
  1. 伏明霞在上世纪90年代以其难度极高的跳水动作独占鳌头。

    Fu Mingxia dominated the sport throughout the 1990s with her repertoire of extremely difficult dives .

  2. 中国女跳水运动员伏明霞因成为最年轻的奥运跳水冠军而为众人熟知。

    Chinese female diver Fu Mingxia is popular for being one of the youngest Olympic diving champions .

  3. 伏明霞年仅14岁时就成为最年轻的奥运冠军。

    Fu Mingxia became the youngest Olympic champion at the age of14 .

  4. 伏明霞在巴塞罗那成了中国有史以来最年轻的奥运冠军。

    Fu Mingxia has become China 's youngest Olympic gold medalist here in Barcelona .

  5. 伏明霞在1991年首次夺冠,年仅十二岁;第二年,她又成为了最年轻的奥林匹克冠军。

    Fu Mingxia won her first victory in1991.She was only twelve-the youngest world champion ever .

  6. 伏明霞获跳水冠军后便成了大明星。

    Fu Ming Xia became a big star after she won the gold medal for diving .

  7. 伏明霞说,为了备战这次奥运,她每周训练6天,每天7小时。

    Fu says she worked seven hours a day , six days a week to prepare for the Olympics .

  8. 非常荣幸有机会为你们介绍一位伟大的中国跳水运动员,伏明霞小姐。

    I 'm honored to have the chance to introduce you to a great Chinese diver , Miss Fu mingxia .

  9. 中国小将伏明霞获世界游泳锦标赛女子10米跳台跳水冠军。

    Chinese young pathfinder Fu Mingxia wins the diving champion of the Women's10-meter diving tower at the World Swimming Championships .

  10. 伏明霞在亚特兰大奥运会上赢得跳台跳水和跳板跳水金牌,使她成为36年来第一个获得奥运会跳水双料冠军的女选手。

    Fu Mingxia 's platform and springboard golds at Atlanta made her the first woman in36 years to win Both Olympic events .

  11. 中国13岁的小将伏明霞获得了女子跳台跳水金牌,成为有史以来第二位最年轻的奥运个人金牌获得者。

    China 's Fu Mingxia , 13 , won the women 's platform diving gold , becoming the second-youngest person to win an individual gold medal .

  12. 伏明霞成为了第一个蝉联三届奥运会金牌的女子跳水皇后,而熊倪则成了第一个在奥运会上四次获奖的选手。

    Fu became the first woman diver to win golds at three consecutive Olympics and Xiong was the first diver to win medals at four olympics .

  13. 伏明霞的跳水动作是12名决赛选手中难度系数最高的,她5英尺2.126磅的身型入水时溅起的水花很小。

    Fu Mingxia 's dives had the highest degree of difficulty among the12 finalists . Her5-foot-2,126-pound frame made only the slightest splash as it cut the surface of the water .

  14. 在跳台跳水比赛已经夺冠的伏明霞,7月31日又进入跳板项目的决赛,重重困难摆在她的面前。田赛项目有跳跃和投掷。

    Coming into the springboard finals on July 31 already the winner of the platform , Fu faced assorted difficulties . The jumping and throwing contests comprise the field events .