
rèn xìng
  • willful;wayward;capricious;self-willed;petulance;unrestrained
任性 [rèn xìng]
  • [willful;capricious] 听凭秉性行事;放纵不约束自己

  • 曹植更不守法,饮酒无节,任性而行,是一个纯粹的文士

任性[rèn xìng]
  1. 有本事任性的人,也要有本事坚强!

    Those have the ability to be capricious should also strong .

  2. 中国女孩太任性了,怎么都不能让她们满意啊。

    Chinese girls are too capricious and hard to take care of .

  3. 她让父母担惊受怕,从中取得任性的快乐。

    She finds a perverse pleasure in upsetting her parents .

  4. 她的任性妄为和喜怒无常让我整天提心吊胆。

    I lived in terror of her sudden caprices and moods .

  5. 为什么要宣传报道这个行为任性、青春期未满的白痴呢?

    Why give publicity to this self-indulgent , adolescent oaf ?

  6. 她在耍小孩子脾气,真是任性。

    She 's just being childish and immature .

  7. 他年青、任性,但骨子里是个好人。

    He 's young , very headstrong , but he 's a good man underneath .

  8. 任性放肆的孩子会变成年轻的罪犯。

    Uncontrollable children grow into young criminals .

  9. 他的任性让她无法忍受。

    His petulance made her impatient .

  10. 我认识的一位母亲因为十几岁的儿子脾气暴躁、任性叛逆而过得很不开心。

    A mother I knew was going through a really unpleasant time with a stroppy teenage son

  11. 他是个任性的孩子,总是惹麻烦。

    He was a headstrong kid , always getting into trouble .

  12. 格伦年轻、任性,但骨子里是个好人。

    Glenn is young and very headstrong , but he is a good man underneath it all .

  13. 她任性惯了。

    She was used to having her own way .

  14. 你这个任性的脾气什么时候改得了?

    When will you ever change your headstrong ways ?

  15. 他们的无能和任性折磨得我够受了

    I have suffered a martyrdom from their incompetency and caprice .

  16. 在我们最出色的人身上都有任性的一面。

    The best of us have a spice of perversity in us .

  17. 优秀的情感和责任劝告她控制住自己任性的情绪。

    Good sense and duty counseled her to control her wayward spirit .

  18. 她嫁给他纯粹是任性。

    She 's marrying him out of sheer perversity .

  19. 她任性得无要救药,总是同周围人闹别扭。

    She 's hopelessly headstrong . She always gets up against people around her .

  20. CA私钥的安全性是CA可信任性的基础。

    The security of CA private key is the basis of CA reliability .

  21. 为了解决这个问题,本文定义了Web服务的信誉度描述,并用它来描述Web服务的可信任性和服务质量等信息。

    In order to overcome this , the Reputation description for Web Services is defined by the author in this paper .

  22. 雅若,对不起,以前的我太任性了,忽视了你在E。

    Arrow , sorry . I was too self-willed before , and ignored your hard working in E.

  23. 现在清楚了,Gabrielle是任性的,自我为中心并且很有心计,

    And clearly Gabrielle is willful , self-centered , and manipulative .

  24. 体育社会学家毛里西奥•穆拉德向Quartz网站表示,除了足球传统,观众们的任性行为可能跟巴西人民目前正在经历的困境有关系。

    Besides the tradition of soccer , the unruly behavior may have something to do with the hard times Brazilians are currently enduring , sports sociologist Mauricio Murad told Quartz .

  25. 微软(Microsoft)任性的聊天机器人Tay就展现了机器人可能出现怎样的错误,这个扮成一名青春期少女的算法程序已开始在Twitter上散布种族主义言论。

    Microsoft 's wayward chatbot Tay , the algorithm pretending to be an adolescent girl that started spouting racist comments on Twitter , is Exhibit A for what can go wrong .

  26. Didio还讨论了蝙蝠侠的密友罗宾的角色,这是目前被布鲁斯·韦恩的任性的儿子光盘。

    Didio also discussed Batman 's sidekick Robin , the role of which is currently taken by Bruce Wayne 's wayward son Damian .

  27. 潘基文可能也是如此,一如他声称的,尤其是如果他想赢得七十七国集团(G77)信任的话,G77是发展中国家组织,如今正越发武断与任性。

    Mr Ban could do the same & especially if , as he claims , he wants to win the trust of the increasingly assertive and obstreperous group of developing countries known as the G77 .

  28. 数字证书的可信任性取决于数字签名本身的有效性。

    The validity of digital certificate depends on the digital signatures .

  29. 他任性、自私、傲慢、有时候还很冷酷。

    He was petulant , selfish , arrogant and occasionally callous .

  30. 任性的人不能容忍他们的愿望遭受哪怕是最小的一点挫折。

    Willful people cannot tolerate the slightest frustration of their wishes .