
  • 网络Transportation Technology;transportation science and technology;Transportation science & technology
  1. 基于模糊AHP模型的公路交通科技创新能力评价研究

    Research on Evaluation of Highway Traffic Scientific and Technological Innovation capability Based on Fuzzy AHP Model

  2. 交通科技成果评价理论与方法研究

    Study on Theories and Methods for Evaluations of Transportation Scientific-technology Achievements

  3. 江苏交通科技统计体系的设计

    Design of Statistic System of Communication Science and Technology of Jiangsu

  4. 《山西交通科技》2005年总目次

    Shanxi Science & Technology of Communications 2005 Comprehensive Table of Main Contents

  5. 2003年交通科技教育工作要点

    Key Points of Education in Transportation of Science and Technique in 2003

  6. 上海城市轨道交通科技创新战略分析

    Strategic Analysis for Scientific Innovations in Shanghai Urban Rail Transit

  7. 交通科技期刊的现状及发展方向

    Present Situation and Developing Direction of Periodical about Communication Science and Technology

  8. 上海城市公共交通科技发展趋势

    Scientific and Technological Trends in Shanghai 's Urban Transit

  9. 西部交通科技项目评价指标体系的因子分析研究

    Analysis of Factors of Evaluation Index System for Western Region Transportation Scientific and Technological Projects

  10. 基于综合指数的交通科技项目绩效评价方法研究

    Assessment Methodology for R & D Projects in Transportation Engineering Base on Comprehensive Performance Index

  11. 随着水路交通科技的发展,水路交通安全有了很大程度的改善。

    With development of traffic science and technology , traffic safety in waterway traffic is improved greatly .

  12. 在此基础上概述了公路交通科技研究和开发的三大趋势和五大热点。

    Three kinds of trend and five subjects of scientific and technical research for highway transportation are summarized .

  13. 对交通科技进步贡献率测算中主要指标范围问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Problem of Main Index Range of Contributing Rate of Scientific and Technical Progress to Transportation

  14. 黑龙江省公路水路交通科技发展环境与政策研究

    Study on Development Environment and Policy of Traffic Science and Technology of Highway and Waterway in Heilongjiang Province

  15. 交通科技进步对西部经济发展贡献率的实证研究

    Experimental Research on the Contribution of Advanced Communications Science and Technology to the Economic Development in Western China

  16. 该项目为湖北省交通科技项目(03-66-3/4)。

    This project is a scientific and technological project of traffic of Hubei ( 03-66-3 / 4 ) .

  17. 基于因子分析的西部交通科技项目评价指标体系降维处理

    Dimension-reduced Processing of Western China Road and Transport Scientific and Technical Project Evaluation Index System Based on Factor Analysis

  18. 美国交通科技创新体系及对我们的启示美国的交通都靠右行。

    The American Innovation System of Science & Technology in Transportation Industry and its Revelation ; Traffic in America keeps right .

  19. 交通科技项目具有明显的多因素性和不确定性,导致对其进行的评价也具有多目标性和模糊性。

    Communications science and technology projects are characterized by multi-factor feature and uncertainty , so that the evaluation on them is multi-target and fuzzy .

  20. 文章总结了十五期间我国交通科技取得的成绩,提出了做好十一五科技规划的实施工作意见。

    The article summarizes the achievement of communications science and technology obtained during the Tenth Five-Year Plan Period and proposes recommendations on proper implementation of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan .

  21. 橡胶沥青砂胶是西部交通科技项目桥面铺装材料与技术研究在混凝土桥面铺装方面的一项研究成果。

    Rubber asphalt sand gel is a science achievement of Western China communications science & technology project " Bridge deck laying material and technical research " regarding concrete bridge deck laying .

  22. 从建立交通科技成果评价指标体系的要求上,具体提出了交通科技成果评价指标体系设计原则与方法探讨了交通行业科技成果评价指标体系的构成及权重确立等问题;

    According to the requirement of evaluations system of the transportation ST achievement , the principle and methods for the system designation are given , and the constitution of the system are provided ;

  23. 本文结合陕西省交通科技项目03&01K《曲线预应力混凝土箱梁设计方法及承载力研究》,对曲线预应力混凝土箱梁桥的预应力效应分析方法进行研究。

    Combined with Shanxi transportation technology project-03-01K about design method and carrying capacity research of prestressed concrete curved box girder , the paper discusses the prestressing force effect analysis method of prestressed concrete curved box girder bridge .

  24. 宁波市交通科技发展计划中也提出逐步建成宁波海区船舶自动识别系统,完善目前的港口管理系统,提高港口营运效率,增强综合竞争力。

    There were already some plans in the Ningbo transportation technology development blueprints to gradually implement the Ningbo automatic identification system , improve the current port management system and port operation efficiency , and strength the competitiveness .

  25. 本文介绍了科技统计体系设计基本框架和相关要求,分析和研究了江苏交通科技统计体系的设计。结合交通科技统计分析要求,展望今后的科技统计数据分析工作。

    Based on the framework and requirement of the statistic system , the paper introduces the design of communication science and technology system of Jiangsu , and analyzes the works of future statistic of the science and technology .

  26. 由于传播与交通科技突飞猛进的发展以及世界经济领域所发生的巨大变化,文化间的交流越来越频繁。来自不同国度的人们直接接触的机会已大幅度的增加。

    The ever-increasing development of science , technology , transport and communication , as well as the tremendous changes of the world economy , is witnessed to attribute greatly to the increasingly frequent cultural contact among different nations .

  27. 随着交通科技的发展,为了解决日益增长的路网资源需求和缓慢的建设速度之间的矛盾,人们提出了智能交通系统的概念,利用智能化的交通管理来挖掘路网资源的最大潜力。

    With the development of transportation , a concept of intelligent transportation systems is put forward to resolve the confliction between requirement of increasing road-network resource and their constructing speed . The potential of road-network resource is excavated by intelligent management .

  28. 介绍西部交通科技项目“澜沧江高变幅水位码头结构型式和装卸工艺研究”的背景、主要研究内容、关键技术的研究及取得的主要研究成果。

    The background of a west communication science & technology project whose topic is structural model and cargo-handling technology of the quay with high amplitude of water level in Lantsang is introduced , and its main research content , research of key technology and main findings are introduced too .

  29. 如何对交通科技成果进行定量、科学、客观的评价,是交通科技管理中一个重大的理论问题和实际问题,也是交通科技管理政府职能转变,建立多元化的科技评价体系的需要。

    That how to make a quantified , scientific and objective evaluation for transportation ST achievement Is an important theoretical and practical problem , and it is also required by the change of the government functions of the transportation ST management and establishment of a general ST evaluations system .

  30. 本课题采用包嗅探器Sniffer对通信数据进行跟踪分析,并验证协议栈程序的正确性。本研究成果已经应用于交通部科技项目水上交通安全信息系统中。

    The system traces and analyses communication data with Sniffer and checks whether the stack program is correct or not .