
  • 网络Olympic China
  1. 后奥运中国体育走向的新思考(笔谈)

    New Thinking on Chinese Sports Orientation in the Post-Olympic Period ;

  2. 北京奥运中国冷链物流发展的加速器

    Beijing Olympics the Accelerator of China 's Cold-chain Logistics Development

  3. 暂时的增长风险不应成为后奥运中国的主要担忧。

    Temporary growth risks should not be the dominant concern in post-Olympics China .

  4. 北京奥运中国文化产业商机与策划研究

    A Study of Commercial Chances and planning of Chinese Cultural Industry on Beijing Olympic Games

  5. 后奥运时代中国奥林匹克知识产权的一体化保护&基于TRIPS的国内法视角

    Streamline Protection of Chinese Olympic Intellectual Property Rights in the Post-Beijing Olympic Era & From the Domestic Law Perspective of TRIPS

  6. 可是,《财务总监》杂志(cfomagazine)近期针对中国财务总监所作的调查发现,82%的受访者担心奥运会后中国经济将会放缓。

    Nonetheless , a recent survey of Chinese finance directors by CFO magazine found that 82 per cent were worried about an economic slowdown after the Beijing Olympics .

  7. 后奥运时代中国体育改革的趋势、阻力及对策分析

    Resistance and means of China sport reform in the post-Olympic era

  8. 第29届北京奥运会中国女子体操比赛述评

    Comment On Chinese Women Gymnastics In The 29th Beijing Olympic Games

  9. 北京奥运与中国体育产业发展商机探讨

    A Probe into Beijing Olympic Games and China Sports Industry Development

  10. 北京奥运对中国未来经济的影响

    Influence of Beijing Olympic Games on the Future Economy of China

  11. 后奥运时期中国散打运动的发展与思考

    Development of China martial arts kick boxing in post-Olympic Games era

  12. 后奥运时期中国体育体制变革走向

    Tendency for Chinese sports system reform during post Olympic era

  13. 北京奥运与中国体育保险的发展

    The Beijing Olympic Games and the development of China 's sports insurance

  14. 对北京奥运会后中国武术发展的思考

    Reflections on Development of Chinese Wushu after Beijing Olympic Games

  15. 2008年奥运会中国女子帆板运动员速度力量耐力素质分析

    Rapid endurance of strength of female sailing athletes at 2008 Olympic Games

  16. 后奥运时期中国体育发展的辩证思考

    Dialectical Thinking of Chinese sports ' development in post Olympic

  17. 北京奥运与中国传统文化基本精神

    Beijing Olympics and the Primary Spirits of Chinese Traditional Culture

  18. 2008年奥运会后中国体育管理体制改革的战略选择

    Strategic choice of sports management system reform for China after 2008 Olympic Games

  19. 2008年奥运后中国足球发展方向的思考

    A thinking on the developing orientation of China football after 2008 Olympic Games

  20. 对2008年奥运会中国体育代表团新的冲击目标的研究

    Research on Chinese Sports Delegation Getting a New Target in 2008 Olympic Games

  21. 论北京奥运与中国传统和谐思想

    Discussion About Beijing Olympic Sports And The " Harmony " Thought Of Chinese

  22. 在推特上,桑达斯基表示,有关美国奥运队服中国制造的愤怒都毫无意义。

    On Twitter , Sandusky called the outrage over the made-in-China uniforms nonsense .

  23. 29届奥运会中国男篮篮板球能力及其影响因素的研究

    29th Olympic Games Men 's Basketball Rebounds Chinese Ability and Its Influence Factors

  24. 叶莉是2004年奥运会中国女篮队员。

    Ye played for the Chinese women 's team at the 2004 Olympics .

  25. 北京奥运会中国冠军的成长特征及启示

    The Enlightenment of the Growth Characteristics of Chinese Champion in Beijing Olympic Games

  26. 北京奥运会中国男篮前锋技术能力的分析

    Analysis of Striker Technical Capacity of Chinese Men 's Basketball in Beijing Olympic Games

  27. 关于奥运扎根中国的思考

    Considerations to Root the Olympic Movement in China

  28. 第29届奥运会中国代表团奖牌榜名次分析

    The analysis of the medal tally of Chinese delegation in the 29th Olympic Games

  29. 北京奥运会中国女子手球队防守能力分析

    The Defense Ability of Chinese Female Handball Team in the Olympic Games of Beijing

  30. 第29届奥运会中国女子平衡木的优势与差距

    Advantage and Disadvantage of Chinese Women 's Balance Beam in the 29th Olympic Games