
  • 网络task-based language teaching;task-based approach;task-based language teaching approach;task-based teaching approach;tblt
  1. 任务型教学法与交际教学法对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Task-Based Language Teaching and Communicative Language Teaching

  2. 依照Willis的任务型教学法理论框架设计了相应的商务英语精读教学程序及内容。

    According to Willis ' framework of task-based language teaching , the author designed teaching procedure and contents for intensive reading of business English .

  3. 在小学英语教学中采用任务型教学法(Task-BasedApproach)能激发学生学习欲望,提高教学效果。

    Task-based Approach can stimulate students ' interest and motivation of learning English .

  4. 浅谈任务型教学法及其与传统PPP教学法的差异

    On the Differences in the Task - Oriented and PPP Teachings

  5. 其中一个班被随机定为控制班,采用非任务型教学法(PPPapproach),该班中选取的24名学生构成了控制组。

    One class formed the control class , receiving non-task-based teaching approach ( PPP approach ) and 24 students from this class were selected as subjects of the control group .

  6. 文章将从PTP教学模式的产生入手来分析PTP教学模式及其尝试性地把任务型教学法运用于我国大学《实用英语》的教学中。

    In this article , the writer wants to analyze the PTP Teaching Mode from its production and tries to apply it in Practical English .

  7. 任务型教学法自产生以来对各国外语教学都产生了深远的影响,特别是从Willis提出的PTP教学模式给广大教学工作者提供了操作层面上的指导以后。

    Since it came into being , Task-based Approach has exerted a great influence in English teaching , especially after Willis raised a PTP Teaching Mode , which provided an operating principle to the educators .

  8. 笔者在自己任教的初二两个平行班中进行了为期半年的对比教学实验,其中一个班采纳任务型教学法,另一个班依然用传统的3P教学模式。

    Besides , the author chose two classes of her school and carried out a half-year experiment during which the task-based approach was adopted in one class while the traditional teaching model is still used in the other .

  9. 浅谈任务型教学法在外语课堂教学中的应用

    Probe on the Application of Task-based Teaching to Foreign Language Class

  10. 学生对任务型教学法有什么认识?

    To what degree is task-based teaching approach recognized among students ?

  11. 在国外,任务型教学法已经研究了多年。

    It has been studied for many years in foreign countries .

  12. 外语任务型教学法纵横谈

    Some Random Remarks on the Task-based Approach in Foreign Language Teaching

  13. 任务型教学法与对外汉语初级口语教学

    Oral Chinese Teaching to Primary CFL Learners with the Task-based Teaching Method

  14. 网络多媒体背景下任务型教学法在大学英语教学中的应用研究

    A Study of Task-based Approach in CET under Internet Environment

  15. 任务型教学法应用于英语第二课堂的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Applying Task-based Language Teaching to Outside Classroom Activities

  16. 初中英语听力中任务型教学法的应用

    The Application of Task-Based Approach in English Listening Comprehension of Middle School

  17. 第二章对任务型教学法进行了文献综述。

    Chapter Two presents a literature review of the TBA .

  18. 任务型教学法在涉外职业学校口语教学中的应用研究

    Application of Task-Based Instruction to Oral English Teaching in Foreign Related Vocational Schools

  19. 试论任务型教学法产生的理论背景及其现实意义

    On the Theory Background and Significance of Task-based Approach

  20. 任务型教学法在应用中的原则刍议

    On Principles of Task-based Teaching Approach in Practice

  21. 实施任务型教学法是有效地完成函授教学任务的途径。

    The answer is task - based teaching .

  22. 任务型教学法初探

    On Application of Task - Based Teaching Methodology

  23. 实施任务型教学法值得注意的几个问题&黔南地区中学英语教学研究

    Factors in the Application Task-Based Language Teaching Approach in Middle Schools of South Guizhou

  24. 探讨任务型教学法在初中英语教学中的运用。

    It also explores the usage of Task-based teaching method in Junior Enghish teaching .

  25. 任务型教学法可有效提高学生的英语成绩。

    The model of Task-based Learning can effectively improve the students ' English achievements .

  26. 第三章描述了任务型教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的实际运用。

    Chapter three explores the practical use of Task-Based Language Teaching in reading classes .

  27. 关于警务口语教学中任务型教学法的应用

    Task-based Teaching Method in Police Oral English Teaching

  28. 任务型教学法在高校英语语法教学中的实践

    A Brief Analysis of the Function of Task - based Instruction in College Grammar Teaching

  29. 基于任务型教学法的听力教学探讨

    Discussion on Listening-teaching Based on Task-oriented Approach

  30. 任务型教学法起源于20世纪80年代的国外,受到了广泛欢迎。

    Task-based teaching method , which originated abroad in the 1980s , was widely welcomed .