- 网络FPDA;Five power Defence Arrangements

Rather , the FPDA 's persistence reflects " a concern that the distribution of power is in flux , creating a pervasive sense of insecurity that is hard to pin down . "
To continuate the defense relations with the Britain , Singapore and Malaysia signed the the FPDA agreement which established an informal military alliance-FPDA organization with Australia , New Zealand and the Britain after the withdrawal of the Britain .
The FPDA were a response to Britain 's precipitate withdrawal of its forces from " East of Suez ", which caused deep anger and resentment in the other four countries .
Malaysia made use of International Court of Justice to maintain their sovereignty on some oceanic islands . Besides , The Association of Southeast Asian Nations , Five Power Defense Arrangements and other multilateral cooperation mechanisms are used to safeguard its ocean rights and interests .
Based on the Allied Defense Treaty of Five Nations , military cooperation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations , military drill bases abroad , Singapore has set up a great net for safety , enabling itself to be one element of the whole .