- 名personal relation

Adjust property relation and personal relation between the equal subjects in commercial laws of the people .
There into , personal relation between husband and wife is the predominant one , reflecting the major features in marriage .
Doctor patient relationship involves the equality of property and personal relationships .
Tort between them mainly occurs in the two major relationships , that is personal and financial relationships .
On The Present Prominent Matters of Physical Relation of Couple And Its Law Countermeasure During Social Period in Transition
The theory of international civil action jurisdiction mainly consists of personal relationship theory , power theory and equity theory .
The principle of public order and good customs is the basic principle modifying both personal relationship and property relationship .
The phenomenon has produced some problems such as the personal relation and the property relation between a couple of cohabitants .
The standards of dispute suability should be the property relation dispute and personal relation dispute between the subjects with equal status .
There are some stipulations on personal relation of spouses in marriage law revised in 2001 , but they aren 't still perfect .
The second is that the content of contract has two meaning , it belong to the property relation and human relation together .
Moreover , the principles and methods of the property and the personal relationship between the non-marriage cohabitation partners should be affirmed hereby .
On the Application of Acquiring Limits on Personal Relation Law and Public Law PROTECTION OF RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT , PUBLIC LAW OR PRIVATE LAW
The structure sequence of future Chinese civil code is gen eral principles , persion and relation law , inheritance law , property law , obligation law .
The author suggested that the draft of China 's civil code should include two parts , the law of personal relations and the law of property relations .
The third part discusses the premarital cohabitation both personal relationships , cohabitation both property inheritance problems , support and assistance obligations and inside certain limits of authority .
Where the manner of announcement is adopted in service of process , the form of posting announcements in border ports may be adopted except cases of personal relation .
When men and women are connected by marriage , what come into being are the rights and obligations between them , that is , personal relation and property relation .
Custom is the people 's custom and habit , and Civil Law is the total name of legal standards regulating the property relationship and personal relationship among the equal subjects .
Labor relations with the will of the state-oriented parties will as the main attributes , both equal and subordinate , and both personal relationships and the nature of property relations .
Civil contract is the carrier of the property relationships and personal relationships in the real social life . It embodies the existing state and the operation mechanism of the society .
Once the legitimate marriage is set up , it will establish a series of new personal relations between husbands and wives , that is the so-called " spouse right " .
And on the establishment of non-marital cohabitation and dissolution , cohabitation personal relationship between the parties , the rights and obligations of property relations and other issues put forward concrete ideas .
Two equal subjects are involved in injury accidents of university students . The personal relationship between universities and students is the special contract , which is the contractual relationship of education .
" Divorce Effect " refers to the personal relation and the property relation of the persons concerned , and a series of law effects caused by the children raise as well .
The marital property system is the great component of the marriage and family system , and its character and nature are determined by the social production relationship and related to the spouse 's personal right .
The husbands and wives property relations produce based on the husbands and wives person relations , is important content of the husbands and wives relations , simultaneously is also important component of the civil legal relationship .
For the personal and property relationship and rightful heir of children arising from non-marital cohabitation , a legal system different from lawful marriage or de facto marriage should be constructed , aimed at achieving legal regulation .
The weak points of China 's present statutory marital property system find expression in the clash between the doctrine of separate conjugal personalities in their personal rights and the doctrine of integrated conjugal personality in property relation .
Constitutional law should be supreme legal norms and property relationship and personal relationship stipulated by private law should be in accordance with constitutional law especially based on the constitutional principles of the liberty and equality of subjects .