
  • 网络fuxi culture
  1. 伏羲文化对中国古代数学的影响

    The Influence of Fuxi Culture on the Ancient Mathematics in China

  2. 论中国古史传说时代与伏羲文化研究&兼论天水市弘扬伏羲文化的成就

    Research into the Legendary Times of Ancient Chinese History and Fuxi Culture

  3. 伏羲文化更是一种寻根文化,研究伏羲文化有着重大现实意义。

    Today , the research on the Fuxi culture is much reality .

  4. 伏羲文化的精神特质及其现代阐释

    The Spiritual Character and Interpretation of Fuxi Culture

  5. 话说伏羲文化&中国古代民族史研究札记

    On the Fuxi Culture & Reading Notes of the Research of the Chinese Ancient National History

  6. 泥泥狗产生的根本原因是伏羲文化孕育下的必然结果。

    The mud puppy from the fundamental reason is Fuxi cultural conception of the inevitable result .

  7. 伏羲文化是中华文化之主源之一和重要组成部分。

    The Fuxi culture is one of the fountain head and most important in the Chinese culture .

  8. 伏羲文化研究简论

    Research into Fuxi Culture

  9. 大地湾先进的生产技术和以太阳崇拜为核心的意识形态孕育了伏羲文化。

    The advanced production technology and the ideology taking sun worship as the core have bred Fuxi culture .

  10. 伏羲文化是中华文化之根&示意符号与示意文字的真实涵义

    The Root of Chinese Culture : Fu Xi Culture & The Real Connotations of Signs and Signal Characters

  11. 伏羲虎文化与彝族八卦初探&兼谈伏羲文化是全球最古老的文化

    A tentative research on the relationship between the Tiger culture of Fuxi and the eight trigrams of the Yi nationality

  12. 为了满足国内外游客了解天水体育旅游的需要,弘扬传统文化,借助于伏羲文化大典,着力开发天水体育旅游资源。

    In order to meet the needs of the tourists from domestic and abroad to understand sports tourism of Tianshui , it takes advantage of the Fuxi culture festival to carry forward the traditional culture , and focus on the development of sports tourism resources in Tianshui . 4 .

  13. 通过挖掘整理伏羲祭祀乐舞,研究其现代文化价值,旨在弘扬并发展伏羲体育文化。

    Through mining and organizing Fuxi music and dance , the author studies its modem cultural value , aiming at promoting and developing Fuxi sports culture .

  14. 伏羲以其超人的智慧创造了辉煌的文化,伏羲文化时期文明因素如城址、铜器、文字的出现,为解决中原文明起源问题提供了重要线索。

    At the period of Fu Xi culture the emergence of the civilized factors such as city , bronze and script provided an important clue to solve the origin of civilization of the Central Plains of China .