
  • Human geographical environment;cultural and geographical environment
  1. 媒介地理学不仅强调人文地理环境对媒介的形塑作用,更重视地理样本在媒介中的呈现。

    Media geography pay more attention to the presentation of landscape .

  2. 英汉语言语义差异之原因在于文字符号、哲学理念、思维模式和人文地理环境等方面的差异。

    The reasons of semantic differences lie in writing symbol , philosophical ideas , thought patterns and human geography environments .

  3. 其中,第一章介绍惠州城市形成和发展的自然地理基础和人文地理环境。

    The first chapter introduces the formation and development of Huizhou city ' snatural geography and human geography environment based on .

  4. 聚落的命名反映了人类在聚居时对不同自然和人文地理环境的选择和适应。

    The name settlement reflects how people choose and adapt themselves be used to the natural and human environment of a place .

  5. 地理学科是研究人类赖以生存和发展的各种自然与人文地理环境,以及人地环境关系的科学。

    Geography is the study of human survival and development of a variety of natural and humanistic environment , and human environment relationship science .

  6. 本文讨论了淮海文化的源流及其形成的自然与人文地理环境。

    The paper discusses the origin and development of Huaihai culture , and analyses the physical and human geographical conditions of formation of the culture .

  7. 再加上受人文地理环境、民族结构、宗教文化等方面的影响,中美两国在文化价值观方面也鲜有共同之处。

    With the influence of liberal and geographical environment , ethnic structure and religious cultures , the cultural values of China and America are different also .

  8. 地理环境分为自然地理环境和人文地理环境,它们对一个地域饮食文化的形成和发展产生不同程度的影响。

    The geographical environment consists of natural geographical environment and humanistic one , which influence to some extent the forming and development of dietetic culture of a region .

  9. 人文地理环境的变迁是城镇经济发展的直接动力,它包括人口、农业、交通等方面。

    Changes of humane geographical environment is direct motive power for development of town economy . It includes several aspects such as population , agriculture , communication , etc.

  10. 皮影戏在保定的流传历史及其所存在的人文地理环境,保定皮影戏的表演程序,分析其艺术表演特点;

    The history of the leather-silhouette show went round the Baoding area and the local circumstance of humanistic geography ; the performing program and its performing art specialties ;

  11. 其次,从山西的人文地理环境和画家的分布情况出发,点明地域性对绘画的影响及画家分布不平衡的原因。

    Second , from the distribution of human geography environment and painters of Shanxi , pointing out the reasons of imbalances in the distribution of regional painting and painters .

  12. 现代都市作为容纳后现代思潮倾向的人文地理环境,对短信诗歌的生存空间发挥着社会与文化方面的影响。

    The modern urban city as the humanistic and geographic environmental where helds the trends of post-contemporary thoughts has social and cultural influence on the living space of SMS poetry .

  13. 人文地理环境:1、经济实力;2、政治扶持;3、文化因素;4、制度因素;5、历史文化积淀。

    Geography Environment : one , economic strength ; two , political support ; three , cultural factors ; four , institutional factors ; five , historical and cultural heritage .

  14. 在安徽省南部地区,由于特定的人文地理环境和历史条件,至今还完好地存留了数以万计的明、清时期的古民居。

    Given special historic , cultural and geographic circumstances , millions of former residences from the Ming and Qing dynasties ( 1368-1911 ) have been well preserved in southern Annui Province .

  15. 古塔文化,是以自然地理环境为基础,人文地理环境为动力,在社会文化发展演变的过程中形成和发展起来的一种文化形态。

    Pagodas culture , based on the natural geographical environment , humane geographical environment in society as the power , the process of cultural development and formation and developed a kind of cultural form .

  16. 建筑物是在要求的地点,具体的人文地理环境下,一次性地组织人员、设备、物料,经过比较长的时空过程完成的建筑产品。

    Building is an architecture product at the request location and concrete human geography environment , organizing personnel 、 apparatus and material once , and being completed during a comparative long time and space course .

  17. 由于地域间的自然地理环境和人文地理环境存在巨大的差异,因此,社会文化的发展常常表现出地域不平衡性的特征,这导致了古塔在地域上的分布也呈现出明显的地域差异性。

    Due to the regional natural geographical environment and humanistic geography environment of great differences , therefore , social development of culture often behaves regional imbalance characteristics , which led to the regional distribution of the pagodas and displays obvious regional differences .

  18. 自然地理环境包括地质地貌、水质、气候、水文等;人文地理环境包括人口、民族等。同时,探讨人与自然环境的关系,以及人类对自然环境的利用、改造和保护也是研究的重要内容。

    The former consists geology , landform , water quality , climate , hydrology etc , the later includes population , nation etc. This study examines the relationship between human and nature , and the utilization , reforming and protection to the natural environment of human .

  19. 所以,椅子在不同人文与地理环境的差异中,传递着人在时间、空间环境中生活的信息。

    Therefore , the chair in the different culture and geographical environment , transferring the information of life .

  20. 在文章的开始首先对闽南地区的人文和地理环境因素做了介绍。

    At the beginning of the research , we will give a brief introduction of the geography and humanity environment in Minnan area .

  21. 山区乡村由于受特殊人文环境和地理环境的影响,与平原乡村相比,具有独特的乡村聚落景观和丰富的景观资源,但是经济相对较落后,生态相对更脆弱、更敏感。

    Because of the special cultural and geographic environment , the mountain villages have the unique rural settlement landscape and abundant landscape resources comparing to the plain villages . However , their economy is relatively backward and more fragile and sensitive .

  22. 本文从自然和人文角度分析了地理环境对基础教育的影响,并从学校、社会和家庭三个方面提出环境建设的对策。

    This article analyses the influence to the elementary education from the physical geography environment and the human geography environment , and proposes the corresponding countermeasures .

  23. 中国大地幅员辽阔,各个地区自然环境、人文风情等各不相同,进而形成了各地不相同的人文地理环境,丰富多彩,其中包括各地千差万别的建筑形式及其营建技术。

    The land of China has a vast territory , and different natural environment , cultural customs in vary various regions , thus has formed different environment of human geography , and colorful , including the vastly different architectural forms and construction techniques in various places .