
rén quán
  • human rights;rights of man;personal right
人权 [rén quán]
  • [human rights ] 法律规定一个人应享受的人身自由和各种民主权利

人权[rén quán]
  1. 我们想表明我们对人权的信念。

    We want to demonstrate our commitment to human rights .

  2. 这个国家人权记录不佳。

    The country has a poor record on human rights .

  3. 该和平计划本身违反了基本人权。

    The peace plan as it stands violates basic human rights .

  4. 加纳在人权方面并非毫无瑕疵。

    Ghana does not have an unblemished record on human rights .

  5. 双方在条约中都承诺将尊重人权。

    In the treaty both sides pledge to respect human rights .

  6. 这项《人权法案》适用于普通法庭。

    This Human Rights Act is enforceable in the ordinary courts .

  7. 他们认为人权方面的考虑现在只是第二位的。

    They argue that human rights considerations are now of only secondary importance

  8. 这份报告详述了战争期间所发生的践踏人权的情况。

    The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war .

  9. 任何党派践踏人权的行为都不能容忍。

    Human rights abuses by any party are intolerable .

  10. 他下星期将在一个大会上发表关于人权的演说。

    He is due to address a conference on human rights next week .

  11. 做人权工作是要冒风险的。这是难免的。

    Doing human rights work is risky business . That comes with the territory

  12. 有关侵犯人权的部分在报告中占据了显要地位。

    Human rights violations figured prominently in the report .

  13. 他只是含蓄地提到了国际社会对人权问题的关注。

    He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues

  14. 指责他漠视人权的女性组织与拉美裔组织

    Women 's and Latino organizations that say he is insensitive to civil rights .

  15. 将要谈到的问题与人权问题有关。

    The question to be addressed is interlinked with the question of human rights .

  16. 自1975年来,人权状况出现了倒退。

    There has been a retrogression in the field of human rights since 1975 .

  17. 《人权法案》通过已经200年了。

    It 's been 200 years since the passage of the Bill of Rights .

  18. 自8月份以来,和平谈判在人权问题上一直处于僵局。

    The peace talks have been deadlocked over the issue of human rights since August

  19. 联合国应该更多地进行干涉以阻止对人权的践踏和苦难的发生。

    The UN needs to become more interventionist to prevent human rights abuses and suffering .

  20. 会谈将涉及教会、人权团体和其他社会组织。

    The talks will extend to the church , human rights groups and other social organizations

  21. 联合国秘书长谈到保证个人自由和人权的必要性。

    The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights .

  22. 如果在政治上对自己有利,各国政府经常忽视其他国家侵犯人权的行为。

    Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so .

  23. 这些法律允许安全部队继续践踏人权。

    These laws allow the security forces to continue to ride roughshod over the human rights of the people .

  24. 为了弥补自己当权时对人权的践踏,他以出家来谢罪。

    He 's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership

  25. 如果委员会裁定韦尔奇有理,这个案件将送交欧洲人权法庭。

    If the commission rules in Mr Welch 's favour the case will go to the European Court of Human Rights .

  26. 任何讨论人权问题的尝试都会被以无端干预该国内政为由加以拒绝。

    Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country 's internal affairs

  27. 我不能赞同写信人所称恢复死刑就是侵犯人权的说法。

    I can 't agree with the letter writer who claims bringing back the death penalty would be an abuse of human rights .

  28. 他们现在将争取获准将案件呈交上议院审理,并且,如有必要,会上诉到欧洲人权法院。

    They will now seek permission to take their case to the House of Lords , and , if need be , to the European Court of Human Rights .

  29. 他们开始辩论人权问题。

    They began to debate the issues of human rights .

  30. 半个多世纪前,美国率先倡导联合国1948年通过的《世界人权宣言》。

    More than a half-century ago , America led the way in advocating for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , adopted by the United Nations in 1948 .