
wǔ sà yùn dònɡ
  • May 30th (1925) Movement
  1. 五卅运动中的提倡国货与经济绝交

    Advocating Home-made Goods and Breaking off Economic Relations during the May 30th Movement

  2. 论五卅运动时期美、英、日对华外交之异同

    On the Divergence and Similarities of United States , Great Britain and Japan 's Diplomacy to China during May 30th Movement

  3. 五卅运动与上海工部局研究

    Study of Shanghai Municipal Council and the May 30 Movement

  4. 瞿秋白对五卅运动的历史贡献

    QU Qiu-bai 's Historic Contribution to The MAY-30TH Movement

  5. 梁启超为争取五卅运动胜利所做出的巨大努力

    LIANG Qi-chao 's great efforts to strive for the victory of the 5.30 movement

  6. 沪案交涉、五卅运动与一九二五年的执政府

    Negotiations on the Shanghai Incident , the May Thirtieth Movement , and the Duan Qirui Government in 1925

  7. 吴廷康与五卅运动的关系,过去囿于资料不足而语焉不详,甚至史实不清。

    As to the relationship between Wu and the May 30th Movement , it was not detailed and even not clearly recorded because of the lack of historical data .

  8. 其中,在实业救国思潮推动下政府提倡国货的态度,为爱国商标宣传活动提供了政治合法性;五卅运动中的提倡国货与经济绝交

    The Government 's attitude to advocate China national products gave it a political validity way . Advocating Home-made Goods and Breaking off Economic Relations during the May 30th Movement

  9. 至五卅运动,中国工人运动更是达到前所未有的高潮,并且从民族运动转为劳动运动,各地工潮迭起、历见不解。

    Till the May 30th Movement , the Chinese workers ' movements , changing from the national movements to the labour movements , reached an unprecedented climax and the strike movements all over China occurred frequently .

  10. 暴风雨似的“五卅运动”初期的学生会时代的往事,突然像一片闪电飞来,从这书,从这白玫瑰,打中了吴少奶奶,使她全身发抖。

    Memories of the stormy " thirtieth of may movement " launched by the students of Shanghai came flooding back when she saw this tattered book and its faded rose , making her tremble from head to foot .

  11. 五卅运动期间的上海工部局这一个案研究,有助于我们认识近代侵华势力各种力量不同利益之间相互交合的冲突及其复杂性。

    Study of the Shanghai Municipal Council in May 30 Movement , as a case study , is helpful for us to be convinced of the conflict and the complicacy among kinds of aggressor against China in the Chinese Modern History .