- 名the five commandments
- Five Buddhist Disciplines

[Five Buddhist Disciplines] 佛教中在家的男女教徒所应遵守的五项戒律:不杀生,不偷盗,不邪淫,不妄语,不饮酒
In1990 , he became a Buddhist and vegetarian after taking Three Refuges and undertaking the adherence of the Five Commandments under Great Master Ming Yang , in Yuanming Temple in Shanghai .
The Fifth Commandment is'Humor thy father and mother . '
The fourth chapter describes the modern meaning of the Buddhist precepts .
Master even restated the five precepts and reminded us of their meanings again .
Chapter Five Precepts of Buddhism and Confucianism and Christian Thought ring comparison and analysis .
Interpretation of the Fresco " Five Buddist Principles Origin " in the Da Yun Temple
What are the five precepts ?
The second chapter introduces the main contents of the Five Precepts of Buddhism and its basic characteristics .
Five Precepts of Buddhism and Christianity Ten Commandments content close to the value of all men virtuous .
Harmony for the Sangha , to call students believed to be the main objective of the Five Precepts .
This is where the five precepts come in : They are designed to heal these wounds and scars .
Buddhist precepts of the punishment is the most radical educational doctrine , is the most civilized method of education .
I give you only the five precepts , but the Bible has ten commandments so you have a choice .
Baojuan by Wujie Buddhist was adapted from a discussing scripture , namely The Story of Wujie Buddhist and Red Lotus .
But the Buddhist precepts to all sentient beings for the sector , beyond the interest of Christianity only human beings for the range .
Five Precepts of the Buddha intended to highlight the nature and value of life and enhance the dignity of life and the realm .
The Buddha 's path consisted not only of mindfulness , concentration , and insight practices , but also of virtue , beginning with the five precepts .
If we are above the five precepts and we continue our practice to keep many other more subtle precepts , then we are entitled to become saints or buddhas .
In the practice , the Humanitarian Buddhism shows more moral concern for the five precepts , ten kinds of goodness and the ways of Mahayana Bodhisattva based on mercy .
Marx says that the philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways ; the point is to change the world in his article " the outline about Feuerbahc " .
Five Precepts of Buddhism are : no killing , no stealing , no adultery , no lying , no drinking , its entry is simple , but content is very rich .
One of Xu Yun ′ s Contributions to Chan School is his theories on practice system which is reflected in three aspects : first , he took trisaranagamana and five commandments as practice foundation ;
Five Precepts of the killing and , quit stealing , prostitution ring , ring lie is generally recognized ethical principles of social , quit drinking even more special ties with the Buddhist practice is very close .
The Ethics of Buddhism is the religion preached by its precepts , ten good deeds , four camera , six degrees , and the Noble Eightfold Path has a wealth of ethical ideas such as color .
Five Precepts of Buddhism as the fundamental life , Confucianism the five permanent members of the guidelines as a man , so the Five Precepts of Buddhism and Confucianism the five permanent members of the content is very similar .
In the face of this hidden problem , " Ten good acts " have more internal regulation elements , but if denying the efficacy of " the five precepts " on individual consciousness , there will be another problem .
Five Precepts of Buddhism are all believers ethics to guide their actions , the Five Precepts is the doctrine of all Buddhists , the Five Precepts of Buddhism is not only the basis for discipline , or the worldly social ethics and moral foundation .