办各类形式的宴会活动,无论是公司年会、大型会展还是高雅婚宴,一应俱全。

    This beautiful resort makes it a perfect setting for high impact meetings to medium to large-scale incentive conferences or specialty wedding banquets .

  5. 提供配备:会议室场地、桌椅、1台投影仪、2个麦克风、1块幕布。

    Equipment provided : Conference room , tables and chairs , 1 projector , 2 microphones and1 screen .

  6. 你想一个独特的,高效率和成本效益为您的会议的新场地?

    Would you like a unique , efficient and cost effective new venue for your meetings ?

  7. 提供经营、办公、会议、洽谈场地租赁服务;代办工商注册、税务登记等手续,协助企业取得高新技术资质认证。

    To provide various office facilities including multi-functional conferencing room , VIP room , to provide one-stop service for business administration and tax registration .

  8. 近五百平方米的多功能厅及二个会议室,提供大小会议及宴会场地,完善的配套设施一应俱全。

    An around five hundred squre meters multifunction hall and two conference room for all kind of meetings and banquets .

  9. 还有一个例子是会议中心,它通常伴有旅店,和宽敞的会议场地,为的就是吸引人们来到这座城市开展主要的商业会议和各种大事。

    Another really good example is convention center which typically has a hotel and large meeting spaces to draw visitors to the city for major business conferences and events .

  10. 要确保在会议开始前至少10分钟发起调动或联系,并保证能联系上会议期间没有到场地人士。

    Be sure to initiate the call or the connection at least 10 minutes before the time of the meeting , and make sure you know how to reconnect someone if they get disconnected during the meeting .