
  1. 但最大的问题还在于上市公司不良资质。

    But the biggest problem is the poor quality of the listed companies .

  2. 公司在资质、信誉度、人力资源、信息和业务来源方面体现了较强的核心竞争力。

    Fifthly , the A company owns core competition in qualification , reputation , human resource , information and business sources .

  3. 大多数mba学生都具备在顶级公司工作的资质。

    Most MBA students possess the qualifications to work at top firms .

  4. 施工单位、开发企业、物业管理公司等单位资质年检工作,是高密市住建局日常工作的一项重要内容。

    The annual inspection of qualification for enterprises of construction , developer , property management and other units is an important part of Gaomi Housing and Urban Construction Bureau .

  5. 本公司已通过国家资质认证,是殡葬协会会员单位。

    Our company has passed the state certification , a member of China Funeral Association .

  6. 同时,该评级结果对上市公司整体的信用资质评价较高。

    Meanwhile , the result to the whole credit qualification of listed company is relatively higher .

  7. 公司公章、经营资质证书的保管和维护,并确保它们被正确使用,如经营资质证书企业联合年检;

    Keeping and maintaining company chops and certificates , and ensure them used rightly , such as certificates annual union audit .

  8. 当粗差调查有争议时,由公司委托具有相应资质等级的单位对本线进行核查。

    In case of dispute in gross error survey , the company will entrust a unit with corresponding qualification grade to inspect this line .

  9. 假如公司具备投资的资质,那么通常建议它以自己的名义通过商业票据或债券的形式发行债务,这样更为有利。

    If a company is of investment quality , it is usually more advisable that they issue debt in their own name , either in the form of commercial paper or bonds .

  10. 上市公司的预期违约频率与该公司的信用资质变化吻合,并载有公司未来前景的情报性信号。

    The expected default frequency of listed companies can be measured , which is identical with the change of the listed companies ' credit quality .

  11. 然后论文对百林公司的公司内部环境因素和外部环境因素进行详细的分析,内部环境因素包括公司资质、业务结构、人力资源状况、营销能力、技术能力、财务状况等;

    The article exposits the internal environment facts and external environment factors related to the development of enterprises . The internal environment facts include qualification of company , operation structure , HR situation , marketing capability , technology level , financial condition ;