
  • 网络chief Technology officer;cto;chief technical officer;CIO;Chief Technology Officer CTO
  1. 但是,首席技术官进来和我谈了一下,还问我是否有兴趣进来帮他处理所有组织上可能出的问题(而且同时解决一些很酷炫的技术问题)。我答应了。

    Instead , the CTO came in to talk to me , and asked if I would be interested in coming aboard to help him fix all the things that seemed to be wrong with the organization ( and solve some cool technical problems as well ) . So I did .

  2. 我用了三个月的时间,说服Right,Media的人,雇用我为首席技术官。

    It took me three months to convince the Right Media people to actually hire me as their CTO .

  3. 电子支付公司CreditCall的首席技术官、支付安全专家JeremyGumbley解释说,每个磁条都有三条信息轨道。

    Each magstripe has three tracks of information , explains payments security expert Jeremy Gumbley , the chief technology officer of Credit Call , an electronic-payments company .

  4. 移动支付公司Square首席技术官基思•拉伯斯表示,Square将涉足支付以外的领域。

    Square coo Keith rabois explains how the popular company will move beyond payments .

  5. •凯文•林奇:奥多比公司(Adobe)前首席技术官。

    • Kevin Lynch : former chief technology officer at adobe .

  6. 埃里森担任该职位已有37年,以后他将担任该公司执行董事长兼首席技术官,萨夫拉•卡茨和马克•赫德将出任思科公司联席CEO。

    He 'll become executive chairman and CTO , ceding the top spot to SafraCatz and Mark Hurd after 37 years .

  7. 凯瑟琳•弗雷斯博士2013年3月份被任命为IBM首席技术官(CTO)。

    Dr. Katharine frase was appointed chief technology officer of IBM ( IBM ) in March 2013 .

  8. 12.Quip公司CEO布雷特-泰勒(BretTaylor):他曾是Facebook的首席技术官,现在经营着一家神秘的创业公司。

    12.Bret Taylor , CEO , Quip : The former CTO of Facebook is now running a stealth startup .

  9. 还有首席技术官谁在IT部门的工作和报告的CIO。

    And there are also CTOs who work in IT departments and report to the CIO .

  10. 这篇文章的历史相关内容来自于LeeNackman的演讲,他是IBMRational的首席技术官。

    Historical content for this article was derived from a presentation developed by Lee Nackman , chief technology officer for IBM Rational software .

  11. 并列为负责人以监督COE运作的首席技术官(chieftechnologyofficer,CTO)和业务主管表明了高级别的承诺和管理层支持。

    A chief technology officer ( CTO ) and a business executive aligned as leaders to oversee the operations of the COE indicates a high level of commitment and executive sponsorship .

  12. 近5年前,该公司首席技术官雷奥齐(rayozzie)就警告称,微软需要加快拥抱互联网。

    The move comes nearly five years after Ray Ozzie , chief software architect , warned that Microsoft needed to embrace the Internet faster .

  13. 贾森霍曼,Spring的合作伙伴的首席技术官,也是Springpad应用开发,他也抱怨用户在Market上找新的应用是多么麻烦。

    Jason Horman , CTO of Spring Partners and lead developer for the Springpad app , laments how difficult it is for consumers to discover new apps in the Market .

  14. WrkRiot前首席技术官兼联合创始人阿尔•布朗(AlBrown)表示,崔原计划个人注资200万美元,但后来只投了40万美元。

    WrkRiot 's former chief technology officer and co-founder , Al Brown , said Choi had intended to put $ 2 million of his own money into the company but that only $ 400000 had materialized .

  15. ShapeSecurity首席技术官舒曼.高斯马宗德(ShumanGhosemajumder)认同监管机构很难解决问题,因为黑客不断开发新手段使安全挑战不断变化。

    Shuman Ghosemajumder , chief technology officer at Shape Security , agreed it is tough for regulators to solve the problem as security challenges are constantly changing when hackers develop new techniques .

  16. 随后10gen的首席技术官EliotHorowitz写了更为详细的文章,发布到MongoDB的用户邮件列表上。

    Subsequently10gen 's CTO Eliot Horowitz posted a more detailed post mortem to the mongodb users mailing list .

