- 名human wastes ;night soil;human excreta

By adding night soil , TOC of garbage compost were found not to be increased , instead of the contents of TN , while C / N of garbage compost was decreased .
Determination of Cd , Pb and Cr in Konjac Fertilized by REE with GFAAS P , K and microelement of two undersized composts added with night soil had a corresponding increase .
The Measure of Preventing the Water Environment in the City from Being Polluted by Human 's Excrement
Access to sanitation , such as simple latrines in communities , prevents drinking water contamination from human waste and reduces infections .
In this thesis , as an example watershed of Miyun reservoir , rural household toilet and dejecta are studied by first-hand investigation , questionnaire survey .
Besides the strict control of the phosphorus pollution from farmland , attention should also be paid on the control of domestic water pollution from towns and villages .
This paper estimates our provincial resources and its biogas potentiality of rural organic wastes such as saveral straws and manures , according to the level of productive forces in1994 .
In the application of organic fertilizers , 108000 kg / hm2 of human manure , 54000 kg / hm2of pig manure and 45000 kg / hm2 of duck manure were recommended respectively .
Because human excitements belong to high organic and high ammonium wastewater , and traditional activate sludge method always demand highly sludge concentration , gravity separation unsteady , the last treatment effect is impacted .
According to the survey results , there were a large number of agricultural waste recourses at Bo Yang village . The main types of agricultural waste resources include straw , manure , human waste and livestock manure .
[ OBJECTIVE ] To investigate the effect of five kinds fertilizers , manures of man , pig and duck , chemical fertilizer and conventional fertilizer , at three application levels on the growth of Houttuynia cordata Thunb .
However , the plants would be harmed due to H2S and other harmful odor produced from the man-animal fertilizer , the would pollute the environment .