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  • 网络Qiu Yuan
  1. 词乐亡于元初,其具体时间可以张炎、仇远逝世为标志。

    The music of ci poetry died out in early Yuan Dynasty , marked specifically by the deaths of Zhang Yan and Qiu Yuan .

  2. 从故宫所藏仇远《自书诗》长卷看仇远诗文的编辑这看起来也不奇怪,但从长远来看,它是没用的。

    On the Edition of Qiu Yuan 's Poems Based on The Poem on Oneself Collected in the Palace Museum This will not only look strange , but in the long run , it just won 't work .

  3. 下篇,根据仇远《无弦琴谱》的遗民心态意象呈现情况的统计、分类及趋向,着重讨论其自然意象及人文意象。

    Chapter Two , based on statistics , clarification and trend of imagery presentation in the collection , discusses natural imagery and social and cultural one .

  4. 陶渊明、张翰、范蠢、巢父、许由这些历史人物,仇远用来表示归隐之思。在对历史人物和事件的描述上有一定的创新和发挥。

    Historical figures such as Tao Yuanming , Zhang Han , Fan Li , Chao Fu and Xu You were included to embody his intension of retiring from political life . Moreover , it is desired to be original in the portrayal of historical figures and events .