
  • 网络industrial ecology
  1. 在整合可能与整合方向分析的基础上指出,能值综合与Exergy和效益成本分析等成熟的经济数学方法的整合,将成为产业生态学研究方法优化、完善的一个探索方向。

    Based on analysis of possibility and direction of integration among these methods , the integration among emergy synthesis , exergy analysis and economic benefit-cost analysis can be one of the main some optimization directions for study method of industrial ecology .

  2. 论文从控制学、生态学、管理学(企业联盟理论)、产业生态学等学科角度,对长期以来相对模糊的IES稳定性内涵作了辨析与界定。

    The ambiguous connotation and influence factors of IES stability in past researches have been distinguished and defined in the paper in three different viewpoints of research on control engineering , ecology , management science ( strategic alliance theory ) and industrial ecology .

  3. 生态工业园(Eco-industrialpark,EIP)正是根据循环经济理论和产业生态学原理建立起来的新型工业组织形态。

    Eco-Industrial Park ( Eco-Industrial Park , EIP ) is a new form of industrial organization based on the theory of circular economy and industrial ecology principles .

  4. 循环经济建设的产业生态学方法

    Approach of industrial ecology for the development of recycling economy

  5. 产业生态学及其实施的观念创新

    Industrial Ecology and its Thought of Innovation of Implementation Environmental Industry Information

  6. 建设产业生态学的中国学派

    Setting up Chinese industry ecology school The Important Construction News

  7. 产业生态学&科技发展与环境保护的链接

    Industrial Ecology as The Link between Development of Science & Technology and Environmental Protection

  8. 产业生态学与生态产业建设战略研究

    Study on Industrial Ecology and Eco-industry Construction Strategies

  9. 生命周期分析是循环经济及产业生态学分析的重要方法。

    Life cycle analysis is the most important analysis method of circular economy and industrial ecology .

  10. 产业生态学研究方法

    Research Methods of Industrial Ecology

  11. 城市生态学的前沿研究领域形成三个方向:产业生态学、人居生态学与城镇支持系统生态学。

    The frontiers of urban ecological research include : Industrial Ecology , Built Ecology and Life Support System Ecology .

  12. 本文基于产业生态学的基本原理,针对我国的环境、资源状况,提出了改变不可持续生产模式的技术方案。

    Technical solutions were put forward to change the unsustainable production patterns on the base of the fundamental principles of industrial ecology .

  13. 生态工业是一种基于循环经济理论、产业生态学理论、资源环境科学等理论产生的新型的工业发展模式。

    Eco-industrial cycle is based on economic theory , theory of industrial ecology , resources and environmental science the new theory of industrial development model .

  14. 第二章为全文的理论基础,回顾了产业生态学,循环经济理论,脱钩理论,环境库兹涅茨理论等。

    The second chapter is the theoretical basis , review of industrial ecology , circular economy theory , the theory of decoupling , Kuznets environment theory .

  15. 本文依据可持续发展理论的脉络,以产业生态学理论及其它相关理论为基础,探讨产业结构演进过程中产业生态发展系统的内在机制与运行机理。

    Based on theories of sustainable development and industrial ecology , the dissertation is intended to provide an industrial ecological framework for analysis of industrial structures evolution .

  16. 通过对产业生态学中物质流与能流分析、生态效率等方法的研究和借鉴,研究了城市工业生态化的评价工具。

    On industrial ecology , material flow , energy flow analysis , eco-efficiency study , the dissertation learned to build tools for evaluation of the urban industrial ecology .

  17. 本论文以产业生态学的角度和循环经济的理念,剖析了苏州高新区电子信息业的现状及问题。

    Based on the idea of industrial ecology and circular economy , status quo and competition of electronic and information ( industry ) in Suzhou High-Tech Zone are analyzed .

  18. 生态工业园区是产业生态学和循环经济理论在实践中的应用,是实现工业可持续发展的必然选择。

    Eco-industrial park ( EIP ) provides a basis for applying the concepts of Industrial Ecology and Circulation Economy and serves as an ultimately necessary approach to achieve sustainable development .

