- 网络Five Diseases;five kinds of disease

Cost-Effective Analysis on " Five Disease " Control Among Children in Hunan Province
[ Methods ] To analyze the health examination data of the persons engaged in food business in Tai'an city from 1994-2004 . [ Results ] Total 183 532 persons were examined from 1994-2004 , detection rate was 3.15 % .
Output loss of single panicle caused by diseased grain for RGS , was regarded 10 % of them as the hierarchical index , and divided the one several 1 , 2-4 , 5-6 , 7-8 , more than 9 of diseased grains into five disease grades ( X ) .
The Diagnosis of Lameness Caused by Five Diseases
In a study of 84 patients , doctor found one in five needed surgery .
Five types of English color idioms were identified through comparative analysis of similarities and differences of English and Chinese color connotations .
The mortality rates of H1N1 influenza , Hepatitis B , AIDS , Tuberculosis and Hand-Foot-Mouth disease were top five . 3 .
Otherwise , there is no differences in attack age ; the level of ALT and anti-HAV-IgM , anti-HAV-IgG positive rates after onset in the two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .
Detection of Hair Trace Element of 118 Patients with Skin Disease
RESULTS : There is a significant difference among the usage of 6 types of drugs and between the usage of exterior and interior medicines of the 《 National Essential Medicare Formulary 》 for 5 common diseases in these 3 hospitals ( P < 0.05 ) .
The chronic disease morbidity of the urban elderly is higher than the rural elderly , in the top five chronic diseases ranking not all the same between urban and rural elderly , every urban elderly patients suffering from more chronic disease species rural elderly . 3 .
The book is composed of 30 volumes.Volume l is the pandect of medical science , including medical ethics , materia medica , pharmacy and the like , Volumes 2 ~ 4 are on gynecological diseases , Volume 5 0n pediatrics , Volume 6 0n diseases of the seven orifices , Volumes 7 ~ 8 0n dermatophytosis of all kinds ,
Analysis on iodized salt monitoring results of the fifth IDD survey in Jilin Province
Analysis of prevalence and incidence rates of cerebrovascular diseases in five provinces in East China
Methods IDD survey was carried out according to the " Plan of the Fifth National IDD survey " issued by Ministry of Health , PRC .
To the Zhou dynasty , there has been considerable attention to the diet in order to " Gomi , grains , five of its drug dependent disease " put diet flavors , grains and drug combination .
The top five diseases incidence reported of 2005-2009 were tuberculosis , other infectious diarrhea , viral hepatitis , mumps , gonorrhea , a total of 4382 cases reported , accounting for 87.52 % of total infectious diseases in five years .