
rén zhě ài rén
  • The benevolent loves others
仁者爱人[rén zhě ài rén]
  1. 以造福世界为宗旨,仁者爱人。

    The benefit for the purpose , benevolent love .

  2. 仁者爱人是我国现代女子竞技体育训练及运动员管理的良方;

    Benevolence is a modern female athletics sports training and athlete management prescription ;

  3. 仁者爱人倡导健全人格,关爱他人;

    " Humanity is to Love Men " advocates perfect personality and care for others ;

  4. 孔子关于仁的说法虽多,但其最具有本质意义的说法是仁者爱人。

    The explanation of Confucius ' theory of humanity were quite rich , but the most essential one was about benevolence .

  5. 作为一名伟大的思想家、政治家,孔子从仁者爱人的角度提出了自己的政治理想,但他的这种理想究竟是什么呢?

    As a great ideologist and politician , Confucius puts forward his own political ideality on the base of " humanity " . But what was it means ?

  6. 为了实现仁者爱人的目标,《论语》中提出了道德建设的理想人格是君子,规定了成为君子的道德标准和要求。

    To achieve the aim of the kindheartedness , the book puts forward a view that a man of noble character is the ideal moral character , It also provides the moral standard and moral demands .

  7. 汪曾祺小说通过人生与民俗文化的融合,描绘出了人与自然、人与人、人与社会的和谐,演绎出了优美和丰富的人性,体现了儒家仁者爱人的人文精神。

    His novels depicts the harmony between man and nature , man and man , man and society through the integration of life and folklore culture . His novels show the beautiful and rich human nature and the Confucian benevolent love .

  8. 孔子的仁者爱人修身以敬的儒家思想与自我管理型团队建设的以人为本、自我管理完善、积极授权以培养员工参与管理等管理思想是一致的。

    Confucius ' humane people care for others , cultivate one 's morality to be respected , these Confucian thoughts are accordant with the management thoughts such as caring for people , consummating self - administrant positively empowering the staff to join in the management .

  9. 在《论语》中,我们可以看到许多现代行政管理思想的相应萌芽及其基本价值观念,如德政的思想,任人唯贤的思想,仁者爱人的思想,正人先正己的思想等。

    In Confucian Analects , sprouts of many modern administration thoughts and basic value conceptions were observed , such as benevolent government , let people but wise , charity governors , sweep before one ′ s own door , with the righteousness to get benefit .

  10. 孔子从仁者爱人这一仁学思想的核心观念出发,倡导并实现的达仁为政的思想为中国两千多年的封建社会思想政治教育奠定了坚实的基础。

    The thought of politics is to reach benevolence ( da ren wei zheng ) advocated and realized by Confucius based on the core concept of benevolent thought of benevolent people love people ( ren zhe ai ren ) lays solid foundation for the two-thousand-year feudalist ideological and political education .