
yín hánɡ jiā
  • banker;bank operator;seth
  1. 指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。

    It made sense to appoint a banker to this job

  2. 到最近为止,他一直都是这个城市最有实力的银行家。

    He was until very recently the most powerful banker in the city .

  3. 银行家们对结果保持高度警惕。

    Bankers are keeping a wary eye on the outcome .

  4. 该银行将由一个职业银行家组成的董事会来管理。

    The Bank would be managed by a directorate of professional bankers .

  5. 他将上周的货币贬值归咎于银行家所作的不当评论。

    He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week 's devaluation .

  6. 警察、银行家和卖肉的全被一股脑儿地并在了服务行业里。

    Policemen , bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector

  7. 银行家们立即声讨有追溯效力的税收立法。

    Bankers are quick to condemn retrospective tax legislation .

  8. 银行家与钟表匠已经在伦敦城共同存在好几百年了。

    Bankers and clockmakers have coexisted in the City for hundreds of years .

  9. 不要盲目听信银行家的话。

    Don 't just blindly follow what the banker says

  10. 银行家们害怕会发生一场全球银行业危机。

    Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis

  11. 迷惑不解的日本银行家不必担心。

    Japan 's perplexed bankers need not worry .

  12. 伦敦商业区典型的奢侈挥霍的年轻商业银行家

    a typical City merchant banking yahoo .

  13. 西装无可挑剔:伍德推测他可能是个相当成功的出版商或银行家。

    The suit was faultless : Wood guessed that he was a very successful publisher or a banker

  14. 克丽丝极富艺术气质,你根本想不到她是银行家的女儿。

    Chris is so full of artistic temperament you 'd never think she was the daughter of a banker

  15. 许多白领,像股票经纪人和投资银行家,发现自己也失业了。

    Many white-collar workers , like stock brokers and investment bankers , find themselves in the unemployment lines .

  16. 沙特的银行家说战后工商业界信心猛增。

    Saudi bankers say there 's been an upsurge of business confidence since the end of the war .

  17. 尽管出身于银行家家庭,富兰克林还是决心从事科研事业。

    Although she came from a family of bankers , Franklin set her sights on a career in scientific research .

  18. 这个银行家大腹便便。

    The banker has an enlarged abdomen .

  19. 银行家的话滔滔不绝,但也烦琐冗杂。

    The banker 's speech was fluent , but it was also copious .

  20. 银行家怀特在白克埃街上建的大砖屋,使它黯然失色。

    The huge brick house which banker White had built on Buckey street had overshadowed it .

  21. 银行家们是自由放任经济学最有力的倡导者之一,他们非常愿意接受政府提供的数千亿美元的援助,这些援助自撒切尔-里根时代"自由"市场和放松管制开始以来,一直是全球经济的一个反复出现的特点。

    The bankers , among the strongest advocates of laissez-faire economics , were only too willing to accept hundreds of billions of dollars from the government in the aid programs that have been a recurring feature of the global economy since the beginning of the Thatcher-Reagan era of " free " markets and deregulation .

  22. 外国银行家和经济学家对部长的倡议反应谨慎

    Foreign bankers and economists cautiously welcomed the minister 's initiative .

  23. 暗杀银行家的密谋被警方侦破了

    A plot to assassinate the banker has been uncovered by the police .

  24. 但是,银行家们称技术专家官员不过在虚张声势,并且还会乐观的继续借贷业务

    However , bankers called the technocrats ' bluff and proceeded to lend with gusto .

  25. 一位很富有的巴黎银行家恳求一位著名的画家为自己画一张小画。

    A rich Paris banker begged a well-known artist to do a little thing for his album .

  26. 其实,如果所有的银行家仍然行如P?

    Indeed , if all bankers still behaved like P.

  27. 对开发商来说,一切仍然照常,渣打(StandardChartered)的一名银行家表示。

    It is still business as usual for developers , said one Standard Chartered banker .

  28. 上周,住房抵押贷款银行家协会(mortgagebankersassociation)的数据显示,30年期抵押贷款利率上升了0.35个百分点。

    Last week , data from the Mortgage Bankers Association showed 30-year mortgage rates rising 0.35 percentage point .

  29. 国际金融研究所(TheInstituteofInternationalFinance),这是一个银行家团体,它预计新兴经济体的资本流要比2007年低80%。

    The Institute of International Finance , a bankers ' group , expects capital flows to emerging economies to be80 % lower than in2007 .

  30. 另外,根据美国银行家协会(AmericanBankersAssociation)的数据,多种贷款的拖欠率在去年第三季度均有所下降。

    In addition , delinquencies for many types of loan fell in the third quarter , according to the American Bankers Association .