
  • 网络hate speech
  1. Facebook有一个,上面说你不能够标注仇恨言论的内容。

    Facebook has one that says you will not post content that is hate speech .

  2. 他们还迫使Facebook、Twitter和谷歌等社交网络签名支持监控网络仇恨言论的标准。相关标准目前属于自愿性质。

    They also have forced social networks like Facebook , Twitter and Google to sign up for voluntary - so far - standards to police hate speech online .

  3. 2010年,联合国敦促日本杜绝仇恨言论。

    In 2010 , the United Nations urged Japan to ban hate speech .

  4. 该公司表示将更新其识别仇恨言论的准则,

    The company says it 's going to update its guidelines for identifying hate speech ,

  5. 现在,该公司正努力摆脱仇恨言论。

    Now , the company is increasing its efforts to get rid of hate speech .

  6. 此前,欧盟曾批评美国几大社交媒体公司在遏制仇恨言论方面不够努力。

    The move follows criticism from Brussels that big US social media groups have made insufficient effort to clamp down on hate speech .

  7. 我们已清楚地看到我们的系统并没有像预期那样有效识别及消除仇恨言论。

    it has become clear that our systems to identify and remove hate speech have failed to work as effectively as we would like .

  8. 一年多以来扎克伯格一直举行公开问答活动,讨论的问题范围广泛,包括仇恨言论以及成为新晋爸爸。

    Zuckerberg 's been holding public question-and-answer sessions for more than a year , discussing issues ranging from hate speech to being a new father .

  9. 该算法首先学会了预测哪些表情可能被使用,然后识别言语中的讽刺情绪,让它能比人类更快地发现仇恨言论。

    The algorithm learned first to predict which emoji was likely to be used and then to recognise sarcasm , allowing it to spot hate speech faster than humans .

  10. 在这个拥有现代技术的现代世界中,我们若采用那些手段回应仇恨言论,就会使散布仇恨言论的人能够借机在全世界制造混乱。

    In this modern world with modern technologies , for us to respond in that way to hateful speech empowers any individual who engages in such speech to create chaos around the world .

  11. 联邦调查局局长特蕾莎·卡尔森表示在缺乏犯罪及仇恨言论多么具有攻击性面前,执法机构可做甚微。

    There are limits to what law enforcement can do in the absence of a crime , no matter how offensive the hate speech , says Teresa Carlson of the Federal Bureau of Investigation .

  12. 即便是在德国、西班牙和意大利等历史悠久的民主国家,社交媒体上的虚假新闻报道和仇恨言论也在煽动草根阶层的民粹主义运动。它们常将目标对准最近大量涌入的中东难民,以在选举中获得更广泛的支持。

    Even in long-established democracies like Germany , Spain and Italy , false news reports and hate speech on social media have whipped up grass-roots populist movements , which have often targeted the recent influx of Middle Eastern refugees , to garner wider electoral support .

  13. 例如,一些国家禁止发表可能引起仇恨的言论。

    For example , some countries ban speech that could incite hatred .

  14. 联合国女发言人米维达·香迪索尼表示,各方所发表的充满仇恨的言论将造成严重威胁。

    The UN spokeswoman Mivinda Shadisoni says strong hate speech from all sides poses a great threat .

  15. 你穿这样的衣服只会冒犯到别人。你身上的画传达的也是仇恨的言论。

    What you 're wearing is offensive and those messages painted on your body are hate speech .

  16. 但他也指出,社交媒体也有不好的一面。举几个来说,就是是像组织暴力行为、传播阴谋、仇恨的言论和网络欺凌儿童等等。

    But he also pointed out that social media also has its bad traits-being used to organize violent behaviours , conspiracy-spreading , hate speech , and cyberbullying amongst children , to name just some .