
  1. 云计算市场跟其他现货市场运作相似。

    It works much like other spot markets .

  2. GoogleAppEngine是基于服务的云计算市场的一个新生力量。

    A new player in the service-based cloud computing market is Google App Engine .

  3. Microsoft审慎的前进着,一边小心的保护着其既有的软件包模式特权,一边打量着云计算市场将如何发展。

    Microsoft is moving carefully , protecting its packaged software franchise while assessing how the cloud computing market will develop .

  4. 与此同时,SAP是企业软件市场的巨无霸,但在云计算市场却并非如此。

    Sap , meanwhile , is the 800-pound gorilla in business software , but not in cloud computing .

  5. 根据Jessica的说法,对于云计算市场的价值有多种不同的意见

    There are various opinions about the value of the cloud computing market , according to Jessica

  6. 另外,组织需要注意云计算市场的供应商锁定(lock-in)状态。

    In addition , organizations need to be careful of the current state of the cloud computing marketplace in terms of vendor lock-in .

  7. nec表示,预计中国初生的云计算市场将以每年30%的速度扩张,到2012年将增长至23亿美元。

    NEC said it expected the nascent cloud computing market in China to grow to $ 2.3bn by 2012 , expanding at an average rate of 30 per cent each year .

  8. 云计算市场是否真的已经开始往这个方向发展?

    But are we really heading in that direction ?

  9. 这场小冲突是最新的信号,表明了政府云计算市场对IT产业的重要性。

    This skirmish is the latest indication of the importance of GovCloud to the IT industry .

  10. 英特尔表示,面向云计算市场的销售额增长了一到两倍。

    Intel says its sales into the cloud computing market are growing by a factor of2 or3 .

  11. 这是新兴云计算市场的引导路牌,还是从后视镜里看到的景象?

    Is this a leading indicator on this emerging market or is it looking in the rearview mirror ?

  12. 大量并购受到移动市场和云计算市场变化的推动。

    A lot of this is being driven by changes in the mobile market , and cloud computing .

  13. 实际上,据高德纳公司预测,到2013年,云计算市场规模将达到1500亿。

    In fact , Gartner predicts that the cloud computing market will reach 150 billion dollars by the year 2013 .

  14. 然后构建云计算市场交易预测模型,包括现货竞价实例价格预测模型和客户需求预测模型。

    Then it builds predictive models of cloud computing market transactions , including forecasting models of spot bid price and customer demands .

  15. 在整个云计算市场中,云计算服务提供商发布的虚拟机资源的价格以及服务质量作为博弈策略。

    In the entire cloud computing market , the game strategy are price and quality of service of virtual machine resources published by cloud service provider .

  16. 根据市场调研机构国际数据公司预计,到2014年,中国的云计算市场规模将达到10亿美元,而这在2010年只有3.2亿美元。

    According to market research firm IDC , the cloud computing market in China is set to reach US $ 1 billion by2014 , compared to US $ 320 million in2010 .

  17. 应用云计算的金融市场数据解决方案:用于混合云。

    Cloud-enabled financial market data solution : For a hybrid cloud .

  18. 最终,我们极有可能在一个有大量云计算驱动的市场中工作。

    Ultimately , there is a high probability of all of us working in a heavily cloud computing driven marketplace .

  19. 尽管云计算取得了市场的胜利,来自麦肯锡公司的研究表明试图采用云模式对于大多数大公司来说都是赔钱的买卖

    While cloud computing is a marketing triumph , new research from McKinsey & Company asserts that trying to adopt the cloud model would be a money-losing mistake for most large corporations

  20. 云计算提供商已经在市场上确立了他们的位置。

    Cloud computing providers have already established their presence in the market .

  21. 移动云计算是个新兴市场,由智能手机和平板电脑的推广普及而推动。

    Mobile cloud computing is an emerging market driven by the popularity and increasing proliferation of smartphones and tablet computers .

  22. 目前云计算环境下的市场交易机制缺乏灵活性,并且绝大多数的企业均采用一种固定比率的定价模型,难以满足用户的不同需求。

    Currently market trading mechanism in cloud computing environment is inflexible , and the vast majority of enterprises have adopted a fixed rate pricing model . It is difficult to meet the different needs of users .

  23. 随着越来越多大型IT企业开始提供云计算服务,云计算市场规模开始急剧增长。

    With more and more large-scale IT enterprises start to provide cloud computing services .

  24. 该公司表示,与云计算相关的产品及服务营收到年底将实现翻番。分析师们普遍认为,IBM将成为云计算领域的市场领先者。

    Revenue from products and services related to cloud computing , one of the areas that analysts are watching for IBM to emerge a market leader , will double by the end of the year , the company said .

  25. 云计算是指储存在远程网络而非本地服务器中的数据。据研究机构Canalys估计,截至2020年,全球云计算市场的规模将达到1350亿美元。

    Research firm Canalys expects the global market for cloud computing , defined as the storage of data on remote networks rather than local servers , to reach 135 billion dollars by 2020 .