
rén ɡōnɡ zhì nénɡ
  • artificial intelligence
  1. 经理们已经学会了如何应对联网、人工智能、计算机辅助工程和制造。

    Managers have learned to grapple with networking , artificial intelligence , computer-aided engineering and manufacturing .

  2. 西蒙的书简明扼要地概括了人工智能及其在机器人技术方面的应用。

    Simon 's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics .

  3. “人工智能对我们有巨大的潜在利益,”他说。

    " The potential benefits of creating intelligence are huge , " he said .

  4. 不过现在转向研究人工智能的未来,这是一个可喜的改变。

    So it 's a welcome change that people are studying instead the future of intelligence .

  5. 如果我们的智慧能在人工智能身上得以加强,我们无法预测会实现什么。

    " We cannot predict what we might achieve when our own minds are amplified by AI . "

  6. 简而言之,成功创造人工智能可能是人类文明史上最大的事件。

    In short , success in creating AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilisation .

  7. 就在2009年,这一话题还没有得到认真对待,就连人工智能研究人员也没认真考虑过。

    As recently as 2009 , she said , the topic wasn 't taken seriously , even among AI researchers .

  8. 并非仅有学术界提醒人们人工智能的潜在危险和潜在好处。

    The academic community is not alone in warning about the potential dangers of AI as well as the potential benefits .

  9. 苏塞克斯大学认知科学教授、人工智能先驱玛格丽特·博登对这场讨论表示赞扬。

    AI pioneer Margaret Boden , professor of cognitive science at the University of Sussex , praised the progress of such discussions .

  10. 几十年后,人工智能将超越许多我们认为只有人类才拥有的能力。

    In a few decades , artificial intelligence ( AI ) will surpass many of the abilities that we believe make us special .

  11. “人工智能令人振奋,”她说,“但它也有局限性,不加权衡的使用会造成严重危险。”

    " AI is hugely exciting , " she said , " but it has limitations , which present grave dangers given uncritical use . "

  12. 当埃隆·马斯克宣布他最新优先考虑的事是使用人工智能制造家用机器人时,我们应该满怀钦佩之情期待着它的到来。

    When Elon Musk says that his new priority is using artificial intelligence to build domestic robots , we should look forward to the day in admiration .

  13. 很多聪明人害怕人工智能,担心有一天机器人会变得如此聪明,以至于它们将灭全人类。

    A lot of clever people are terrified about artificial intelligence , fearing that robots will one day become so smart that they 'll murder all of us .

  14. 新型电动引擎与人工智能和自主系统相结合,将有助于建立一个更高效、低污染、低噪音的综合交通系统。

    New electric engines coupled with artificial intelligence and autonomous systems will contribute to a more efficient , integrated transport system that is less polluting and less noisy .

  15. “我们花了太多时间研究人工智能的历史,”霍金说,“面对现实吧,我们研究的多是愚昧的历史。

    " We spend a great deal of time studying history , " Hawking said , " which , let 's face it , is mostly the history of stupidity . "

  16. 还有科技行业的许多先驱,其中最有名的是企业家埃隆·马斯克,他们也担忧可能会有超级人工智能损伤人类。

    A number of pioneers from the technology industry , most famously the entrepreneur Elon Musk , have also expressed their concerns about the damage that a super-intelligent AI could do to humanity .

  17. 他认为人工智能对人类是有利的。

    He thinks AI will be positive for humans .

  18. 在现实社会中使用人工智能则是完全不同的另一回事。

    It is something very different to use AI in the real world .

  19. 人工智能的一个例证就是无人驾驶汽车。

    One example of AI is driverless cars .

  20. 在一场有着明确规则和清晰目标的比赛中使用人工智能是一回事。

    It is one thing to use AI within a game with clear rules and clear goals .

  21. 但是,人工智能(AI)机器能够恪守伦理道德吗?也就是说,它们可以诚实和公正吗?

    But can artificial intelligence ( AI ) machines act ethically , meaning can they be honest and fair ?

  22. 在人工智能方面的进步将使人类更聪明、更有能力,并“成为更好的自己”。

    Advances in AI will make human beings smarter , more able and " just better human beings . "

  23. 该软件利用人工智能对学生的短文和简答题进行评分,从而将教授们解放出来以开展其他工作。

    The software uses artificial intelligence to grade student essays and short written answers , freeing professors for other tasks .

  24. 随着人工智能变得越来越高端,越来越多的人开始担心机器人会变成一种威胁。

    As Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) becomes increasingly sophisticated , there are growing concerns that robots could become a threat .

  25. 拉塞尔认为,当机器人承担起更加复杂的任务时,就有必要将我们的道德规范翻译成人工智能语言。

    Russell argues that as robots take on more complicated tasks , it 's necessary to translate our morals into AI language .

  26. 虽然现在针对选择题和判断正误题的自动评分系统已经非常普遍,但利用人工智能技术对短文进行评分尚未得到教育工作者的广泛认可,而且批评声也很多。

    Although automated grading systems for multiple-choice and true-false tests are now widespread , the use of artificial intelligence technology to grade essay answers has not yet received widespread acceptance by educators and has many critics .

  27. 真正的问题是,人工智能(AI)可能变得非常擅长某些东西,而这些东西并不是我们真正想要的。

    The real problem relates to the possibility that artificial intelligence ( AI ) may become extremely good at achieving something other than what we really want .

  28. 还有一些人认为超级智能的人工智能永远不会发生。

    Still others think that super intelligent AI will never happen .

  29. 通过解决好安全问题来推动人工智能领域向前发展似乎是可能的,但并非易事。

    Solving the safety problem well enough to move forward in AI seems to be possible but not easy .

  30. 但这一问题不应该像一些人工智能研究者忽略它一样被直接忽略。

    But the problem should not be dismissed out of hand , as it has been by some AI researchers .