
  • Director of Human Resources;HRD;CHO
  1. AndreaAlaimo是美国物流公司红杉物流的人力资源总监。

    Andrea Alaimo is the director of human resources at US-based * logistics firm Redwood Logistics .

  2. 协助并协调所有部门进行酒店项目活动和其他由人力资源总监安排的任务。

    Assist in coordinating all departmental and hotel programs and activities and other tasks assigned by the Director of Human Resources .

  3. 你是要找XYZ的人力资源总监吗?

    Are you a Human Resource Director looking for XYZ ?

  4. 人力资源总监约翰•唐纳力(JohnDonnelly)已奉命在未来几周内起草详细的计划。

    John Donnelly , head of human resources , has been asked to draft detailed plans during the next few weeks .

  5. 几名CNH高管已被排挤出公司,其中包括人力资源总监。

    Several CNH executives , including the head of human resources , have been forced out .

  6. TBWA的人力资源总监对这次招聘会非常的重视。

    The HR Director of TBWA took this Career Fair very seriously .

  7. 连锁餐厅——比萨马上诺(PizzaExpress)的人力资源总监阿曼达•安德伍德(AmandaUnderwood)对使用领英招聘餐厅员工很乐观。

    Amanda Underwood , human resources director at PizzaExpress , the restaurant chain , is optimistic about using LinkedIn to recruit restaurant staff .

  8. 人才咨询公司美世英国(MercerUK)的人力资源总监西沃恩马丁(SiobhanMartin)对此表示赞同,她提到,对弱势青年或脆弱人群开展工作的社区服务团体实行特别严苛的遴选过程。

    Siobhan Martin , HR director at Mercer UK , the talent consultancy , agrees , noting that community services groups that work with disadvantaged youth or vulnerable people have an especially exacting selection process .

  9. 林意清,人力资源总监,百特医疗中国。

    Elaine Lin , Human Resources Director , Baxter China .

  10. 遵守人力资源总监和人事经理的统一领导与监督,服从公司的规章制度。

    Under the HR Dir and Personnel manager within the campany policies and procedure .

  11. 协助人力资源总监保证培训部有效运作。

    Assist the Director or HR in creating an effective efficient operation of Training Department .

  12. 对于张廷文的观点,深圳市雷士光电科技有限公司人力资源总监夏雷(音译)表示同意。

    Xia Lei , HR manager in NVC Lighting Technology Corporation in Shenzhen , echoed Zhang .

  13. 你们刚刚听到了一个人力资源总监将应聘者比作银汤匙和拳击手

    You just heard a human resources director refer to people as Silver Spoons and Scrappers --

  14. 她已被任命为人力资源总监,以便大刀阔斧地进行公司机构重组。

    She has been assigned to the HR Director to make a bold move in corporate restructuring .

  15. 虽然游戏化已成了人力资源总监中的流行词,但事实上它的接受度是有限的。

    Although gamification has become a buzzword among HR directors , the truth is that take-up is limited .

  16. 在一些公司,人力资源总监和全球奖酬主管都会参加董事会会议。

    In some companies both the HR Director and the global head of reward attend the board meeting .

  17. 她表示,全球主管的薪资将“非常接近人力资源总监,在一些公司与其相当”。

    She says salaries for global heads would be " very close to HR Director and in some companies , equivalent " .

  18. 华为技术有限公司人力资源总监张建红对此表示认同,他认为实习收获的不仅仅是经验。

    Zhang Jianhong , HR director in Huawei Technologies Co Ltd echoed this idea and believes that internship even goes beyond acquiring experience .

  19. 联想集团中国区人力资源总监刘永青表示,今年的毕业生在面试中表现得更为自信和放松。

    Liu Yongqing , director of HR operations for Lenovo China , said grads have been more confident and relaxed in interviews this year .

  20. 某网络广告公司的人力资源总监王栋(音译)则表示,他本人对微简历持谨慎态度。

    Wang Dong , a human resources director working for an online advertising company , says that he is very cautious when dealing with microresumes .

  21. 在此之前,他曾任晋江马哥孛罗大酒店的人力资源总监,且是酒店开业行政团队中的一员。

    He previously served the same role at the Marco Polo Jinjiang as a member of the executive opening team and the Director of Human Resources .

  22. 虽然辞职原因各异,但是北京首旅酒店集团人力资源总监贾冬梅认为,闪辞的主要原因是缺乏职业规划。

    Their reasons vary , but Jia Dongmei , HR supervisor at BTG Hotels Group believes that the main reason for quitting jobs early is a lack of career planning .

  23. 北京一家跨国公司的高级人力资源总监朱宇国(音译)说,最开始工作的三到五年对一个人的职业生涯至关重要。

    Zhu Yuguo , a senior HR manager at an international corporation based in Beijing , said that the first three to five years are vital for one 's career .

  24. 阿里集团的首席财政官、人力资源总监、首席客户服务官都是女人。

    ( The28 percent at eBay and Apple are more in line . ) AlibabaGroup 's chief financial officer , head of human resources , and chief customer officer are all women .

  25. “随着我们开发更多高级搜索技术,我们对于世界级人才的需求只会继续上升,”人力资源总监郑彬表示。

    " As we develop more and more advanced search technologies , our need for world-class talent will only continue to increase , " said Zheng bin , director of human resources .

  26. 众安在线保险公司的人力资源总监王振宇表示,互联网金融的创新公司之所以对于人才具有吸引力,是因为这类公司会制定中长期的激励机制,帮助员工在公司发展过程中实现个人价值的增长。

    Wang Zhenyu , the human resources head of online insurance group ZhongAn , said innovative Internet finance companies are attractive to professionals because of their long-term incentives , which can help employees increase their personal value with the growth of the company .

  27. 用视频会议取代现场面试,人事经理和招聘人员就能更快地安排首轮面试,,这样一来既能节省交通成本,同时也加快整个面试程序。上海乐高有限公司人力资源总监陈长青(音译)说。

    Hiring managers and recruiters can conduct first-round interviews more quickly , save on transportation costs , and make the process much faster by using video conferencing rather than scheduling in-person interviews , said Chen Changqing , HR director at Lego Co Ltd in Shanghai .

  28. 洛杉矶时代华纳在线人力资源副总监保罗·法尔肯(PaulFalcone)是《绩效考评实用2600句》一书的作者,对此他给出了更为具体的建议。

    Paul Falcone , vice president of human resources at Time Warner Cable in Los Angeles and author of2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews , has more concrete advice to offer .

  29. 与分公司总经理及公司总部人力资源部总监一起紧密工作建立分公司人力资源架构。

    Work closely with Branch CEO and H.O.HRD to build up branch Human Resource structure .

  30. 一位年轻的女士到一家大公司应聘面试,她把自己的材料递给人力资源部总监。

    A young lady came in for her interview with the human resources department of a large company and handed the executive her application .