
  1. 为评估农用稀土常乐对人体胚胎的影响,采用微核试验和单细胞凝胶电泳技术检测混合稀土常乐能否通过胎盘屏障造成胎儿细胞DNA损伤。

    To assess the potential risk of mixed rare earths Changle for human embryo transplacental micronucleus test and single cell gel electrophoresis ( SCGE ) technique to detect DNA damage of embryo we used .

  2. 人体胚胎视交叉微血管的实验研究

    Anatomical and Quantitative Studies of Microvessels in Humen Fetal Optic Chiasma

  3. 目的:探讨经络现象与人体胚胎发育过程的关系。

    Objective To probe into relationship between meridian phenomenon and process of embryo development .

  4. 克隆人向我们走来&人体胚胎克隆研究的新进展(一)

    Clone Man Is Coming to Us & Research of Embryonic Clone of Mankind (ⅰ)

  5. 人体胚胎发育过程中的经络现象

    Meridian phenomenon in the development of human embryo

  6. 该技术依靠可调节的“微型阀”来制造出一层层的人体胚胎干细胞。

    The technique relies on an adjustable " microvalve " to build up layers of human embryonic stem cells ( hESCs ) .

  7. 本文回顾了近年来胚胎干细胞领域的研究进程,尤其是人体胚胎干细胞研究的最新成果;提出了组织工程中治疗性克隆的战略目标。

    In this paper , we reviewed the recent development of embryonic stem cells research , especially on the human embryonic stem cells ;

  8. 美国一家生物公司称,由于高昂的成本,被迫停止用人体胚胎细胞做实验。

    An American biotechnology company says it 's been forced to stop trials using embryonic stem cells in humans owing to the high costs .

  9. 韩国研究人员近日表示他们已经找到一种高效克隆人体胚胎并从中提取干细胞的方法。

    South Korean researchers reported recently that they have developed a highly efficient recipe for producing human embryos through cloning , and then extracting their stem cells .

  10. 研究人员表示,从长远来看,这一新打印技术将为人体胚胎干细胞用于实验室制造的可移植人体器官和组织铺平道路。

    In the long term , the new printing technique could pave the way for hESCs being incorporated into transplant-ready laboratory-made organs and tissues , said the researchers .

  11. 人体胚胎型ε珠蛋白基因5′旁侧一个沉默子(-392~-177bp)对关闭该基因在胎儿期的表达起重要作用。

    The developmental stage specific silencing of the human ε globin gene during embryonic period is controlled , in part , by a silencer ( from - 392 to - 177 bp ) upstream of this gene .

  12. 并且确立了未来人体胚胎干细胞研究解决组织工程种子细胞问题的具体步骤;指出了每项具体研究中所要解决的关键问题。

    We put forward to the strategy of Therapeutic cloning " in tissue engineering and establish the detailed procedure that resolve the seed cells " problems of tissue engineering by the embryonic stem cells in future . The key problems in the specific research are presented .

  13. 利用IVF废弃胚胎为核移植受体构建人体细胞克隆胚胎

    Production human somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos using IVF discarded embryos

  14. 关于人体受精卵和胚胎发育简谈

    As for the human body fertilized egg and embryo develop each theory

  15. 人体心脏心钠素的胚胎发生

    The development of atrial natriuretic factor ( anf ) in hearts of human embryoes

  16. 人体恶性肿瘤与胚胎组织乳酸脱氢酶及其同工酶抑制及热稳定性试验的比较研究

    Comparative study of the inhibition and heat-stability of the LDH isoenzyme in human malignant tumors and fetal tissues

  17. 中国已经制定了新药临床研究、利用人体干细胞和胚胎研究、以及生殖技术研究和治疗方面的伦理规则。

    China already has ethical rules concerning clinical trials of new drugs , research using human stem cells and embryos , and reproduction research and therapy .

  18. 亚全能干细胞是存在于人体多种组织中的分化潜能介于从人体胚胎干细胞逐渐形成组织多能干细胞的发育过程中的一种原始干细胞亚群。

    " Sub-totipotent stem cells " which exist in many tissues are the primitive subgroup between the embryonic stem cells and the multi-potent stem cells .