  17. Echodyne是高智发明(IntellectualVentures)剥离出来的第三家超材料公司。高智发明是物理学家内森·梅尔沃德(NathanMyhrvold)创办的投资和专利事务所,他曾在微软公司担任首席技术官。

    Echodyne is the third metamaterials company to be spun out of Intellectual Ventures , an investment and patent firm created by Nathan Myhrvold , a physicist who was Microsoft 's chief technology officer .

  18. 咨询公司MoorInsights&Strategy的高级分析师兼首席技术官保罗•泰西表示,很多硬件公司正在设法解决这个问题。

    Many hardware companies are working on ways to solve this , says Paul Teich , senior analyst and CTO at Moor Insights & strategy .

  19. 同时担任公司首席技术官(CTO)的普格里斯在纽约处理业务,而公司首席执行官鲁辛则在旧金山执掌公司。

    Pugliese , who is also CTO , handles business in New York while CEO Ruxin heads the company from San Francisco .

  20. 不仅如此,Marin的共同创始人兼首席技术官约瑟夫•张说,公司可以算出哪些广告促进了利润的增长。

    More than that , co-founder and CTO Joseph Chang says the company can figure out which ads actually boost profits .

  21. 诺基亚首席技术官拉姆齐•海德穆斯(RamziHaidamus)表示,N1平板将和苹果的iPadmini产品一样好,但价格更低。

    Ramzi Haidamus , Nokia 's technology chief , said the N1 tablet would be as good as Apple 's iPad mini but cost less .

  22. 这家中国领先的互联网搜索引擎公司表示,首席技术官(CTO)李一男将因个人原因离职。

    Li Yinan , chief technology officer , is leaving the company for personal reasons , China 's leading internet search engine said .

  23. 针对金汉娟的刑事起诉书还指称,她是由摩托罗拉前雇员、lemko首席技术官潘少伟(音)介绍给“b公司”及其代表的。

    Her indictment also alleges that she was introduced to " company B " and its representatives by Pan Shaowei , a former Motorola employee and chief technology officer of lemko .

  24. 首席技术官张建锋(JeffZhang)今年早些时候向分析师们表示,最大的变化是该公司如今能够处理的数据规模(1000PB),相当于大约5800亿册书。

    Jeff Zhang , chief technology officer , told analysts earlier this year that the biggest change was the scope of data - which now tops 1000 PBs , equivalent to about 580bn books - it is able to process .

  25. 自动化程度越来越高,(首席技术官们)担心应用程序或结点的一个小组成部分可能会丢失,安永技术、安全和风险服务事业合伙人理查德•布朗(RichardBrown)说。

    As things become more automated , [ CIOs ] are concerned that a small component of an application or of connectivity could be lost , says Richard Brown , a partner in the firm 's technology , security and risk services business .

  26. 在线餐厅订餐服务Wi-Q的首席技术官斯图尔特•巴尼特(StuartBarnett)尝试过几家大型数据服务提供商,他表示技术问题通常依靠电子邮件处理。

    Stuart Barnett , chief technology officer of Wi-Q , an online restaurant ordering service , has tried several big providers and says that technical problems are often handled by email .

  27. 维港投资有20多名雇员从事投资交易,包括长期效力于和记黄埔的雇员吉拉德•诺维克(GiladNovik)。诺维克在2010年成为维港投资的首席技术官,此前他为李嘉诚旗下的英国移动通信运营商Three工作。

    Horizons has more than 20 staff working on deals , including long-serving Hutchison employee , Gilad Novik , who became the fund 's chief technology officer in 2010 , having worked for 3 , Mr Li 's UK mobile phone division .

  28. 但IonicSecurity的首席技术官亚当•盖蒂(AdamGhetti)表示,FBI很可能采用了更简单的方法破解iPhone5C,这种方法无法在较新机型上使用。

    But Adam Ghetti , chief technology officer at Ionic Security , says the FBI is likely to have used a simpler method to get into the iPhone 5c , one that could not be used on newer models .

  29. 第二位人物是和Russell一起共事过若干项目的公司的首席技术官GonzoN.Propellerhead。

    The second person , who has worked with Russell for several projects , is the company 's chief technical officer , Gonzo N.Propellerhead .

  30. 高科技企业的文化未必对家庭友好,我认为,人们还没有真正意识到这一点,布雷特·泰勒(BretTaylor)说。他曾是Facebook的首席技术官,如今是初创公司Quip的联合创始人。

    The culture is not necessarily friendly to families , and I think that 's not really realized , said Bret Taylor , former chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder of a startup called Quip .