
  • 网络relevant usage;course of dealing;usage of trade;previous course of dealing
  1. 承诺应当以通知的方式作出,但根据交易习惯或者要约表明可以通过行为作出承诺的除外。

    An acceptance shall be manifested by notification , except where it may be manifested by conduct in accordance with the relevant usage or as indicated in the offer .

  2. 试论我国合同法中的交易习惯

    On the Custom of Exchange Defined in the Laws of Contracts

  3. 典当规则是典当活动中的交易习惯,具有稳定性和持续性。

    Rules of pawn is custom of transaction , with stability and continuity .

  4. 交易习惯在合同纠纷解决机制中的适用

    Application of Trading Custom in Resolving Contract Dispute

  5. 符合构成要件的交易习惯应赋予其法律效力予以适用。

    Trade usage that conforms to important conditions of it should be entrusted with legal effect .

  6. 因此研究习惯解释规则,准确适用交易习惯,在司法实践中意义重大。

    Therefore , the study of conventional interpretation rule is of important significance to practice of justice .

  7. 第二,交易习惯的构成要件,此会影响到交易习惯的认定。

    The second one is the important conditions of trade usage . It can affect to recognize trade usage .

  8. 由此,对以下诸多问题的深入思考就是必须的:交易习惯应兼指习惯和习惯法。

    Therefore , thinking these following questions through is necessary : trade usage should refer to custom and customary law .

  9. 交易习惯是交易双方在市场交易活动中,因反复实践而得到普遍遵守的具有约束力的交易规则。

    Trade usage is trade rule which is practiced repeatedly and observed generally by the parties of the contract in the activities of market transaction .

  10. 掌握良好的交易习惯并不太平,但这些谁得到适当处理,并渴望得到体育界将它找到了非常有价值的。

    Mastering excellent trading habits is not tranquil , but those who are well-disposed and longing to get sport will find out it extraordinarily rewarding .

  11. 基于上述原因,通过对现有资料的分析和借鉴,加以深入思考,笔者形成了本文的基本思路:本文第一部分,概述了交易习惯的基本内涵。

    For these reasons , I think and form the basic ideas of this paper : The first part outlines the basic connotation of the trading habits .

  12. 合同漏洞补充的规则有合意补充、交易习惯补充、任意性法律规范补充和合同解释补充。

    The rules for remedy of contract flaws include remedy by agreement of the parties , remedy with transaction practices , remedy with indefinite law provisions and remedy by explanation of contract .

  13. 合同法对于交易习惯的确立,一方面丰富了合同法的内容,突破了只有合同明确约定的事项才能成为合同内容的旧观念;

    Contract law for the establishment of the " transaction habit " enriches the contract law and breaks the old concept that only those definitely specified items can be the contents of the contract .

  14. 后合同义务是合同终止后,当事人依法律规定,遵循诚信原则,根据交易习惯应当履行的以维护给付效果及协助相对人处理善后事务的附随义务。

    The liability after contract is the attached liability after contract end the party should perform to safeguard the gien effect and assist other party to handle affairs concerned in light of related law , deal customs and honest and credit principle .

  15. 交易习惯在经济生活中的广泛适用性意味着交易习惯必须要法律化,而将交易习惯写入合同法也是鼓励交易、尊重当事人意思自治等合同法基本精神的必然要求。

    The broad applicability of trade usages in the economic life means that trade usage must be legal , which trade usage is written to the contract law is the inevitable requirement of the basic spirit of the Contract Law what is to encouraging trading and respecting for parties .

  16. 实际上,必和必拓已经摆脱了缔结交易的习惯。

    And BHP , in truth , has got out of the deal-making habit .

  17. 近几年来,大致根据所交易画廊的习惯,摄影作品在拍卖中一直被分为两大门类。

    Photography has , for some years now , been divided at auction into two sectors which correspond approximately to the habits of the galleries which trade in it .

  18. 市场文化尚不适应,网上交易的观念和习惯还有相当差距;

    Market culture that is not adapted to the online business and still a considerable gap between the concepts and practice ;

  19. 这么广泛的交易面,如此庞大的交易额,不可避免地产生了交易纠纷,改变了交易习惯,由此也带来了许多问题。

    Face such a wide range of transactions , such a large volume of transactions , trade disputes inevitably produced , changed the trading habits , which also brought many problems .

  20. 预付卡交易方式相对于传统的交易方式而言是一个新兴事物,它改变了传统的支付方式和交易习惯。

    Prepaid card transactions compared to traditional methods in terms of the transaction is a new thing , it changes the traditional method of payment and transaction practices .