
  • 网络artificial retina
  1. 这种人造视网膜,它的芯片可以将画面转换为电子信号,而它的微型投影机可以将电子信号转化为投影光线。

    This produced artificial retinas , whose chips convert images into electronic signals and whose tiny projectors convert electronic signals into light .

  2. 海军研究所的项目经理LarryCooper是毫微电子学专家,他说,CNN芯片有众多优点,用于人造视网膜非常理想。

    Larry Cooper , the program manager at Office of Naval Research who specializes in nanoelectronics , says the CNN chip has multiple advantages that make it ideal for use in an artificial retina .

  3. 一种高性能人造视网膜微刺激器的设计

    Design of a High-Performance Micro-Stimulator for the Epi-Retinal Prosthesis System

  4. 在视网膜视觉假体中,人造视网膜微电极是其重要组成部分。

    Artificial-retina-electrodes device is an important part of retina prosthesis .

  5. 提出一种基于子波变换的灵活可调的人类视觉信息提取模型,用于人造视网膜模型研究。

    A flexible and adjustable human visual information abstracting model is presented , which is based on the wavelet transform .

  6. 在6名盲人试用人造视网膜雏形机后视力成功恢复之后,针对新型视网膜修复术的试验将在不久将来进行。

    Trials of the new retinal prosthesis will begin shortly , following the success of a prototype that has enabled six blind people to see again .

  7. 医生对这些患者进行了为期21个月的跟踪研究,初步迹象表明人造视网膜发挥了作用,周说,所有6名患者的视力都有实质性的改进。

    Doctors followed the patients for up to21 months , and preliminary evidence hints that the device is working : all six had substantial improvement in their vision , says chow .

  8. 一种人造视网膜的合作发明者说,6位全盲或几乎全盲的患者在植入这种视网膜后看到了光线,有些人还分辨出了形状和面孔。

    Six blind or near-blind people can now see light and in some cases pick out shapes and recognize faces after having an artificial retina inserted into their eyes , says the co-inventor of the device .

  9. 此处受损意味着降低视力:请植入人造硅视网膜。

    Damage here means reduced vision : Enter the ASR .

  10. 在实践中,人造硅视网膜与仍在起作用的光感受器一起工作。

    In practice , the ASR works with photoreceptors that are still functional .

  11. 人造硅视网膜是一项里程碑式的科学突破,有可能永远消除一些失明病的威胁。

    The ASR is a monumental scientific breakthrough that could banish forever the threat of some forms of blindness .

  12. 人造硅视网膜上数以千计的显微单元每个都与能把送入的光图像转换成脉冲的电极相连。

    The thousands of microscopic cells on the ASR are each connected to an electrode that converts incoming light images into impulses .

  13. 人造硅视网膜是通过外科手术植入视网膜的下面,产生的可视信号与光感受层产生的可视信号相似。

    The ASR was designed to be surgically implanted under the retina and to produce visual signals similar to those produced by the photoreceptor layer .