
  • 网络human organ transplantation
  1. 我国人体器官移植工作体系的构建及其生命伦理学研究

    Study on Building and Bioethics of the Human Organ Transplantation System in China

  2. 首先,是对我国人体器官移植犯罪已有罪名的分析。

    First , the analysis of the crime of human organ transplantation has been the offense .

  3. 我国人体器官移植立法之思考

    An Anatomy of the Legislation in Our Transplanting of Human Organs

  4. 《人体器官移植条例》涉及的刑法问题

    The Criminal Law Issues Relating to Human Organ Transplant Ordinance

  5. 加强行业管理规范人体器官移植技术

    Improving Professional Management , Standardizing Human Organ Transplant Activities

  6. 人体器官移植不得违反有关法律、法规。

    The transplantation of human organ shall not violate relevant laws and regulations .

  7. 人体器官移植中的侵权行为产生的主要是人身属性的法律责任。

    Tort in Human Organ Transplant mainly arises the legal responsibility of personal property .

  8. 活体器官捐献是整个人体器官移植得以展开的前提行为。

    Living organ donation is to expand the Human Organ Transplant premise of behavior .

  9. 人体器官移植为人类医学救死扶伤带来革命性的变化。

    The transplanting of human organs has brought about a revolution for our medical treating .

  10. 克隆猪有望成为人体器官移植的供应者

    Cloned pigs & the potential organ donors

  11. 最后,对我国人体器官移植刑事法律存在的问题进行论述。

    Once again , our human organ transplants for the problems of criminal law are discussed .

  12. 论人体器官移植的立法原则

    Legislation Principles of Human Organs Transplant

  13. 对人体器官移植行为的法律解析

    Legal nature of human organ transplantation

  14. 其次,对人体器官移植犯罪在司法实践认定进行阐述。

    Secondly , the problems arising from the Human Organ Transplant crime elaborated in judicial practice .

  15. 生殖科技临时管理局及人体器官移植委员会秘书处〔卫生署〕

    Secretariat for Provisional Council on Reproductive Technology and Human Organ Transplant Board [ Department of Health ]

  16. 施行《人体器官移植条例》对器官移植供需困境的影响

    Influence of Implementing " Human Organ Transplant Ordinance " on the Supply and Demand of Human Organs

  17. 人体器官移植委员会

    Human Organ Transplant Board

  18. 在现当代它突出表现为人类辅助生殖技术异化和人体器官移植技术异化。

    At present , its representations are the dissimilation of human assisted reproductive technology and human organ transplant technology .

  19. 人体器官移植由人体器官植入行为和人体器官摘取行为构成。

    This article suggests that the human organ transplantation is comprised of the transplantation action and the removal action .

  20. 《人体器官移植条例》已经颁布实施,人体器官移植是一种公认的涉及敏感伦理问题的外科手术。

    The " Regulation of Human Beings Organ Transplantation " has been enacted and brought into effect in China .

  21. 这些规范管理措施的实施必将有利于我国人体器官移植事业的健康和长远发展。

    These efforts will definitely be beneficial for the healthy development of organ transplantation in China in a long run .

  22. 随着医学高科技的迅速发展,人体器官移植技术的临床应用越来越广泛。

    With the rapid development of hi-tech medicine , the clinical application of organ transplantation is becoming more and more extensive .

  23. 第五章,提出人体器官移植引入行政法规制的立法建议和具体对策。

    Chapter five , the author bring forward the legislative proposals and specific measures of administration laws system in human organ transplant .

  24. 结果90%以上的被调查者知道人的器官可以移植;85%以上的人认为人体器官移植是一项造福人类的事业;

    Results Over 90 % of the people investigated knew that human organs can be transplanted 85 % considered organ transplantation is a warefare undertaking .

  25. 为规范人体器官移植工作,包括我国在内的世界各国都相继颁布了相应的法律法规以及配套的工作规范。

    In order to standardize the human organ transplantation , including our country , all countries in the world have enacted the laws and work flow .

  26. 医疗机构及其医务人员不得为以旅游名义到我国的外国公民实施人体器官移植。

    I.A medical institution and its medical staff shall not operate human organ transplantation on a foreign citizen traveling to China in the name of tourism .

  27. 因此,迫切需要完善我国的相关刑事立法,以有效规制人体器官移植这类新兴犯罪。

    Therefore , there is a urgent need to improve our criminal legislation related , with the purpose of regulating of the emerging Human Organ Transplant crimes effectively .

  28. 随着医学领域的发展,人体器官移植在许多领域已获得成功,并已常规应用于临床。

    Along with the development of medical domain , many achievements on human organ transplantation have been attained and organ transplantation has been routinely applied in clinical practice .

  29. 有人说,人体器官移植技术是医学史上最伟大的发明之一,其起源最早可以追溯到古希腊时期。

    It is said that human organ transplant technology is one of the greatest inventions in the history of medicine , whose origins can be traced back ancient Greece .

  30. 同时,脑死亡立法的缺失也导致了人体器官移植中的一些亟需解决的刑事责任问题的产生。

    At the same time , the loss of brain death legislation has led to some urgent needs to solving the criminal responsibility problems in the Human Organ Transplant .