
wǔ lián
  • quintuplet
五联[wǔ lián]
  1. 这个五联动世CNC系统是含有步进与交流两种伺服驱动方式,含有开环、半闭环、全闭环三种控制方式组合的系统。

    Three methods of control , including open cycle control , half closed loop control and closed loop control , are all applied in this system .

  2. Charcot三联症和五联症死亡率分别为19.2%、46.1%。

    Death rate of charcot triad sign and penta sign were 19.2 % and 46.1 % . Conclusion Advanced age ?

  3. Cantrell五联症7例外科治疗

    Surgical Treatment on Pentalogy of Cantrell in 7 Children

  4. 食物中毒菌五联融合毒素基因的表达及免疫特性研究

    Research of Expression and Immunological Character of V-Recombinant Toxins Gene for Food Poisoning Bacteria

  5. 五联疗法治疗脑神经衰弱的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Curing Neurasthenia with Wulian Treatment

  6. 阻塞性肺气肿心电图五联征

    The electrocardiographic pentalogy of obstructive pulmonary emphysema

  7. 五联神经康复技术治疗持续植物状态的初步临床研究

    Preliminary clinical research of the treatment for persistent vegetative state by five combined of neuromuscular facilitation technique

  8. 法乐氏五联症的X线和二维脉冲多普勒超声的诊断(附10例报告)

    X-ray and Two-dimensional Pulse Doppler Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Fallot 's Pentalogy ( A Report of 10 Cases )

  9. 税务员:凭我们给您开具的不动产发票第五联及产权受理单即可。

    The fifth copy of the immovable property sales invoice and the Property Right Acceptance Form will do .

  10. X线和超声检查相结合,能对法乐氏五联症做出更全面的术前诊断。

    The comprehensive diagnosis of Fallot 's pentalogy at preoperation can be made by means of combined X-ray and ultrasound examination .

  11. 结论:本组10例法乐氏五联症患者的术前检查意见与手术中所见对比分析,认为右心导管和右心室造影是法乐氏五联症术前必不可缺的检查。

    Conclusion : We consider that the right cardiac catheterization and right ventriculography are very useful methods for preoperative Fallot 's pentalogy .

  12. 坎特雷尔五联症通常需要做外科手术,取决于患者症状的严重程度,如果放任不管,随时都可能死亡。

    Pentalogy of Cantrell often requires surgery , depending on the severity of the patient 's defects , and could be fatal if left untreated .

  13. 本文对采用七轴五联动车铣复合机床加工螺旋桨时的能耗计算方法进行了分析,计算了加工过程的能耗并给出了相应算例,与以前采用人工砂轮磨削加工相比,可降低加工能耗约20%。

    The energy in processing is calculated and examples are given . The results show that machining in machine tool can reduce energy consumption by about 20 % than wheel grinding by hand .

  14. 一位名叫Virsaviya的俄罗斯姑娘最近和母亲搬到了南佛罗里达州,她因患坎特雷尔五联症导致天生畸形。这是一种非常罕见的先天性疾病,据估计发病率为一百万分之5.5.

    Virsaviya , a native of Russia who recently moved to South Florida with her mother , suffers from multiple birth defects caused by Pentalogy of Cantrell - a rare congenital condition that occurs in estimated 5.5 in one million live births .