  19. 汽车生态工程是近年来研究的热点,将产业生态学中的物质流研究方法引入汽车产业,可以定量地测评汽车产业内物质和能量的代谢规律。

    Auto ecological engineering is a hot topic in re - cent years . Using material flow analysis method from industrial ecology in auto industry can measure the metabolism of material and energy quantitatively .

  20. 本文利用产业生态学原理,通过分析城市发展演化过程的特点,阐释了城市产业系统发展引发生态环境危机的根源;

    Based on the analysis of eco - environmental problems risen in the urban development using the theory of industrial ecology , authors discuss the root environmental problems caused by the urban industrial system .

  21. 提出以区域生态农业建设中景观整体格局设计和建立基于产业生态学的循环经济模式为核心的区域生态农业规划模式。

    This paper put forward the general review of the eco-agricultural planning mode in region , in which the kernel is landscape spatial pattern planning and the circular economy pattern basing on the Industrial ecology .

  22. 介绍了国际产业生态学、城市生态学和人类生态学的渊源、动态和发展趋势,以及产业生态工程、城市生态规划和生态文明教育的前沿动向。

    The origins , Progress , the state-of-the-art , and the perspectives of industrial ecology , urban ecology and human ecology are introduced with some examples in ecological engineering , ecological planning and ecological education .

  23. 以产业生态学意义上的产品概念为基础,通过工业代谢分析建立了某钛白粉生产企业的物料衡算表,分析了该企业的生态效率现状。

    Based on the concept of product from the industrial ecological point of view , the input-output balance sheet of a titanium white plant is worked out via industrial metabolism to analyze the eco-efficiency of the plant .

  24. 本文综合运用物质流分析技术和产业生态学理论,围绕推进磷代谢体系的生态化转型,深入分析了我国水体富营养化的控制策略。

    This study integrated Substance Flow Analysis ( SFA ) approach and Industrial Ecology Theory ( IET ) into a holistic methodology , and then applied it for analyzing P control strategy and related policies in China .

  25. 以太湖流域水稻生产为例,借助产业生态学评价方法&生命周期评价方法,评价不同施肥技术(常规施肥技术和测土配方施肥技术)下水稻生产生命周期温室气体排放对环境产生的影响。

    This thesis took rice production in Taihu Basin as example , through life cycle assessment method to assess the effect from greenhouse gas emission to environment by different fertilization technology , namely conventional fertilization technology and formula fertilization by soil testing .

  26. 本文借鉴生态经济学、产业生态学理论和生态产业相关理论,在翔实的实地调研基础上,围绕如何进行生态产业体系建设才能更好地推动三峡库区持续发展展开分析。

    Making use of the theories relating to ecologic economics , industrial ecology and the ecosystem industry , this paper has deeply analyzed the problem how to construct the ecosystem industry system so that the Three Gorges Reservoir area can develop continually better .

  27. 从理论上论证了产业生态学是生态管理范式的理论与实践基础,进而指出了产业生态学的产生与发展是环境管理范式向生态管理范式转换的关键所在。

    This paper proves that industrial ecology theory could be the theoretic and practical foundation of ecological management paradigm . Furthermore , it points out that the development of industrial ecology theory is the key for the transition from environmental management to ecological management .

  28. 产业集群的生态学模型及生态平衡分析

    The Equilibrium of Industrial Clusters : From an Ecological Perspective

  29. 基于现代农业、产业经济学和生态学原理分析京山桥米产业发展中的生态模式。

    Based on the theory of the modern agriculture , industry economic and ecology , the paper analyses the Jingshan Qiaomi rice industry from the ecological model .

  30. 同时,本文将产业经济学与生态学理论相结合,从耦合协调的角度对生产性服务业与装备制造业的共生关系进行研究,提出了提高重庆市生产性服务业与装备制造业的共生发展策略。

    Meanwhile , industrial economics and ecology of this theory will be combined with a new perspective on production services and equipment manufacturing industry to study the symbiotic relationship between the proposed increase of producer services in Chongqing and equipment manufacturing symbiotic strategy .