
jiāo tōnɡ liànɡ
  • traffic;traffic volume;volume of traffic;density of traffic
  1. 正在修建新的道路以应付增加了的交通量。

    New roads are being built to cope with the increased volume of traffic .

  2. 交通量增大,这就需要拓宽道路。

    Increased traffic necessitated widening the road .

  3. 用EXCEL表格搞好交通量调查分析

    The Investigation & Research on Determining the Traffic Volume in Excel

  4. 基于RBF神经网络的城市互通立交短时交通量预测

    Short-term traffic volume forecast for urban interchange based on RBF

  5. 基于PDA的便携式交通量数据采集系统研究

    Research on a PDA-based Portable Traffic Volume Survey System

  6. 城市局域路网交通量与OD估计集成仿真方法

    Simulation Method Integrating Urban Local Network Traffic Flow with OD Estimation

  7. 区域交通量OD分布推断方法

    Methods of Deducing OD Distribution of New Areas ' Traffic

  8. 用于OD反推的路段交通量观测点设置研究

    Research on traffic counting locations for OD matrix estimation

  9. 加德满都特里布万国际机场(TribhuvanInternationalAirport)是个很小的机场,很难应对如此巨大的空中交通量,许多飞机在着陆前不得不盘旋数个小时。

    Kathmandu 's tiny Tribhuvan International Airport has struggled to keep pace with the volume of air traffic , with many aircraft forced to circle for hours before landing .

  10. 本文利用改进的灰色GM(1,1)预测模型和马尔柯夫随机过程理论,建立了交通量的灰色马尔柯夫预测模型。

    This paper has established and applied the model of ( GM ( 1,1 )) and Markov to forecast the traffic volume .

  11. 根据大型活动局域背景OD矩阵推算特点,提出了两种由交通量反推OD矩阵的方法。

    Base on local area network OD matrix estimation character , two OD matrix estimation methods were developed .

  12. 基于改进型CTM模型的道路交通量预测

    Traffic Volume Forecast Based on Improved Cell Transmission Model

  13. 应用ARIMA模型,对宏观交通量时间序列进行模型估计和预测。

    The ARIMA model has been applied to evaluate and predict the time series of macroscopic traffic volume .

  14. 实例分析表明,灰色代数曲线模型的拟合精度好于灰色GM模型,用灰色代数曲线模型预测交通量是可行的。

    The example shows that grey algebraical curve model has better fitting precision than grey model . It is feasible to use grey algebraical curve model to forecast traffic volume .

  15. 综上所述,利用TIA方法,可以使大型公共建筑所引起的新增交通量对周围路网的影响减至最少,保证交通的综合平衡发展。

    In summary , using TIA can reduce the impact of large building on its surrounding and ensure traffic development on balance .

  16. 将OD交通量和路段通行能力作为离散随机变量,基于用户平衡分配模型,用近似算法求解行程时间可靠性。

    OD demands and link capacities are treated as discrete random variables . Based on user-equilibrium traffic assignment model , an approximating algorithm is used to estimate the travel time reliability .

  17. 结果表明PRPLASTS抗车辙剂适合铺筑在大交通量、重载较多的路段以及夏季气温较高地区的高速公路上。

    The results showe that Anti-Rut Agent PR PLASTS could be used in expressway with heavy truck traffic or in high temperature areas .

  18. 并将所建立的两个模型应用于实际交通量预测中,并与常用的处理非线性预测问题的BP网络比较,结果表明所建模型可行、有效,提高了预测精度,具有更好的实用价值。

    The two models will be used in real traffic volume forecasting , and compared with BP network . The result shows that this model is feasible and efficient , which increases the accuracy of forecasting and has more excellent practical value .

  19. 首先给出了一种增广的用户平衡配流问题的优化模型及求解算法,然后提出了一个从路段流量估计OD交通量的双层规划模型及求解算法。

    In this paper , an augmented user equilibrium model and solving algorithm are proposed and then a new approach for the O-D matrix estimation problem from link traffic flows is also proposed .

  20. 详细地研究了BP网络交通量预测模型的建模过程,讨论了BP网络隐含层节点数目的选择、数据的预处理等问题;

    The modeling process of the traffic volume forecasting model based on BP network was analyzed at length , and the problems such as choice about the node number of hidden layer for BP network , data pretreatment , and so on were discussed ;

  21. 采用遗传算法优化的RBF神经网络对短时交通量进行预测,证明了GA-RBF神经网络预测的有效性和可行性。

    Using genetic algorithm optimization of the RBF neural network to predicted short-term traffic to prove that the GA-RBF neural network to predict the effectiveness and feasibility .

  22. 并结合考虑目前运营交通量对月交通量预测的需求,将经济领域的ARIMA模型引入到月交通量预测中,最后通过实例验证了本论文方法的可行性与预测准确性。

    Next , the economy of the ARIMA model is introduced to a monthly traffic volume forecast to meet the demands . At last , the method is validated with the feasibility and accuracy .

  23. 运用计算机对高速公路典型路段可变限速系统进行模拟,模拟结果表明在交通量等于或大于2800vehh出现明显的效益。

    The variable speed limits system on expressway is simulated with computer simulation . The simulation results indicate that the benefits are obvious when the traffic volume is equal to or greater than 2800veh / h.

  24. 由于在寻求最优解的过程中采用并行计算,其运算速度优于Otsu法,满足了交通量检测的实时性要求。

    The method proposed by this paper has a faster operation speed than the Otsu method and can meet the real time requirement for traffic detection because of using parallel operation in the progress for searching optimum solutions .

  25. 军用机场沥青混凝土道面交通量换算

    Conversion of Traffic Volumes on Asphalt Concrete Pavement for Military Airport

  26. 公路隧道运营通风现场交通量调查

    In Site Traffic Volume Investigation on Operating Ventilation of Highway Tunnel

  27. 收费公路交通量分担模型建立与分析

    Theory and Analysis of Traffic Volume Sharing Model of Toll Road

  28. 基于信息融合技术的交通量检测方法

    Methods for the Traffic Volume Detection Based on Information Fusion Technique

  29. 公路项目交通量分配预测的简捷方法

    The Simple Way of Distribution Forecast for Highway Project Traffic Volume

  30. 城市土地利用与路段交通量关系模型的研究

    Study on Relationship Module of Urban Land Using and Traffic Volume