
  • Jin Yuelin
  1. 金岳霖认为,自然既有意义,也有意味。

    Jin Yuelin thought nature has meaning and flavor .

  2. 金岳霖找到了林徽音。他用一生的孤独来回报林这位前世埋了他的人。

    Jin Yuelin found Lin Weiyin and exhausted his lifelong solitariness to repay her who had buried him in the last life .

  3. 金岳霖逻辑与逻辑系统思想述评

    A Review on the Theory of Logic and Logical system

  4. 哲学家眼中的翻译&金岳霖、贺麟译观探微

    The Views on Translation Advanced by Jin Yue lin and He Lin

  5. 金岳霖与冯友兰是中国现代著名的哲学家。

    Jin Yue-Lin and Feng You-Lan are famous philosophers in modern Chinese history .

  6. 金岳霖的逻辑思想主要体现在他的传统逻辑和现代逻辑的思想之中。

    Jin Yue Lin 's logical thoughts is mainly reflected in his traditional and modern logical thoughts .

  7. 金岳霖在其《知识论》提出的抽象理论解答了感性认识如何上升为普遍性知识的问题。

    Ion in the book Theory of Knowledge , which answers the problem of how perceptual knowledge up to universal knowledge .

  8. 在归纳问题的解决方式上,金岳霖与罗素有师承关系。

    Russell is Jin Yuelin 's teacher in the method of resolving the inductive problem and Jin Yuelin deepens Russell 's inductive idea .

  9. 金岳霖的形上学以两个过程来完成本体构造与阐释宇宙化生。

    The process of Jin Yue-lin 's metaphysics is finished by two different processes , i.e.ontological constructed and elaboration of the universe 's change .

  10. 金岳霖对归纳问题的注重和他对归纳问题解决方式的探讨,已有不少论文论及。

    There are many assays concern about Jin Yuelin 's attention to the problem of induction and probe to the solution to the problem of induction .

  11. 金岳霖是中国近现代哲学史上的知名哲学家,他的《知识论》在中国哲学史上有着显赫的地位。

    Jin Yuelin was a famous philosopher in modern Chinese philosophy history . His " Theory of Knowledge " had its illustrious status in Chinese philosophy history .

  12. 罗素为解决休谟问题而提出归纳原则。金岳霖等人力图证明归纳原则是永真命题,但未对可能命题作出语义解释。

    Other philosopher such as Jin Yulun tried hard to confirm that inductive principle was a tautology proposition , but didn 't give semantic interpretation for possible proposition .

  13. 另外,金岳霖区分了真命题的真不是真理的真,对于澄清真假问题的讨论大有裨益。

    In addition , Mr. Kin to differentiate the truth of truth proposition is not the ultimate truth really beneficial for discussion to clarify the true and false questions .

  14. 作者不仅对金岳霖关于逻辑哲学思想的历史地位、历史贡献和时代意义作了深入精到的阐释,而且也对其历史局限和不足之处进行了深刻的反思。

    Not only are the historical status achievements and contemporary significance of Jin Yuelin 's thought explored , but its historical limits and other defects are also revealed to us .

  15. 实际上,你似乎给了像徐志摩还有金岳霖很少的篇幅&是不是你不希望他们和林徽因之间的关系,过多地暴露在聚光灯下。

    Indeed , you seem to have given figures like Xu and Jin only the minimum necessary treatment here & you don 't want them , and their relationships with Lin , to take the spotlight .

  16. 金岳霖还从逻辑的实质和工具两方面对必然、推论、同一、排中、矛盾思维三原则等基本概念作了深入的阐述。

    He also elaborated the concepts of necessity 、 inference 、 three principles of thought of Law of identity 、 Law of excluded middle 、 Law of contradiction from the essential and instrument of logic deeply .

  17. 金岳霖认为,教育目的有内在、外在之别,内在目的是指学生个体的发展,外在目的是为国家服务。

    Jin holds that there is an inherent as well as an external purpose for education . Hie inherent purpose refers to the students ' " individual development ", while the external purpose is to serve the country .

  18. 本文在逻辑大师金岳霖先生研究的基础上,分析了造成这一现象的部分原因,如:逻辑意识与思维内容不分,不利于形成专门的学问;

    Basing on Professor Jin Yue-lin 's research work , some reasons are presented as well as analyzed in this article : That logical consciousness does not detach from thoughts contents , which is difficult to develop into a specific subject ;