
  • 网络Cloud Solutions
  1. 新的采购将会被云解决方案所替代

    New procurement will be replaced with cloud solutions

  2. ChinHuang是一名专攻IT和软件架构的云解决方案架构师。

    Chin Huang is a cloud solutions architect specialized in IT and software architecture .

  3. 最后,读者将了解从何处可以找到关于IBM私有云解决方案的更多信息。

    Finally readers will learn where to find out more about the IBM solutions for private cloud .

  4. IBM还结合使用SOA参考架构和Cloud参考架构来帮助组织定义其云解决方案。

    IBM is also using an SOA reference architecture along with the Cloud reference architecture to help organizations define their cloud solutions .

  5. 本文还阐述了如何通过部署构建在RationalAssetManager上的云解决方案,来充分发挥以资产为中心的协作的优势。

    This article also demonstrated how to unleash the power of asset-centric collaboration by deploying a cloud solution that is built on Rational Asset Manager .

  6. 通过采用认证和防火墙规则严格管理哪些人能够访问什么资源,就可以确保运行在公共Internet中的云解决方案的组成部分虚拟机的安全。

    By carefully managing who can access what using authentication and firewall rules , you can secure your virtual machines that make up your cloud solution running in the public Internet .

  7. 在实验室使用VCL的优点–云解决方案

    Benefits of using VCL in labs – a cloud solution

  8. TonNgo是位于加利福尼亚圣何塞的一名云解决方案架构师和高级开发人员。

    Ton Ngo is a cloud solution architect and senior developer at the IBM Silicon Valley Lab , San Jose , California .

  9. InfoQ:近期AWS的服务故障会影响架构师对云解决方案的看法吗?

    InfoQ : How do you think the recent AWS service outages will affect architects looking at cloud solutions ?

  10. (财富中文网)本文作者SriramKrishnan目前为Facebook开发移动货币化产品,此前他曾为雅虎和微软提供云解决方案。

    Sriram Krishnan currently works on mobile monetization products for Facebook , and previously worked on cloud solutions for both Yahoo and Microsoft .

  11. 但是,在本文的下一部分中,我们将在本地的Linux服务器VMWare映像中构建Hadoop,因为Hadoop不仅适用于云解决方案。

    However , in the next part of this article , we will build Hadoop onto VMWare images of Linux servers hosted locally , since Hadoop is not restricted to be deployed on any cloud solution .

  12. 正如MySQL甚至没有与甲骨文(Oracle)争夺客户,就兵不血刃地击败了后者一样,如今的许多云解决方案也采取了相同的路数来蚕食传统大公司的地盘。

    Just as MySQL classically went up against Oracle ( orcl ) without ever competing for customers , many cloud solutions today are similarly disrupting the older guard by initially slipping into the " just good enough " category .

  13. 本文会重点介绍现有的功能,演示客户如何快速使用TSAM平台设置私有云解决方案。

    This article concentrates on the out of the box capabilities to demonstrate how a customer can quickly set up a private cloud solution using the TSAM platform .

  14. BalakrishnaNarasimhan是位于加州圣马特奥市云解决方案提供商Appirio公司企业战略部的高级主管。

    Balakrishna Narasimhan is senior director of corporate strategy at Appirio , a cloud solution provider based in San Mateo , California .

  15. 在降低成本方面,云解决方案可能会起到很大的作用

    Cloud solutions may have a big role to play in reducing costs

  16. 这些标准将概括云解决方案的整个生命周期。

    These standards would sum up the entire lifecycle of a cloud solution .

  17. 云解决方案的效力会使得整个技术领域得到简化

    Simplification of the overall technology landscape due to the efficacy of cloud solutions

  18. 他们为什么采纳云解决方案?

    Why did they adopt cloud solutions ?

  19. 哪些资产类型对于您的云解决方案有意义?

    What is the list of asset types that make sense for your cloud solution ?

  20. 云解决方案所面对的是一个协作、移动、开放的世界。

    Cloud solutions generally embrace a world defined by collaboration , mobility , and openness .

  21. 28%的受访者认为对云解决方案的最大的误解是安全性的担忧。

    Twenty-eight percent said concern about security is the number one misconception about cloud solutions .

  22. 随着更多的企业和技术开始关注移动和云解决方案,套接字开发人员也会关注它们。

    As more enterprises and technologies focus on mobile and cloud solutions , sockets developers will too .

  23. 大多数与之竞争的云解决方案都基于托管在虚拟机中的数据库的单一实例。

    Most competing cloud solutions are based on single instances of a database hosted within a virtual machine .

  24. 请记住,包含的映像尽可能少的云解决方案总是更容易管理。

    Remember , it is always simpler to manage a cloud solution that has as few images as possible .

  25. 应用程序平台的灵活性为如何集成云解决方案与已有系统和应用程序带来了挑战。

    This flexibility in application platforms brings the challenge of integrating cloud solutions with your existing systems and applications .

  26. 它使各种各样的云解决方案易于实施、可大规模扩展且包含丰富的功能。

    It enables cloud solutions of various kinds to be simple to implement , massively scalable , and feature-rich .

  27. 对任何潜在问题的理解和规划,是一个混合云解决方案能够成功部署的关键。

    Understanding and planning for any potential problems are critical for a successful deployment of your hybrid cloud solution .

  28. 29%的人非常同意云解决方案“已经改变了我们商业运作的方式”

    Twenty-nine percent strongly agreed that cloud solu ­ tions " have changed the way we run the business . "

  29. 你是想说在广泛设计时/运行时治理的庇护之下,云解决方案还需要不同级别的治理吗?

    Would you say cloud solutions require different levels of governance under the broad umbrella of design / runtime governance ?

  30. 为公共社区创建隐式成员关系,即每个注册到云解决方案的用户都自动成为这些公共社区的成员。

    Create implicit membership for public communities , where every user registered in your cloud solution is automatically a member of these public communities .